What's up Colonel, I was thinkin about workin on this same pella but your production is beyond me man. Wicked track, Your love for hip-hop is obvious to the listener. True hip-hop, The pharcyde, De La Soul, Digitial Underground, PE, you know where to find the good stuff.
Yieeaaahh Brent, ya definitly rihgt !!! Thx fo such a soulful review, man ! Ya down fo sure wit this thang as deep as i am, 88 ! Keep on knockin & bumpin dat sh+t !!! Peace out to ya productionz !!!
nice blends on the track cat digital beauty in hardcore expression.. truly sounds the skills on the mixture of the vocals fo sho......peace............. curiosity sake if you could display a strictly instrumental version......
THCX HARUMERTI fo such a "flowing down like honey" review !!! Ya also put out quality tunes for sure, man !
Played this track 7 yearz ago to german MCs, who r naturally fixed on tha productz been on da market, y.k.w.i.s.???
I always knew that this track is good fo sure -
Already reviewed this on Manzet page but I wanted to drop a review here too. Awesome track Coloneldebug. The beat is off the chain. Manzet lyrically delivered the fire. Production sounds great. Great job man.
Thx foobar !!!
I did this track quite fast, a few dayz before i went to hospital, cause i had no time fo playin piano, i used these 2 Minor2Go loops. I only made tha beat & base, therefore, a musical climax is missin.
eh eh... check it out ya....
Back to the oldies , when time was running, above the 90's...
Yhe homie i like this, sure its a grate beat ,note flips ,notice? who the groovy man behind all this ?
This is quite a chiller - for some reason when I think of Hip- Hop I think of Rap so I was expecting sopmething entirely different! Nice enjoyable laid back groove to go with my morning coffeee.
Manzet ate another one up. Nice, yawl did a good job. Dam, had to edit my review towards the end of the song! It really knocks, oh hell yeah! Yawl on it!
on burnee ekkl stoned by coloneldebug
Would luv to collab fo sure - do ya need tha track fo blazin sum hot sh+t on it ?
Do it, man if ya want !
Peace out,
Da Colonel
on I AINT SHIAT feat Buddahmann by coloneldebug
Da Colonel
on own my ohhhhhh by coloneldebug
Ya right - a vokal should fit on dat shiat !!!
Hope i can catch da nastiest 1 !!!
Da Colonel
on 1 buck 65 by coloneldebug
Jus wanted to create a new instrumental fo sure !!!
Peace out,
Da Colonel
on I AINT SHIAT feat Buddahmann by coloneldebug
I will display tha instru as soon az possible - @ tha moment i`v already uploaded tha max !!!!
Da Colonel
on burnee ekkl stoned by coloneldebug
Played this track 7 yearz ago to german MCs, who r naturally fixed on tha productz been on da market, y.k.w.i.s.???
I always knew that this track is good fo sure -
Thanxx again & all tha best fo ya music -
Da Colonel
on 1 buck 65 by coloneldebug
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
Wish ya all tha best fo ya production ( gotta getup to ya account in tha next few dayz )
Peace out,
Da Colonel
on 1 buck 65 by coloneldebug
Elefantastic track. I love him.
cheers Zappo
Thx fo da fantastic review !
Did ya watch da 5:2 from Borussia ???
That was elefantastic too. We got a lot of Gladbach fans here in tha Hamburg area !!!
Peace out
God bless you & ya production,
Da Colonel
on All I Got feat New 5ense feat Minor2Go by coloneldebug
I did this track quite fast, a few dayz before i went to hospital, cause i had no time fo playin piano, i used these 2 Minor2Go loops. I only made tha beat & base, therefore, a musical climax is missin.
Peace out & all tha best,
Da Colonel
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
Manzet put a lot of work in my smooth g-tune. The result shows !!! Hope that it will be a hit fo real ???!!!!
Big ups & peace out
Da Colonel
on burnee ekkl stoned by coloneldebug
Back to the oldies , when time was running, above the 90's...
Yhe homie i like this, sure its a grate beat ,note flips ,notice? who the groovy man behind all this ?
Lil rap...really inspiring
If ya wanna flow on it, don`t do you any harm !
Problem could be tha tempo, cause these traxx r olda - made in Logic, whìch I´m runin no more.
Keep doin ya thang, bra
Peace out
Da Colonel
on burnee ekkl stoned by coloneldebug
Shall ya mornin coffee be alwayz hot an deliciouz !!!
Puff out on dis tune
Da Colonel
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
I´m proud of bein`hyped by ya !!! Manzet did tha monstapart !!! Hughe ups !!!
on All I Got feat New 5ense feat Minor2Go by coloneldebug
Great work as always, my friend
Do you remember the artist or link ? So that i can make a reply , huh ?
Peace out,
Da Colonel
All tha best
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
My eyez r healed right now - wish ya da best fo ya production & life !!!!
Peace out,
Da Colonel
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
a little RMX would certainly make da instrumental a bit tighter. Thatz x-actly what i thought last night !!!
Peace out,
Da Colonel
on my rhyme feat Helemon by coloneldebug
I found this pella from Helemon here @lopperman and tried a fusion wit a beat of mine -
the feel is G - Funk fo real
Peace, love, unity out
God bless Japan
Tha Colonel
on saved by coloneldebug
Do it if ya like, homie !!!!
Peace out,
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
I do appreciate ya review, cause i`v already listend to ya Diamond No. 4080 !!!!
Peace out to ya productionz
Da Colonel
on OG Feat MANZET by coloneldebug
It´z only 1 verse + hook, but prepared to get finished ! Blueprint o whatever. Waitin on tha hole thang payz.
Peace & big respect to you & ya music
Da Colonel
on All I Got feat New 5ense feat Minor2Go by coloneldebug
da hook can make thoughest guyz get emo - thatz juz getto
Peace out
Da Colonel
on tic take em by coloneldebug
I like it
ya right in all cases - a fusion would fit exactly
good idea mahn !!!
keep tha tunez rockin`
da colonel
on gz finest by coloneldebug
All i want ya to iz: keep em humpin & bumpin !!!
And tha best fo ya music productionz !
Peace out - tha Colonel
on buggashuttin by coloneldebug
dito !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!