I do agree with what is written. Well put together all the loops you have used and a beautiful, lo-fi to my ears, song was made. Very well done
My best wishes, Anthony
Pnnywze here - It doesn't sound too bad on head phones, but my monitors were cutting out which means the balance is a little messed up, and maybe the loudness is just a bit too high. To be honest with u tho, this subtle of an issue isn't gonna be all that noticeable on most headphones or speakers, most people aren't listening on studio monitors. Digging through loops and getting them to play nice with each other is a bit of a feat, as well. Well done.
It is a bit Exorcist with some of the sounds - love the change at 39 seconds in - Sounds great to me. As a non-producer, I have no advice of tekky nature but an intermittent vox, sth subtle but punchy, would add something. Kay
Listened to it on a laptop and it sounds great. The drums add a lot. A rap acapella from this site could be added on top of the beat and it would probably work well.
Sounds like the beginning of a longer track - this could go into some very exciting spaces with some lyrics - a great tune so far and well-composed. Kay
Very well done, I'd say impressive how you combined the loops from Looperman to end up to a song of this quality. It is not an easy task to find among thousand of loops the ones to use for your purpose. It sure needs creativity and love for what you do. Once again, excellent work.
My best wishes, Anthony.
A very nice and relaxing song that could use a bit more attention in the mastering process. Nevertheless, very well done! I really like it.
Best regards, Manuela
This took me right back to a call centre when I used a dial up a telex machine - took ages to get thru then the frickin connection would drop :) I really got into this - nicely produced and a welcome piece of nolstalgia Kay
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My best wishes, Anthony
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My best wishes, Anthony.
on Faded Thoughts by montelldeshawn
A very nice and relaxing song that could use a bit more attention in the mastering process. Nevertheless, very well done! I really like it.
Best regards, Manuela
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