You have a lot to offer for sure!!!!! I love the up beat feel and clear production, a rocky edge too...I want to mess with my vocals more with production...
I like to use the waltz beat too, always makes the song sound different. You have a very strong voice and it is very nice to listen to. I like the track and agree with eshar that things coud be added to it but simplicity should never be underestimated. I think you are onto something here, nice track and welcome to the loop!
on Fly Away by samkingtheartist
great great stuff. I would love to collab witchu.
on Fly Away by samkingtheartist
on Change by samkingtheartist
on Change by samkingtheartist
on Change by samkingtheartist
on Bouncy Lovely by samkingtheartist
on Change by samkingtheartist
on Change by samkingtheartist