

Sync Diversity Records
amsterdam, The Netherlands
Joined : 26th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Comments on novaspace tracks

Other users have posted 48 comments on tracks by novaspace

Comments 26 - 48 of 48
Mosaic 26th Aug 2017 08:35 - 7 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
Hey Gang

Nice work, I have a track using same sample packs sitting somewhere near completed or is completed called where Is The Sun, will upload here sometime soon, liking the way you have used the vocals in the mix, Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
crucethus 1st Apr 2017 04:56 - 7 years ago

on Chicane - Offshore - Uplifting RMX by novaspace
Allo Karl and Frisio. I just want to take a moment and congratulate you on making consummate Trance music that I sort of used to listen too back in the early 2000´s. It is perfectly on point and mixed and mastered as it should be to the level of (What I consider the gold standard) Paul Van Dyk level. That being said, these days Trance has been relegated to the cheese section of the (yawn yawn) EDM shite pile (not fairly). When a genre becomes beholden on bringing in semi-good-looking women to misogynisticly pander and sing their wares. the Genre is pretty much over and done just like disco reared it´s ugly commercial side and sleazed back down into the gay underbelly in which came from and re-invented itself into a creative myriad of splendid sounds (house being one example) So Trance had it´s are you going to creatively engineer it to be special again? What will you do to make people want to listen to it with earnest fervour. Because making a cool trance tune we heard in 2000 and putting a bunch of models giving us blue steel looks at the camera ain´t gonna revive this dead horse? You have the $, you have the connections.. make something that this generation wants to capture, because like many of us here, we are lost in the past and are a few years behind the future to make a difference these days (and thats OK with Us as most of us are not Pros. And that´s ok for us punters. But you seem driven and want to break into the professional bubble you have been gnawing at for a while. As good as this is... this ain´t gonna do it! And I say this with no disrespect as I acknowledge superior musicianship from your clan, but where I think you want to be. This won do it! With love (tough)
Steve (Cru)
novaspace replied 5th Aug 2018 - 6 years ago
everyone can have his opinion but dude really have you ever checked our backgrounds and our songs? then you should have know that we are active in all different kind of genres of music and not only trance. btw we did already had our share in the music industry as producers wich has results with releases on welknown labels like Armada, Universal latina Music, DMN Records and more.. Again thanks for your opinion but do your homework first before commenting with a harsh opinion like that. btw havent seen your name in the commercial industry :)
MGproduct 31st Mar 2017 18:14 - 7 years ago

on Chicane - Offshore - Uplifting RMX by novaspace
Its good. Trance is a upliftin and the sub upliftin is my favourite and your work is done well :)
Love this rmx
novaspace replied 31st Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
thank you for your kind words!!!
TonyPowell 29th Mar 2017 12:26 - 7 years ago

on Feel the Love by novaspace
Wow,i really like this. well done.
novaspace replied 29th Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
thank you :)
LXjay 22nd Mar 2017 19:54 - 7 years ago

on Above the Clouds by novaspace
yea man nice reminds of of geee
i've been partying to much back in my days
xAbrahamx 13th Nov 2016 07:35 - 8 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
very good ..beautiful melodies upliftung and emotional love it
novaspace replied 31st Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
hi and thank you for your kind words
zacvoos 19th Oct 2016 02:38 - 8 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
Totally reminds me of Eximinds remix of When The Sun by Alexander Popov. Awesome work!
novaspace replied 31st Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
thank you!!!!
mindhiest 17th Oct 2016 02:44 - 8 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
good piece. sometimes we loose the music when we listen for the technical. could use some softening. but I'm new at this take that as you like. I like it.
@syncdiversity don't be jealous, you have a really nice track here. To me, the words ibiza and emotional are equal to 2001 salou hotel,(look that up) Thanks for checking out soundloud i remember that thread :)
novaspace replied 31st Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
your welcome
Wobbin 16th Oct 2016 20:14 - 8 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
Ushuaia pool party: 26 degrees, begin of the evening where the sun is slowly going down but still being present. Slight breeze. Big crowd of a few thousands are enjoying the positive vibe of this. Nothing but smiles and lovely people. Cocktails are in happy hour (lol)

The energy is certainly there, I like this! I do have a honest piece of feedback tho. Personally, The only real emotional thing about this is that it is mastered so loud that it can not really breath. I can understand (altho not agreeing) that 'sausage mastering' has a certain positive effect on harder EDM styles. Or rock or something. But the more emotional/softer styles are actually getting the opposite effect IMO of loud mastering.

