I don't understand why you think I'm going to monetize the track I worked on. Also I posted it in the format you demanded. I would like to write for SD under contract then no problem with surrendering any rights to you but unless I am I am going to Studio Pros for a vocalist for an original work so no worries. Peace and Respect.
Great job! The drums are quite a bit louder than necessary, but it's overall very nice. I absolutely loved the transition into the bass drop, which I thought worked very well. The only thing I can recommend for this one is to turn down the kick and snare, otherwise it's perfect.
hi and thanks. this is actually an old project we produced like 5 years ago. the acapella is from a venguance vocal pack. i think that acapella is still available on their website.(royalty free) it is a female acapella and i had to lower the voice and done some chopping. that other track sounds nice too btw.
So true. I'm new to looperman and production in general and I would read some of descriptions for the tracks and was expecting some pretty good stuff, only to be let down when it wasn't "Str8t Fire!!!" like their description said it was. A week and a half ago I decided to try and make my own hiphop style track and felt like it went pretty well. I definitely want to branch out and try all different types of genres as well, I feel like it will help me become a well rounded producer and skills and techniques learned in one can transition over and be compatible in something else.
I have nothing against hiphop. i have produced for several hiphop artists all over the world. i have uploaded some of my hiphop productions here on looperman. if you can listen those tracks are finnished tracks. not just a simple beat but a track with full arrangements. full vocal mixing and right placement of the vocals. in my opinion every non skilled person can make a 'hiphop beat' but producing a real track will take you some skills!
Haha man, this made me laugh. I just got done going through all the tracks you have on here and love the variety and the quality of your productions. I'm just starting out in production myself and got done with my first 3 month course and have many to go. Quality productions though, thanks for sharing them.
Hi and thank you for your comment. Well as producer you have to explore and try new things. by exploring several genres of music i learned only more. it took me a lot of years practicing to master several skills in several genres of music. but as you have listened the results paid off. This track was more some kind of 'dis' track as I am totally fed up with all those so called hiphop producers who are dropping looped tracks and claim if they have the best beat in the world and are acting if they are the most succesful super producers. but my hard working has paid off i have now my own exclusive team of singers and releases on labels like sony and universal. from all those big ego hiphop producers here i havent seen any quality production yet! making a beat doesnt qualify you as producer yet!
I love the synths in this one and I love what you do with them. the percussion mix is super solid - that bass sits perfectly. everything is working here and perfect bed for the vocals. you've got a great product and I wish you all the luck with it - should be in the clubs (if it is not already!) big respect - Dan
The melody really caught my attention. I very much enjoyed how things slowly progressed and turned into a nice bouncy dubstep track. This track has some similarities to mainstream dubstep, at the same you've managed to maintain originality and that is always great to see.
This did not go where I expected at all. Definitely thought you were going for some 80's boom bap when that lead came in, the intro is awesome. Don't listen to a lot of EDM but I could definitely mess with this the beat is bouncy and bars are hard. Def good job on intro and transition halfway through.
Hey, maybe you should re-read my critique slowly this time again. And you will find it's not so harsh and I actually give you some very nice props in it.
¨ Again thanks for your opinion but do your homework first before commenting with a harsh opinion like that. btw havent seen your name in the commercial industry :)¨
So I hate stupid responses like this 1.for for two reasons. you assume I haven´t listened to your body of work, and 2. throwing around your ¨industry credientials¨as if that makes you a better musician means squat to me. (I clearly stated ¨us Punters¨ which refers to amateurs or people like myself who only do work for close friends and has no interest in joining this great big sham called the music industry). I am referring to this piece of work and this piece of work only in its place in the trance pantheon, and I stand by what I said. So for people who are actually on the site most of the time as opposed to people who take a year to respond to tracks, and are severely lacking in commenting on other artists songs on this site, you would know that when I (Crucethus) get very particular and critical it´s because I believe that this artist has something special, and could do something with there work. But believe me, If your response is this, I have no problem not listening to any of your work and keeping my keyboard clear of words for you, I´m a busy Man and I have lots of things to do.
Holy Fuckballs !! It so uplifting i would consider it to be trance energy ! Very nice work, I would love to have you on my channel with this track ;) I just started a new youtube channel dedicated to trance/trance energy music. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ruWx0MZNN0Ul-7CYMj5dg My goal is to have producers like you (and me) have a chance to get heard more ! If you want i can upload this track and maybe others you made giving you full credit for it ( your (producer) name will be on the video etc . Let me know what you think? you can contact me here on looperman or email : BBTranceEnergy@gmail.com. Thank you ! Greetings, Ewalt Ruts
Wowww ! This Track is really good!! Love the vocals and effort you put into this piece of art ;) I just started a new youtube channel dedicated to trance/trance energy music. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ruWx0MZNN0Ul-7CYMj5dg My goal is to have producers like you (and me) have a chance to get heard more ! If you want i can upload this track and maybe others you made giving you full credit for it ( your (producer) name will be on the video etc . Let me know what you think? you can contact me here on looperman or email : BBTranceEnergy@gmail.com. Thank you ! Greetings, Ewalt Ruts
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on Sync Diversity - Otra Noche Sin Ti by novaspace
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on Fuck You by novaspace
on Fuck You by novaspace
on Fuck You by novaspace
on Sync Diversity - Otra Noche Sin Ti by novaspace
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on Adventure Time by novaspace
Keep up the nice work!
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¨ Again thanks for your opinion but do your homework first before commenting with a harsh opinion like that. btw havent seen your name in the commercial industry :)¨
So I hate stupid responses like this 1.for for two reasons. you assume I haven´t listened to your body of work, and 2. throwing around your ¨industry credientials¨as if that makes you a better musician means squat to me. (I clearly stated ¨us Punters¨ which refers to amateurs or people like myself who only do work for close friends and has no interest in joining this great big sham called the music industry). I am referring to this piece of work and this piece of work only in its place in the trance pantheon, and I stand by what I said. So for people who are actually on the site most of the time as opposed to people who take a year to respond to tracks, and are severely lacking in commenting on other artists songs on this site, you would know that when I (Crucethus) get very particular and critical it´s because I believe that this artist has something special, and could do something with there work. But believe me, If your response is this, I have no problem not listening to any of your work and keeping my keyboard clear of words for you, I´m a busy Man and I have lots of things to do.
on Sync Diversity - Otra Noche Sin Ti by novaspace
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on Chicane - Offshore - Uplifting RMX by novaspace
on Chicane - Offshore - Uplifting RMX by novaspace
on The Meaning by novaspace