danke, I appreciate your honesty and I agree. The Native American Style flute is not always perfectly tuned, and the pitch of the notes change with the speed of the airstream. Also, as mentioned below, I don't quite have the salsa beat mastered. It's not syncopation or swing, but a pulse all its own. That said, ScottB55's track allowed me to play in E minor pentatonic scale with a movement to the relative major, a combination not always easy to find. Thanks for responding!
Thanks, clindsay. The flute part is not quite salsa, though. I stuck to the regular drumbeat in the background as much as I could. I haven't quite mastered the salsa beat, but then, it's a challenge for many. Thanks for your comments!
Hey UCHRIS jaaaa bravooooo,it was a really good mess for flutes playing on it & glad to hear your flutes good style on Franco's track,I really love franco style in guitar playing & U know that I admire your flute style too & this pckage from you both was an onstructive pckage for me to listen to more & more than 1 time so I downloaded it to listen to in my home too .thnX man fro sharing this beauty & best wishes.___Behnam.
oh yeah,....this one could go back a long way...but the blues is timeless....Kudos to you on the flute lead UChris...its not only imaginative/creative thinking...its a reminder of some of the jazzy blues tupe tunes that were done by some fantastic instrumentalists in times past....well done...I go back a ways myself and I can asure you...you are in good company...great listening over my way this Sunday evening....keep on.....Ed
Thank you so much, Tumbleweed. Your words are valued highly. You may know the Native flute is keyed in pentatonic minor, thought it contains a major scale that spans only an octave, so I have to choose tracks thoughtfully. My technique and mix may be wanting, but there's nothing like bringing it all home in the end! Thanks again.
beauty rhythm for guitar intor which your flute acccompaniment makes it more complete .& yes I'm agree with last comment wich is written about lyrics & vocal too .
also while I was listening to your track I was thinking
if it was mine I'd prefered to try on some ocarina or panpipes lines too (U know how great respect I have for you & just I'm writing some idea to you because how I'd told you before I really enjoy how you play your flutes& such instruments)
any way in same version which I heard to it was well done man like you usually are .
Excellent ideas, behnamzandi! An ocarina or panpipes would be great in this track. I do not play those instruments well enough, but I do have some high Native American style flutes--maybe someday I'll try it. Until then, anyone else can add a topline or vocal. I'd like to hear how it would sound, and I think Neal would too. Thanks for the suggestion!
this is prescient and wonderful - y'know upon reg preslsey's passing - there's dog, there's prog, but there will always be trog - daring, beautiful and human musics
You're welcome, and thank you in return. I started with a version that ran all the way through, but then I realized the flute covered over your fingering.(The silences are as important as the sounds, blah blah blah.) I think your instincts are correct about adding a vocal to this piece--consider the flute a stand-in for what it would sound like. And yes, I always have fun playing to good tracks!
Thank you, behnamzandi. I know you like jazz, so this is a great compliment. Saddles would also appreciate the praise. A good background track is not easy to find for this kind of flute. See also his Eagle On High track with flute for a completely different feeling.
hi man , I know 7 months has passen by from your upload when I'm listening to this track (for the first time) , but I just wanted to say it inspires me & learns me a lot , I've even never seen a American Native flute ( I know it would b funny for u ) & I just love Native american & Zen & Afro flutes . a welldone & melodic Guitar & flute duet .
thnx for upload such a nice sensation & let me hear it.
Regards .
Hi, behnamzandi, no problem, I was gone too. Because of your other tracks, I thought "Journeyman" was Latin. Now your are in Iran, I see your music is inspired by the middle east. The Native American style flute can play several middle-east scales such as hitzaz and maquam. I thought "Journeyman" worked well--look at the many downloads! I enjoy playing with your music very much. Thank you for your kind comments.
Thanks, Neal. I'm always happy when the originator of a track responds to my playing around with it. I'd be pleased to record a track over the refined version. In this instance, I liked the quasi-Native American feel and the open quality of the drums. It gave plenty of room to roam.
All I can say is Blazing Fire UChris! I am truly humbled. the flutes just add another dimension, takes it up there to the clouds. I thank you for sharing your spirit on this track. Hope for more collabs in the future. Much love and respect
Thank you much, Vuduchylde. Isn't it great when we can all come together from all over the world and create something wonderful? Your track was an inspiration!
Thank you so much for your comment! Sometimes these nice little moments get overshadowed and underappreciated. Saddles' track was an inspiration to play along.
on Acoustic Guitar with Talking African Drum by UChris
on Chips and Salsa with Native Flute by UChris
on Chips and Salsa with Native Flute by UChris
Best, Danke
on Chips and Salsa with Native Flute by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
Good work!
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
on Amost Spring by UChris
Brilliant, 10/10
Best, Danke
on Amost Spring by UChris
The flute really lifts the melody, very nice alltogether.
Enjoyed this a lot.
on Bossa Francisco with Flute by UChris
on Bossa Francisco with Flute by UChris
Thank you always for your enthusaistic comments!
U Chris
on Count on the Blues with Flute by UChris
on Neal Visher-Clank by UChris
also while I was listening to your track I was thinking
if it was mine I'd prefered to try on some ocarina or panpipes lines too (U know how great respect I have for you & just I'm writing some idea to you because how I'd told you before I really enjoy how you play your flutes& such instruments)
any way in same version which I heard to it was well done man like you usually are .
on Neal Visher-Clank by UChris
on Eagle On High Native Flute by UChris
on Neal Visher-Clank by UChris
You have a special talent I haven't personally seen here on looperman, thank you for sharing.
I see that you didn't play during the 'chorus'-y sections, hmmm, perhaps it's time I add vocals... heh, If I DO, I'll definitely let you know..
and thanks for the kind words.
on Latino Balanco for Saddles by UChris
on Journeyman with Flute by UChris
thnx for upload such a nice sensation & let me hear it.
Regards .
on Neal Visher-bobby and UChris by UChris
Excellent, this tickles me pink man, especially flute. When I re-record it non-sloppily, I'll definitely think of hitting you up hah..
Thanks alot, your inspiration inspires me back !
Neal Visher
on Afrika Chipembe with Three Flutes by UChris
on Eagle On High Native Flute by UChris