I downloaded this track and used it for my spoken word, this was an amazing piece of work and gave me so much inspiration. thank you. I am uploading the track to my looperman account for you to listen to it....if at all, could we colab?
Salut Rome, awesome track you got here. Really nice production and composition. The start sounds a bit like Thievery Corporation, I also hear a bit Air out of it. Chillout at its best. Love it.
Je peux ÃÂcrire en Français, donc j'en profite ....
Oui, cela devait être sympa, car les "effluves" musicales ici, sont grandioses, et superbes.
Un bon concept, dont je suis assez "friand" .... Tu as beaucoup de talent, et respect pour cette Å“uvre ....
hey hey hey un compatriote. :-). Merci. c'est toujours passionnant de s'ouvrir sur d'autres horizons musicales. l'approche pour les crÃÂations dite "cinematic" dans looperman est diffÃÂrente car il faut visualiser une atmosphère (se faire un film si l'on peu dire) pour crÃÂer une musique.
Thank you Amr, but you know i just added a big beat, a synth and a lot of sound effects.. all the merit goes to Craig Armstrong. i just made a punchiest version. :-)
Thats really nice Rome. Sat here with a cold beer enjoying it as I type. Love the riff you have running thro' this with the melody playing off of it. Excellent work & faved my friend
I yi yi (is that how you spell that) lol. that is exhilarating! action movie material...steven seagul hanging from a rope underneath a helicoptor...or batman chasing the joker (or are they retired lol). oh man, i played it again! love it.
Woah, that raw introduction was totally amazing up to the 0:45 mark and the song worked ok up to 1:25, but then you lost me.
To me it turned out to be a showcase of your ideas – and they ARE really good – but still too many in one song.
I'm sorry if you think I'm blunt, but I think there's so much good stuff in this song that you easily could make two or three awesome tunes out of it.
Keep up the good work, you're a real talent.
thank you. i do appreciate you point of you. u're not blunt. :-). I would like to know how play guitar you know. it will be so much easier to creat rock music.but i like to use good stuff i found, edit and mix a track. ;-)
on the 51 by romelacensure
on Modern Western by romelacensure
on trankiloo by romelacensure
on the 51 by romelacensure
on Sophie s bad trip by romelacensure
on Modern Western by romelacensure
on at the beginning was the word by romelacensure
Je peux ÃÂcrire en Français, donc j'en profite ....
Oui, cela devait être sympa, car les "effluves" musicales ici, sont grandioses, et superbes.
Un bon concept, dont je suis assez "friand" .... Tu as beaucoup de talent, et respect pour cette Å“uvre ....
on Modern Western by romelacensure
on at the beginning was the word by romelacensure
on life is hard rap by romelacensure
One of the better tracks on here.
on life is hard rap by romelacensure
on O Verona Additional by romelacensure
on trankiloo by romelacensure
on O Verona Additional by romelacensure
on le sushi electrique by romelacensure
To me it turned out to be a showcase of your ideas – and they ARE really good – but still too many in one song.
I'm sorry if you think I'm blunt, but I think there's so much good stuff in this song that you easily could make two or three awesome tunes out of it.
Keep up the good work, you're a real talent.
on plenitude du matin calme by romelacensure
Keep them coming
ps: I posted new tracks ;-)