Yeah man!!! Love this track.. You killed it sir!! I checked vid out today.. Good job looks good.. Keep the fiya coming Rosh.. Soon bro.. You want that track you liked? I don't know if I'll ever finish But if you want to tryna spit some bars on it it's all yours.. Holla!!!
This is... amazing, there are so many 'rappers' here on the loop who undoubtly have no clue what they are doing - becuase of that i have kindof biult up a bias against 'rappers' on the loop... you have definetly shattered that bias to pecices.
Gret work - seriously, your defenitly going places.
Your vocals are incredible.. great instrumental to back you up, but my focus is directed at your voice man, I truly think you have what it takes to make it big.
Thanks man! I dont take it as an insult i understand exactly what you mean! Im trying to listen to as many styles of rap as possible at the moment, Eminem is one of them! I always take constructive criticism into account, yours has been most helpful and i appreciate you taking out the time to help me!
YYeeeaaahhh cuuuzzyy!!..lyrics lyrics...16yo..rraahh..nuff said..LISTEN TO THE LYRICS PEOPLE...Big !!...
----------------------------------------------------------------- You done a better job than i would tbh real..good
Pass it on if u want me to try tho fam..
Rosh man, this track is nice! I love your rap delivery over this mid-tempo beat, the track itself is epic, love the cool soaring synth in the background & I dig the chorus...there's really nothing I could critique on this so good job!
You dont stop of surprising me man.What a progress you have done in such short time so far,lyrically wise and beatmakin wise.Good luck with all your future projects lil man,you truly deserve.
Stick at it man, always room for improvements...first proper Hiphop track you say...good job for sure..seems you guys got into and had fun with this one..what its all about man, good show.
Thanks a lot man! I thought the same about your tunes! How do you wanna do this? You wanna e-mail a track or few to me?! Always lookin to collab with new people! Thanks for the review again man!
Some nice ideas here...the high end need sorting they take over the whole track at times... loving the lyrics brother... youse guys work really well together...but you gotta stop making do and make the best production you can.... as in the track "I promise no less" this track just suffers from lack of post production having said that I did enjoy the listen... keep 'em coming brothers
Thanks for the listen and review man! We'll take that into consideration, i havent a clue how to mix myself, OZed is still learning he says, but you are right, to step it up we need to perfect it. Appreciate it man!
on Devilish Riddim by Rosh and Produced By OZed by Rosh
on The People by Rosh
on The People by Rosh
Gret work - seriously, your defenitly going places.
on The People by Rosh
on The People by Rosh
definitly a fav!!!!
on The People by Rosh
You seriously have some mad skills. Just keep your head on straight and keep working and be patient.
Good things come to those who work their asses off.
Well done.
on The People by Rosh
in ya Backing vocals...
I recommend you list to eminem brother...some of his back vocals are just genius... especially his early stuff "slim shady E.P"...
hope you don't take that a insult... because this track is great...
there's some post production issues with reverb and blending but that all comes with practice brother... and trial and error...
keep 'em coming brother
on The People by Rosh
Instant fav.
on The People by Rosh
on The People by Rosh
on The People by Rosh
----------------------------------------------------------------- You done a better job than i would tbh real..good
Pass it on if u want me to try tho fam..
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh
on With The Best by Rosh