Kind easy for us To tell when its song or one ur involved in, ur style is pretty straightforward and tends to work best when done a certain keys and tempos and also in song structure - the same ones Pnnywze tends to use. no wonder u guys work so well together. nice work dude. - T.M.S.
aye i enjoy working with your brother its a shame we are not in the same country imagine what we could come up with lol thanks for yoiur support and listen man much appreciated. :)
Hello Cyberflares, pretty interesting track my friend...I like the spoken vocals with the background vocals while the strings and percussions are keeping pace....nice
such a beautiful sound on this one - super dreamy melodic hip hop, perfect instrumentation and very cool work on the drums - really love the way you have set that excellent vox
sometimes i dont post them on feature to give others a chance of showing off there stuff plus i did not think this one was up to much lol thanks for your listen and comment :)
Ok wow. I'm a friend of Aaron/Pnnywze and his brother Jared/Vizio, they told me to come listen to some of the songs here bcuz they are really good, and they wasnt lying! Just Wow! This collaborative effort oozes creativity!! Beautiful work! The only thing I'd do is take the loudness down a few decibels, other than that, gorgeous work!
A friend of aaron's is a friend of mine :)
thanks for your listen and comment they mean a lot from both of us.
ive taken note of the loudness and will try to get it down again thanks for the visit. :)
Hello guys, I liked your song, very interesting flow and beautiful changes throughout its duration. Very nice chord progressions too. I had a problem though with the bass, or 808 sound in some parts of the song. I think that this needs your attention. To my ears it's a bit in excess. I believe it creates a distortion to your sound. This is my only suggestion. Great work.
My best wishes, Anthony.
Hi anthony
thanks for your listen and comment the 808 will be my fault Pnnywze let myself produce it so my experience is not as good at picking out wrong bits so i thank you for your input and will try to amend it. :) thanks from Pnnywze too.
Hip hop for square dancers - love the structure and melodic interplays and the if im not wrong pnnywze's trap influence has rubbed off a little on this one. Beautiful production too.
I don't know how you do it but I always love the results. Constantly reinventing and reinvigorating the genres. I was like 'wow ' after hearing this. For some reason, I kept gettin 'Drownin in Berlin' vibes. Wunderbar. Kay0s
Reminds me of a guy driving in pouring rain, obscuring his vision on the motorway, the wipers are fighting to keep up and then it dies down - the sun breaks thru the clouds. I always find alot of emotion in what you compose. Always so well done. Kay
Hi Robin,
Oh My!!! this track is everything B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L so, tranquil & pulling on my hear-strings like no tomorrow, your music has such an emotional impact & such delicious melodies throughout this track, had me singing!!!! :)
Delightful! Magical! Music here indeed. Luv this! Kudos!
Very cool track. A bit like chill house or Ibiza chill.
Flying one with great synths.
Almost like a journey around a positive side of the world.(is there any more???) :-)
on Wind in the skies by Cyberflares
on Molten life by Cyberflares
yeah still doing it thanks for the listen and comment much appreciated
on Molten life by Cyberflares
thanks man appreciate your listen and comment :)
on Molten life by Cyberflares
on Golden Era by Cyberflares
on Molten life by Cyberflares
on Loserz by Cyberflares
on Loserz by Cyberflares
A friend of aaron's is a friend of mine :)
thanks for your listen and comment they mean a lot from both of us.
ive taken note of the loudness and will try to get it down again thanks for the visit. :)
on Loserz by Cyberflares
thanks from both of us your comment and listen are much appreciated. :)
on Loserz by Cyberflares
on Loserz by Cyberflares
My best wishes, Anthony.
thanks for your listen and comment the 808 will be my fault Pnnywze let myself produce it so my experience is not as good at picking out wrong bits so i thank you for your input and will try to amend it. :) thanks from Pnnywze too.
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
This is so cool!!!!
Well done mister.
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
inspector gadget ahhh brings back the memories :)
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
on Into you by Cyberflares
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
on Scooby Doo by Cyberflares
Best wishes, Anthony.
thank you for your listen and comment its much appreciated.
on Sunlight by Cyberflares
You are on a roll with these MAGNIFICENT!! tracks another gem by you & very much enjoyed! Kudos!
thank you kindly for your listen and comment. :)
on Sunlight by Cyberflares
on Sunlight by Cyberflares
on Into you by Cyberflares
on Into you by Cyberflares
Oh My!!! this track is everything B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L so, tranquil & pulling on my hear-strings like no tomorrow, your music has such an emotional impact & such delicious melodies throughout this track, had me singing!!!! :)
Delightful! Magical! Music here indeed. Luv this! Kudos!
Thank you kindly for your listen and comment. :)
on Into you by Cyberflares
Flying one with great synths.
Almost like a journey around a positive side of the world.(is there any more???) :-)
thanks for the listen and comment they are much appreciated
We live in hope man. :)