These days people have really lost there creativity. I hate to say this again but people should always just do themselves when it comes to music, so that way at least people will know where your coming from. I hear the same trap music everywhere. How can you get noticed when everyone else is doing the same type of music. Sound different and be different is all I'm saying and just "Keep'em comin & Keep'em movin".
thats your opinion i didnt think it was trap music but i make all music u cant just have 1 sound if u make music u switch it up un less u dealing with one type of artist but i do what the music wants to do i make music if it sounds good im happy i dont care what kind of music it is. peace out
This is a banger man!! The arrangement is perfect. Love the intro too. Let's you know right away that the song ain't about rims and poppin bottles; it's about some real hardcore life stuff. great job...
thanks alot I been trying hard to figure reasons out I got almost everything down but how to do a snare roll. hopefully someone give me a pointer. thank I only put 2 on here but I got more coming.
on I shouldve known it by rick1975
on We love to sin by rick1975
on come on yall (lets have a party) by rick1975
on come on yall (lets have a party) by rick1975
on What about my freedom(AndLiberty) by rick1975
on What about my freedom(AndLiberty) by rick1975