The energy going up and down is that i'm missing now because the loudness feels like i'm looking through a piece of art with slight fog. I'm sure that only lowering the DB's of the song will already change the entire way people listen to it.

Just my 2 cents, chapeau on the production!! :)

- Wobbin
novaspace replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
about the loud mastering´ Personal i totally agree with that. i have done a self mastering before which was not as loud and sharp edged as this one. this was actually the mp3 ive got back from our label. thanks again for your honest feedback though much appreciated!
I'm back on the Pacha party boat from salou to ibiza, this is the right song :) thanks for sharing
novaspace replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
now you are making me so jealous!!!1 btw i was checking your soundloud last week you mentioned you have some nice tunes on it.
crucethus 16th Oct 2016 19:23 - 8 years ago

on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
It´s good, reminds me of Paul Oakenfold days, but the eq needs to be balanced better on it just a bit, the synths almost sound tg brassy. But nice song.
novaspace replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
thanks for your feedback
Mosaic 16th Oct 2016 08:25 - 8 years ago

on Above the Clouds by novaspace
Hi Sync

Saw this one in the forum page so had to check it out, as I'm a trance producer here on the loop, nice work on this one, different sound then what I do but very enjoyable listen, seeing what others do style wise is always great, nice transitions, really loving the choice of synths and pads, nice driving beat and bass lines, loving it guys...First track listened to for a while on the loop, very pleased it was a very nice trance piece like this one...fav...Peace n Respect....mosaic...
novaspace replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
thanks your welcome
Wobbin 11th Oct 2016 22:57 - 8 years ago

on Above the Clouds by novaspace
Nice production with a good energy flow in it. Its a beautifully produced piece as well, besides the music itself. It sounds like its been a time consuming project for the (I assume) brothers!

The only thing i'd like to mention if I may,

At 6:30, the breaks comes to abrupt for me. On LP we see a waveform, but normally we only listen. Either way, I would personally put a delay from the synths into the break for a few sec, or another FX getting a smoother transition. At 6:56 break into the drop, its semi the same. However here I think that its possibly more easily to solve by just getting the volume up slightly towards the drop. But staying about 1-1.5db under the actual drop loudness tho.

I'm understanding that these are professional people doing this for a living, so I hope that my feedback is not seen as a bad thing coming from a amateur ;)

novaspace replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
thank you for your feedback. to be honest i value feedback from fans and non professionals more then professionals. so no worries
blu22 23rd Nov 2015 22:42 - 9 years ago

on Shine Your Light by novaspace
really cool sounds like EDX! love that woodwind instrument too
JasonCroft 23rd Nov 2015 08:23 - 9 years ago

on Shine Your Light by novaspace
again my favorite trance-drums method
((Kick_ Hat-Hat_ Clap_ Hat_)) :D
nice work my friend
Kind regards
ImproveWithError 22nd Nov 2015 23:39 - 9 years ago

on Shine Your Light by novaspace
Not my usual taste in music but you did a great job on this, very professional sounding. The mix is top notch and great vocals.

ChloieBeats 22nd Nov 2015 06:46 - 9 years ago

on I Do Love You by novaspace
sounds great
novaspace replied 22nd Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
thank you :)
crucethus 22nd Nov 2015 02:40 - 9 years ago

on Shine Your Light by novaspace
To be honest one of the most professional and complete mix on looperman that I have ever heard in the Trance category. Nothing but applause on this end.
novaspace replied 22nd Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks you very much for your kind words! i am grateful. regards Friso, Producer Sync Diversity
TheNewBeefySquadWW 24th Feb 2013 01:29 - 12 years ago

on Make me Crazy by novaspace
Where can we buy this?
novaspace replied 24th Feb 2013 - 12 years ago
Hello there. the track is already preleased by DMN Records (the label were valia and me are signed) on djtunes (i dont think i am allowed putting buy links here). The track will be available soon on itunes and other major stores
RampatheSwift 8th Feb 2013 05:44 - 12 years ago

on Say Shit by novaspace
Awesome track!!

i only wish th drums were louder..
deciBel 5th Feb 2013 13:44 - 12 years ago

on Say Shit by novaspace
it's not my genre,but I enjoyed it man.

brillbilly 4th Feb 2013 17:45 - 12 years ago

on Make me Crazy by novaspace
Thats a very nice Dance Track!

It has a nice feel good vibe!

Comments 26 - 48 of 48