This is a really cool tune. Do you have any plans to put your vocals up for use as a 'pella? I would love to team up with my Italian collaborator and remix it. Don't get me wrong...I love the way it is. I just have some ideas.
You took that organ loop a long way from where it started D&T...Very nice jazzy touch to the vocals that remind me of something I can`t quite put a finger on...but its dm good...really like the piano parts you added too...Well done....good listening over my way.....Ed
Hmmm, no comments yet? I think this sounds pretty good since you said you didn't use a good mic, and you have a good voice as well. Keep up the good tracks and thanks for sharing with us.
on Hey-- by glassdick
on Hey-- by glassdick
on Dont Lie To Me by glassdick
on Dont Lie To Me by glassdick
on Dont Lie To Me by glassdick
on Was It Worth It by glassdick