tight work bruh dis track fire rite here im diggin d snoop sample d beat and lyrics on point!!! holla @ me im always lookin 2 link and collab wit ppl if u down check my trax if u dign wat i got holla bk n lets talk bidness
yeah b. womack is the man, I sampled this joint too, nice flow. I also sampled malcom on another track, hit me up for a beat if you want, hit me up through the contact me tab on my page, peace
have to agree with rei4real sweet flow tight and on top hats off to raven sweet vocals !!!
wouldn't change a thing!! not a fan of rap but this is one of the best i have heard here nice job!!!!!
Johnny Gadget
controversial no doubt but It's a good thing that we as an america have somewhat made some progress in the racial aspect of things, no doubt having a long way to go!! I mean look man we might just have an african american president !! Wow 50 years ago they
would have said it was the twilight zone.
nice piece "lest we forget from which we came to know where we will go !!!"
"May the music like the world bring peace as we play"
Johnny Gadget
great production, great flow ....
awesome work man!!
most of all I love the songwriting, the track is well structured and clear ...
perfect job, sounds pro!!
Like a bit of hip hop now and then, and the sound quality of this track is F$%ing mint. Dont know whether you recorded this in a pro studio or a bedroom studio but whoever did it has done an awsome job keep it up. Papa Chubbs.
just 1 word "tight" this song is raw as hell i like it big ups 2 u nice rymes an beat this is the loopman anthem right here yo check out my new beats an let me know what u think but all i can say 4 this beat is tight u might c a lot of plays on this cause it 2 raw keep"em comin
on Know this by Network135
on Know this by Network135
on DIRT NAP (BANG BANG) by Network135
on G'z & Hustlerz by Network135
on G'z & Hustlerz by Network135
on 110st feat: Malcolm X by Network135
on G'z & Hustlerz by Network135
on Know this by Network135
on Run away by Network135
on 110st feat: Malcolm X by Network135
on Run away by Network135
wouldn't change a thing!! not a fan of rap but this is one of the best i have heard here nice job!!!!!
Johnny Gadget
on 110st feat: Malcolm X by Network135
would have said it was the twilight zone.
nice piece "lest we forget from which we came to know where we will go !!!"
"May the music like the world bring peace as we play"
Johnny Gadget
on Run away by Network135
awesome work man!!
most of all I love the songwriting, the track is well structured and clear ...
perfect job, sounds pro!!
peace, rei
on DIRT NAP (BANG BANG) by Network135
on Know this by Network135
on DIRT NAP (BANG BANG) by Network135
on Think about it! by Network135
on Think about it! by Network135
on Think about it! by Network135
on DIRT NAP (BANG BANG) by Network135