idun think i like that bass, but i'm no muzician so, who cares!
BUT i do love the creativity here! its definetely different, not your grammar school bus wheels, lol. the beat is nice and simple, some equally creative vocals and lyrics will do this proud.
on Who You Wit by Neksis
its that crack music
on Wheels on the Bus by Neksis
BUT i do love the creativity here! its definetely different, not your grammar school bus wheels, lol. the beat is nice and simple, some equally creative vocals and lyrics will do this proud.
good job.
on Holding by Neksis
on Holding by Neksis
on Holding by Neksis
on Who You Wit by Neksis
on So Fly by Neksis
on So Fly by Neksis
on So Fly by Neksis
on Changing by Neksis