Wow this is certainly "Raw" as you mentioned in the description. A hard hitting earth shaking powerful beat, I love the melodies my ears are picking up peeking through all that power, very innovative indeed. Keep up the FAB! Work, I like tracks that can hold my attention and this one sure did. Kudos!
Wow, thank you! I really appreciate the feedback. I have been messing around with chopping up old drums and layering multiple break beats together. This one in particular is from 3 different songs from the 70's. The bass is a little overpowering but it was intentionally and also saturated to death. I just like experimenting and having fun. The most fun is breaking the rules haha
really nice piano intro, i can here the static/stylus under it, but in my opinion it should stop then, to me it sounds like side noise under the melody, really like the shaker with the perc underneath, not bad at all bro just the bit i mention could be looked at, i think it would be better for your track
Thank you for the feedback. It's because I had Air Flavor Pro on the track I was playing the piano on and it had a vinyl noise patch on the preset. I could have ran another track without the noise, I just looped the one melody I made and built upon it. I see where you're coming from tho, I appreciate constructive criticism. Cheers
on Terminally Unique - Beat 148 BPM by DJSanborn
on Lofire-Free Beat 85 BPM by DJSanborn
on Lofire-Free Beat 85 BPM by DJSanborn
That piano is seriously stealing the show :) very, very, nice! indeed. I like the track a lot, the melody is fresh & sweet!...Nice work Kudos!
on Lofire-Free Beat 85 BPM by DJSanborn
on Lofire-Free Beat 85 BPM by DJSanborn