You should check the thread out and contribute too.
Anyway - yes, they are extremely trippy vocals.
I like this but would have gone with the piano as intro from 0:09 rather than the drum intro.
0:48 is where it starts to get cool with that killer bassline. Great tone and the sort I'd like to use. But it takes 48 secs to get to that. Would be only about 40 without the drum intro.
1:26 a good but laid back beat kicks in plus some simple rising guitar notes. This is all sitting nicely. Perhaps industrial psychedelic chill is the genre?
3:55 good weird, crazy rising noise though I thought the beat might kick in and get a bit heavier for variation. Still a good trippy vibe.
It's really quite a chilled lazy, trippy track. Kind of futuristic.
I don't claim to know much about electronic music but I do know when something sounds good and is mixed well. I like the way you built the song up. There is a nice variety of sounds here as well.
And I couldn't agree with you more, life certainly can get crazy at times. I know I had to buckle up for this song!
Welcome back...this is a hot, cool track with your well-known progressivity...the tension is know, I'm not the biggest edm/trance fan (though I made several trance loops), but I really enjoyed your trip...
Im lucky if i can get in once a month now at times,i got so much work being done on my home,all new heating,elecrical work,so very long days,very little leisure time.! do trance well Chris...not that I know much about it but I actually did post a trance track on the Loop one time (on a dare) is a roller coaster all right...and I wasn`t even thinking of getting off till it was done...really hits a nice stride in that second section around 1:40...then sails off into orbit at I need a rest....well done mate.....Ed
Thought i'd home in on this one as I always seem to like your tracks. Sounding good so far, got a real club feel to it which is what we like. Nice piano lick followed by some fat ass bass. I always like the way you layer your stuff. One sound compliments the next beautifully and the arrangement is splendid. Reminds me a little of John "00" Flemmings stuff. A nice progressive builder.
Like it alot billy, you got something going on billy, listened to most of your tracks and all excellent just perhaps punched to hard on the volume, had to turn down my speakers. But great material.
well...I must be middle of the road and old school or something cause I`m lovin this one mate....and my sub-woofer loves that big fat low bass......this just sails along on a smooth tide this Friday expect any input from me on what could be different...just friggin great the way it is....I`m smiling...have to dl & fav this one...bravo......and thanks......Ed
Well the fat panned bass is already sounding good as is the guitar. I can't believe you use magix software. #i bought a copy and i think it sucks but i guess i just don't know what to do with it as this sounds bloody brilliant. I'm sitting here nodding my head inanely but for good reason. Like those little "searching,loving" vocal drops. It sounds a little like something paul oakenfold might throw together and that's meant as a compliment.
Bloody goooooooooooooood!
Cheers FR!,love Oakenfold so massive thanks for compliments.!
Magix lol,yeah i just find it Easy.
I do have Reason n Fruityloops and even a Korg Legacy Cell but i just play about with them,cant be assed to go to collage to work out where the play buttons are lol.
This is fine work and I liked it within a few seconds. That wavering intro is awesome. I loved the high notes.
0:19 we get cool, tight bass and another, distorted synth enters shortly after.
Then some good crashing toms.
0:57 funky little melodic guitar is a nice surprise. Sample, I guess.
1:26 chugging synth is a little like some metal guitar riffage. This has quite the rock band feel but is all synths apart from that little guitar sample. But that guitar's not rock music so adds a cool contrast.
The structure of this is interesting as it kind of sits like ambient music but you could also dance to that bassline.
Some other strings are in there somewhere too.
You know that if I'd made it, the drums would have kicked into a fat beat and it would have gone big and rocking and so on. But not doing that is also a bit different and a perfectly good choice.
No production criticisms from me as it all sounds very professional.
Feel free to tell me a bit more about how you put this together.
Such a powerful production with it's dark beginnings that develop with those hypnotic drums and guitar section. The synth stabs work really well too. Great production. Love it.
on Nothing Left Of Me ft Tara Toxic by brillbilly
on I Will Return by brillbilly
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
I'm loving it ;)
on I Will Return by brillbilly
on No Sleep Tonight FT BunnieRabbit by brillbilly
I started up a forum thread about favourite ever tracks on Looperman and MrWolf14 chose this very track as one of his favourites. I thought you might like to know
You should check the thread out and contribute too.
Anyway - yes, they are extremely trippy vocals.
I like this but would have gone with the piano as intro from 0:09 rather than the drum intro.
0:48 is where it starts to get cool with that killer bassline. Great tone and the sort I'd like to use. But it takes 48 secs to get to that. Would be only about 40 without the drum intro.
1:26 a good but laid back beat kicks in plus some simple rising guitar notes. This is all sitting nicely. Perhaps industrial psychedelic chill is the genre?
3:55 good weird, crazy rising noise though I thought the beat might kick in and get a bit heavier for variation. Still a good trippy vibe.
It's really quite a chilled lazy, trippy track. Kind of futuristic.
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
And I couldn't agree with you more, life certainly can get crazy at times. I know I had to buckle up for this song!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
OST.So everytime I lisent it I see some high speed spaceship races.
