this is a great track and I can put some excellent vocals on it. I need a cleaner recording as this one is distorted because it is too loud in the mix. can you please post a lower version or contact me directly.
I imagine if I put lyrics to my own music it would sound similar to yours so I'm saying I like it. It's my opinion that it would feed the intensity to have a little bit of some background screams or somethin. Good shit though!!!!
nevermind i already finished... the track is too hot... the words just came so easily... fifteen thousand motherfucking cheers for how amazing you are at making beats sir!!!!
Thanx for your vocal work on this track, congratulations man !
I'd like you to send me your acapella if it's possible, it will be better if I mix it directly on my Fruity Loop session, don't you think ?
Thanx again and keep on working your great style
hot track.. My microphone sucks so I won't be able to give you the quality you desire. I'll tell you straight up. I'm going to do nothing but work on destroying this track over the next two days then post you a private link. You did an amazing job with this track and I have the utmost respect for you and I will display that with the care I put into my verses.
I could do something with it... But you gotta post the individual loops! I have done alot of recent work with your stuff... would really like you to hear it!
Hello and thanx for your comment !
I'm sorry but this is an old track, and my work is lost since a long time ago. I regret a lot, to begin for myself, and then for you too.
Of course, for everthing I do now, I save every works !
If you can do something with it, just try, if not, maybe my next track will be better for you :)
ok so you got a good ear for sounds, structure, etc. i hope you learn guitar too... damn, fl10 guitar seriously ?.. how ? teach us man... the timbres are great and sound wonderfull.. nice riffing btw... this would be a great intro, break etc for a cd/compilation or could be branched out into a full song... or even a variation.. you've got pt-
ential here.. love it - nv
well dude, i dig it, synthetics and all... follows what they like... dude, why don't you branch out and join indabamusic, etc ? (you might be there, who knows.. if not.. join now!)
dmn, these tuned vocals are growing on me.. scary and i might as well well welcome it... very cool track, love the drums changes and small personal fx, etc.. pretty cool... would love to hear a different guitar tone.. yummy.. nice structure.
damn dude, nice work... you know you really need to open up son.. hahah, scream over top of it as if you're screaming at my grade 2 teacher for making me right handed... yeah.. then i'll sue & pay off my student loans hah ! awesome track
on rap your style by toloache
on The Escaped - instrumental by toloache
That's it...I don't wanna use it just simply love it and I wanted to let you know...
This is bloody brilliant...when those opened hihats came in, I bought your track immediately...:-)
Dark tones, huge groovy...
Much respest and shake hands, Danke
on Dry tears - vocal by Lisa Brune by toloache
on Full Of by toloache
on Dry tears - vocal by Lisa Brune by toloache
on Neuro by toloache
on Force One - Feat rarcharm - Feat vashelite by toloache
on I want your sign by toloache
on Enigmatic - remix of Dirty Revelation and Dogma by toloache
If you are able to do that, just do it, I'll be curious to listen to it !!!
on Force One - Feat rarcharm - Feat vashelite by toloache
on Force One - Feat rarcharm - Feat vashelite by toloache
on Round by toloache
on Dirty revelation by toloache
Gimme news soon then, thanx a lot
on Dirty revelation by toloache
on Dirty revelation by toloache
Let me know :)
on The Slow Desert Metal by toloache
well, i can give to you the instrumental if you want ?
you could do something with it, I'm not a singer...
on Depeche by toloache
on Depeche by toloache
heres the link
I'd like you to send me your acapella if it's possible, it will be better if I mix it directly on my Fruity Loop session, don't you think ?
Thanx again and keep on working your great style
on Depeche by toloache
on Opened Bets by toloache
I'm sorry but this is an old track, and my work is lost since a long time ago. I regret a lot, to begin for myself, and then for you too.
Of course, for everthing I do now, I save every works !
If you can do something with it, just try, if not, maybe my next track will be better for you :)
on Depeche by toloache
Looks like first dance tracks from 80's.
on Neuro by toloache
ential here.. love it - nv
on Tribute to KyleMonroe - Six Feet Under by toloache
dmn, these tuned vocals are growing on me.. scary and i might as well well welcome it... very cool track, love the drums changes and small personal fx, etc.. pretty cool... would love to hear a different guitar tone.. yummy.. nice structure.
neal visher...
on Neuro by toloache
on Come Back Out - Eight Short Tracks by toloache