


Dunedin, United States
Joined : 14th Jan 2011 - 13 years ago
Comments on 67Ecosse tracks

Other users have posted 82 comments on tracks by 67Ecosse

Comments 51 - 75 of 82
MStokes 9th Apr 2011 19:33 - 13 years ago

on the Edge by 67Ecosse
this is the greatest imaginary song ever made audible - so intensely in yr head it has crossed the boundaries of the possible to the real - strange dreamy beautiful dimensions - respect
67Ecosse replied Unknown
total respect bro...thanks for the review...

JohnBoutilier 7th Apr 2011 23:46 - 13 years ago

on porridge by 67Ecosse
LOve it. That woo sound was cool. It was kind of like somebody exclaiming a feeling of excitement which seemed to match well with the track.


67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanking you kndly dear sir....and thank you for the fav...
DextDee 7th Apr 2011 04:11 - 13 years ago

on The Rising Sun by 67Ecosse
oo this is smooth love the panned triangles and he percussion are sweet. since i am in china, gotta love the Asian sound in there. good track here man, nice elements. makes the track different to listen to. well done here

67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks dextdee....i was on a little dextdee spree listening to some of your far the best thing to come from china this century :)
forcedgrooves 4th Apr 2011 06:48 - 13 years ago

on drool on your pillow by 67Ecosse
Oh yes man! Could be played in almost any demo. The 8 bit grunge beats be me off!
67Ecosse replied Unknown
thank you forced...totally appreciate them wordz and the fav.....
EmergeAndSee 4th Apr 2011 04:42 - 13 years ago

on let it go by 67Ecosse
I love the vibe and the woman singing/chanting or whatever in the background. Is it English? Nice job
TraXnCtrl 3rd Apr 2011 06:12 - 13 years ago

on insomnia by 67Ecosse
nicely chilled track 67
nice fx and use of vocals
well done
67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks trax...appreciated. all the best mate.
theHumps 23rd Mar 2011 14:15 - 13 years ago

on The Rising Sun by 67Ecosse
Some very cool sounds in this, liked the percussion too. It feels to me as a hip hop beat but still has a bit of an ethnic groove going on too. Nice blend of instruments and a nice mix as well! Well done!

67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks Wayne. I wasn't sure at first which direction it was had that hip hop feel but I changed up the beat and viola! thanks for the fav!!!
JRAWQK 20th Mar 2011 00:11 - 13 years ago

on soulrise by 67Ecosse
Cool track! Sounds well put together and everything keep it coming!
67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks rawqk....been listening to some of your tracks to...keep them coming man....sounds like you're developing your own sound.....keep at it.
jfw 19th Mar 2011 19:30 - 13 years ago

on The Rising Sun by 67Ecosse
Nice arrangement and some great inventive sounds used in this! Nice work.

67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks jamie.....mucho appreciate the kind wordz...
abnerbesares 19th Mar 2011 16:56 - 13 years ago

on The Rising Sun by 67Ecosse
man ! you sure got your way of getting my attention read this
( LOVED IT ) thank you for sharing 67E nice to always listen to your work, PEACE MY FRIEND.
67Ecosse replied Unknown
hahaha! thanks you abnersnare my firend and thank you for the fav!!
Vicen 19th Mar 2011 15:47 - 13 years ago

on The Rising Sun by 67Ecosse
An interesting track. A pleasure to sounds and melodies. A great mix of production.
Vicen 16th Mar 2011 04:49 - 13 years ago

on troops of tomorrow by 67Ecosse
I think a very interesting topic. Here's some good (although I do not know whether gender will eventually be ambient). I'm sure some Looperman partner, will help. I think that is an issue that you could put voice. A good job.
Thethanx 15th Mar 2011 05:40 - 13 years ago

on insomnia by 67Ecosse
Hey, really enjoyed this one at... 1:42 AM I wish I HAD expensive headphones, but sounds just dandy on my crappy little system! I'll download it and listen again.
67Ecosse replied Unknown
glad you liked it...thank you! sounds not too bad on my dell POS too...even with me blown speakers.!
ShortBusMusic 8th Mar 2011 03:56 - 13 years ago

on Hymn for the seas by 67Ecosse
Man, this is so good. I moved a year ago, from the Oregon Coast to the desert. I didn't know how much I missed the ocean until today. Absolutely beautiful. I do hope you finish this one.

But if not, it was the best one minute and 52 seconds I have spent in a long time :)

Thanks for that.

VickyDan 6th Mar 2011 11:18 - 13 years ago

on Hymn for the seas by 67Ecosse
Fantastic start .... You must complete this great music. Now I'll sit down to eat .... yum yum....

