So the review: Ill go with the musical honesty and then the brutal honesty.. (Only my own interpretation of the tune)
Yes, its absolutly well mastered and i love the fact that your using the bass as the main instrument acoompanied by the "indian-influsenced" voice or singing. A slow pace and very easy to listen to, like jj says, it flows by.. and there comes also the problem..
The tune itself it nothing wrong with, more than the fact i dont remember anything specific about it a couple of minutes after. I belive the tune needs a signature of sorts, and not just being "that tune that was easy to listen to" because this tune deserves a lot more than that. One can almost tell when people put some time and effort into their creations and i got the feeling that this might be the case with this one. Therefor this tune needs to be rememebered in more ways than "just" being a bass and pakistan-singing tune witch you forget how it went 5 minutes later..
All and all, a well mastered tune that deserves more to stick out from the general playlists since it deserves to be remembered..
seriously thank you for this honest review decnet, i really appreciate it, it helps me to have a different perspective about my own creativity. In your opinion how can a track like this stick out and still be listenable for general mass?
Very nice sound great use of delay and vocal filters, The drums are nice and understated, maybe some light use of hats in the 2nd part would really sound nice, but thats just my preference certainly not a critisim :)
thanks bro any kind tips are welcomed lol so dont worry about that ! i'll try to incorporate some hats in my upcoming projects cuz in my cill out songs i realized none of them as hats lol
Really chill stuff man, like that sub. Vocals just right with the instrumentation too. Which is mostly bass, but i ain't mad at ya. I'm mostly a bass head anyways haha. good stuff here man. Mixed pretty nicely too. peace
an open-ended journey on this day 2012-06-05 - the Transit of Venus occurs today and won't happen again until 2117 - this is a perfect song for something celestial that only happens once in our lifetime - a beauty
Hey there bro Welcome to Looperman Hope you enjoy tour time here and get better at your music. As for your Music I like it =) it builds and keeps adding more to song without taking away anything form it. Hope someone will rap to this cuz its hot, keep at it and hope to see more form you in the future AD out. Have a good day =)
This is nice! I love the punchy hip hop kicks you use and the synth with the glitch at the end is sweet! The pads are well done throughout as well. Nice one! -Ghostzyden
This is awesome! Love the sound you got going on here. I would turn down the main snare a bit, but overall I LOVE this. Keep it up my friend;) -Ghostzyden
Great intro, it does build up nicely! You seem to have a signature sound, and I like to hear that! The title is perfect for this song! Great sound effects that you've used! Well done new friend!
This is a great track!Builds up nicely to a catchy "chorus".REally inspiring stuff,and most of all,great listening,which is after all,what we want from music.A good listen is worth far more than sitting and writing comments that make a musician crazy.It's about the music.and you've nailed it!
on Adele - Set Fire To The Rain - Louie Remix - by LouaGuapa
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
Yes, its absolutly well mastered and i love the fact that your using the bass as the main instrument acoompanied by the "indian-influsenced" voice or singing. A slow pace and very easy to listen to, like jj says, it flows by.. and there comes also the problem..
The tune itself it nothing wrong with, more than the fact i dont remember anything specific about it a couple of minutes after. I belive the tune needs a signature of sorts, and not just being "that tune that was easy to listen to" because this tune deserves a lot more than that. One can almost tell when people put some time and effort into their creations and i got the feeling that this might be the case with this one. Therefor this tune needs to be rememebered in more ways than "just" being a bass and pakistan-singing tune witch you forget how it went 5 minutes later..
All and all, a well mastered tune that deserves more to stick out from the general playlists since it deserves to be remembered..
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
I cant give you any tips as its ovious you feel your music!
This is so very chilled.....i love it!
very nice work,this is going in to faves!
Thanks for sharing!
Dont worry if you see me at the door of your youtube channel lol
very nice music!
seriously thanks haha cause i just saw you in my youtube AND souncloud haha
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
on Louie Gonzalo - Awakening by LouaGuapa
on Stars And Spaceshps by LouaGuapa
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
on Venus by LouaGuapa
on Venus by LouaGuapa
on Venus by LouaGuapa
on Stars And Spaceshps by LouaGuapa
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
these kinda hiphop tracks, but
tha homie Cirious would luv this beat
Peace from LA
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
on Stars And Spaceshps by LouaGuapa
on Stars And Spaceshps by LouaGuapa
I'll post a new song soon, kinda more experimental r&b, I'd like to have ur opinion on it :)
on Solar Eclipse by LouaGuapa
on Stars And Spaceshps by LouaGuapa
Feel free to check my other song in my profile!