P.s I love F-zero gx so its a good thing!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
The quality of your production is stunning. So good to listen to. Great track. Loved it.
I just do what i can when i can!
Big thanks for your kind comments!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
Definitely reminds me of 2 Unlimited's old stuff.
You earn a fave from me, so keep up the good work.
For those that know my music,i love oldschool.!
so big thank you for feeling it!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
Hi Chris!
Welcome back...this is a hot, cool track with your well-known progressivity...the tension is know, I'm not the biggest edm/trance fan (though I made several trance loops), but I really enjoyed your trip...
Much respect and good to hear from you...
Thank you as always for taking time to comment.!
I do take all comment to heart with great thanks!
Thank you!
peace man!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
Yeah to little time,to many world problems to try to solve!
I think i may have some stuff that's lets just say more chilled lol
Great to know my music can still make the blood pump.
cheers mate!
on Lifes A Roller Coaster by brillbilly
You know me mate,i just put sounds on lines lol
Thanks as always for you kind comments!
peace man!
on Flying High by brillbilly
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
Vocals give a very U2 feel to this beginning.
I do hear small pops and stuff like that so there may be some spots where you could use crossfades or auto-fades where your tracks touch or begin.
I enjoy the vocals very much. I appreciate unique voices and there is something there that makes it very not U2,... which is good.
Fully dug, this track I have.
Old School is in my veins,i love it.!
I was just trying to live the great 80's vibes lol
As for crossfades or auto-fades , i'm brillbilly not Oakenfold lol.!
Cheers for your kind comments.!
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
reminiscent of Marillion, particulary in vocals department..
A new favourite for sure!:)
Respect back at ya!
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
So sorry for late reply,but worlds going tits up and i want no part of it lol.
I think middle of the road music came from what was called Easy listening,then i think middle of the road became what we call chillout.
Middle of the road is me mate.!
Not too fast not too slow,just sort of on the road somewere lol
Thanks for your kind comments.!
Peace man all the way!
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
Bloody goooooooooooooood!
Magix lol,yeah i just find it Easy.
I do have Reason n Fruityloops and even a Korg Legacy Cell but i just play about with them,cant be assed to go to collage to work out where the play buttons are lol.
Big thanks for always listening to my tracks.!
cheers mate
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
ha there you are
moving searching finding
good to see you brother
Like you,sometimes i just have to play in the matrix world,and do what i can to get through.!
Moving,searching finding,yeah brother that's me!
cheers man!
on Slow Motion-Im Lovin by brillbilly
Welcome was a long time you were in silence, hope all is well...
This track is stunning for me...relaxing chill out with soft rock guitar play and those build through the whole number gives a tension for the song...
Congrats and respect, Danke
Thank you very much for your kind comments.!
I dont get much pc time at mo sorry to say,but life has to go on,and making music for me is just a happy hobby.!
I do what i can when i can,and i hate mainstream media lol
cheers mate!
on Dawn Of War - The Peace Message by brillbilly
0:19 we get cool, tight bass and another, distorted synth enters shortly after.
Then some good crashing toms.
0:57 funky little melodic guitar is a nice surprise. Sample, I guess.
1:26 chugging synth is a little like some metal guitar riffage. This has quite the rock band feel but is all synths apart from that little guitar sample. But that guitar's not rock music so adds a cool contrast.
The structure of this is interesting as it kind of sits like ambient music but you could also dance to that bassline.
Some other strings are in there somewhere too.
You know that if I'd made it, the drums would have kicked into a fat beat and it would have gone big and rocking and so on. But not doing that is also a bit different and a perfectly good choice.
No production criticisms from me as it all sounds very professional.
Feel free to tell me a bit more about how you put this together.
I cant really say how i do this,as i just play about with sounds.!
Im a 60's born child and love most types of music.
I just go in to some type of zone,start to lay a few sounds down to create what mood im trying to convey,then i just build around it.!
I just do this as a kind of therapy,as i broke my neck in 94.
Because of nerve damage i struggle to play guitar and keyboard, so in 2008 i got me a Magix music maker program and made my music this way.
I'm just a novice that sometimes can pass my insomnia time making music thats all.!
I seek no fame or fortune, just personal enjoyment that i share.!
Thank you for taking time to give your real kind comments.!
I do take all with the greatest gratitude.!
Peace man!
on Dawn Of War - The Peace Message by brillbilly
Such a powerful production with it's dark beginnings that develop with those hypnotic drums and guitar section. The synth stabs work really well too. Great production. Love it.
Im so pleased this track is getting the love!
peace man!
on Dawn Of War - The Peace Message by brillbilly
Those 'War' drums are majestic and the synths are sublime. The guitar works well too expressing the message of the track in place of vocals.
Faved man. Keep creating! - B
It's my only way of getting my feelings out, to create what i feel at the time,then try to capture it in music!
Life,love n Unity to you and your loved ones!
on Dawn Of War - The Peace Message by brillbilly
Thank you very much for taking time to post your kind comments!
peace man!