67Ecosse replied Unknown
thank you....I have a couple of ideas for this - so it could go in so many different directions.....
abnerbesares 6th Mar 2011 05:11 - 13 years ago

on Hymn for the seas by 67Ecosse
you know i'm always down for this type of music so you got my support man ! Beauty full track
67Ecosse replied Unknown
lol....I will be sure to keep you informed as this one develops......hopefully there will be lots more to come for you.....
VickyDan 5th Mar 2011 10:12 - 13 years ago

on The Long Walk Home by 67Ecosse
Good design and very subtle, with an arrangement very professional. I hope your beautiful dog, also enjoys .... ;O)

67Ecosse replied Unknown
ty v much for the kind wordz....molly loves it :)
abnerbesares 5th Mar 2011 04:31 - 13 years ago

on The Long Walk Home by 67Ecosse
CHILLOUT mmmmm it's my thing up in here ufff ! keep it coming man !
JohnBoutilier 5th Mar 2011 04:23 - 13 years ago

on The Long Walk Home by 67Ecosse
A great laid back piece. A very enjoyable listen.

mackit 5th Mar 2011 02:10 - 13 years ago

on The Long Walk Home by 67Ecosse
67 this some smooth stuff.the keybord is like a carpet finely laid. the beat sets the feel,and the lead line compleats the story. creative track.PEACE.THE MACK MAN OUT.
ShortBusMusic 25th Feb 2011 05:23 - 13 years ago

on insomnia by 67Ecosse
So, I put on the really expensive head phones for this one, and I'm glad I did.

Really nice balance on this, you've got everything sitting really well in the mix. Nice panning, great percussion, just an outstanding effort. The only criticism is the vocal snippet at the 1:43 mark is close to clipping....and there is a slight click from a loop splice at the 3:37 mark...but that's nitpicking the hell out of things, haha. I would have never heard either of those on the $300 headphones ;)

Seriously though, I have to agree with MCHN, the 4 minutes went by too quickly. Well done.

67Ecosse replied Unknown
Hi Bear,

thanks for the review...I was quite bummed at the final mix of it when I heard both instances you mentioned...listened to it thru' my headphones - I hear the some tracks this mysteriously disappears in the mixdown and did in the previous version ...I usually try to mask it by adding another sound when I hear a pop or click and it generally works (total beginner - with no clue)...will try to to it over tonight - any tricks to remove that? work on the that vocal piece....mucho thanks bear...will let you know how it turns out

***uploaded a newer version - much better and removed the click....again it seems the only way to do it was move the vocal over where it clicked????
MCHN 24th Feb 2011 22:37 - 13 years ago

on insomnia by 67Ecosse
I love this. It's got a trip hop vibe to me. Real relaxing. Great track's also go by real quick. Looked and bam, nearly 4 minutes had passed in that moment. That sorta glitchy pitchshifting perc that plays is also really good. I've tried a lot of times to get those kinds of sounds. Really hard to nail but you got it just right on this one. The only thing I could think to maybe adjust is the kick's low end frequency. I love it's punchy sound, but at a higher volume it takes over a bit. Other than that this is a solid track. Cheer's :D
67Ecosse replied Unknown
totally appreciate the review - ...mastering is something I need to learn I wasn't too happy about the kisck but have made some chages to lower it a tad....sounds better but I'm losing something when I convert the .wav file to mp3....

thanx again....
rei4real 21st Feb 2011 05:51 - 13 years ago

on soulrise by 67Ecosse
that's pretty nice my friend!
not sure if it's finished, sounds like a long intro atm ... but it's very solid and balanced.
good one ...

thx for using one of my loops ... and thx for letting me know!!

peace, rei
67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks rei,

not sure about the intro - it needs something in there 4 sure or shortened a little bit. likin your loops will use some more in the future!
ShortBusMusic 16th Feb 2011 03:11 - 13 years ago

on Caravan for me maw by 67Ecosse
Ah hahaha, another outstanding track my friend. I loved that movie as well. Your maw must be really happy with this one :)

The production is so good, this is just crystal clear. I love a mix that I can hear everything that is going on.

Really, really well done. Faved for sure.

ShortBusMusic 9th Feb 2011 06:22 - 13 years ago

on what the haterz talkin bout by 67Ecosse
Nice job! I like the use of the choir. It kind of lulls the listener into this calm state and then wham, here comes the synth and the beat really drops.

Nice mix too. It had the paintings on the wall rocking, haha. The wife will think I had a party or something.

Outstanding effort.

Comments 51 - 75 of 82