

Makin beats in the Lab
New York City, United States
Joined : 23rd Apr 2011 - 13 years ago
Comments on LordDice tracks

Other users have posted 28 comments on tracks by LordDice

Comments 26 - 28 of 28
JohnBoutilier 2nd May 2011 23:39 - 13 years ago

on Ghetto Jedi by LordDice
Like you track, my friend, lyrics and vocals are great and you backed them well.

2secondimpression 1st May 2011 20:50 - 13 years ago

on Bad guys (beat only) by LordDice
im diggin the beats but not the auto tune, just try your best to keep in tune without it first. im all for it being an added effect that enhances a voice but don't rely upon it alone. i really likr the melody and beats in this though nice work.
LordDice replied Unknown
ok. check it out now and see what You think. this is the bare bones track with nothing on it.
MyNilla 24th Apr 2011 17:40 - 13 years ago

on Ghetto Jedi by LordDice
Really like your style, song is a definite head bobber. Are you interested in some collaboration or maybe have some extra raps lyin around I could produce?
LordDice replied Unknown
sure. I'd love 2. how U wanna do it? send me beats to synch to then I can send U the cappella to mix with?
Comments 26 - 28 of 28