this is probably way too late, but I loved the wobbles! Especially with that melody you had going, It was really good! I'd say just add some type of synthy undertone, but it's just my humble opinion man :D Best of luck!
Hi. I'm a huge fan of this song. Absolutely loved it the first time I heard it used on a sailsuit Youtube video (that is well worth watching).
I'm surprised that you've chosen not to have a massive bassline, as in the original. There's a version of the band playing this live and there is almost no bass and it sounds a lot worse without it.
But your version is more of a chillout version so OK not to have a massive bassline.
I'm not sure that the last 25 seconds of your version work so well. Something slightly awkward about those pauses.
Maybe I can give a more detailed review once I've listened back to the original.
this song is just begging to have vox! and of course longer, you should work on a sort of intro-verse-bridge-verse-bridge-chorus thing. lengthen this sucker up. its got awesome potential man.
I like the quickness of it, it all seems to just flow together. Nice work on the percussions. I feel a bit of the "Jeopardy" theme in part of the synth/guitar.
♦ If you're looking for things to do, add a bit after the end transitioning the higher notes to sort of low E-string while rising the pitch slightly. Make it sort of sound adventurous, maybe a couple rapid chords every 2nd or 3rd beat.
This is just what I'm imagining. So it's almost guaranteed what I said is somewhat in need of editing.
As for drumming, you've probably got what it takes to match 'em up.
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on dubstep wobble test by hustlertattoo
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
I'm surprised that you've chosen not to have a massive bassline, as in the original. There's a version of the band playing this live and there is almost no bass and it sounds a lot worse without it.
But your version is more of a chillout version so OK not to have a massive bassline.
I'm not sure that the last 25 seconds of your version work so well. Something slightly awkward about those pauses.
Maybe I can give a more detailed review once I've listened back to the original.
on awolnation - sail remix UNFINISHED COLAB by hustlertattoo
on dubstepin by hustlertattoo
on dubstep wobble test by hustlertattoo
on dubstep wobble test by hustlertattoo
on one hell of a mess of a track by hustlertattoo
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
Nice work my friend.
on messin with better off alone by hustlertattoo
nice work.
on messin with better off alone by hustlertattoo
on messin with better off alone by hustlertattoo
on messin with better off alone by hustlertattoo
very good song !
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
♦ If you're looking for things to do, add a bit after the end transitioning the higher notes to sort of low E-string while rising the pitch slightly. Make it sort of sound adventurous, maybe a couple rapid chords every 2nd or 3rd beat.
This is just what I'm imagining. So it's almost guaranteed what I said is somewhat in need of editing.
As for drumming, you've probably got what it takes to match 'em up.
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
on interface test by hustlertattoo
Keep on experimenting
All The Best
on interface test by hustlertattoo
on Zombie Remastered by hustlertattoo
Well DOne
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
on rock metalish by hustlertattoo
well done