

Oregon, United States
Joined : 17th Jun 2012 - 12 years ago
Comments on JJWeekz tracks

Other users have posted 37 comments on tracks by JJWeekz

Comments 1 - 25 of 37
Eighteen 9th Apr 2020 19:03 - 4 years ago

on Wholeheartedly Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
I love this! I wish it was longer :(
Wisemanlynnjr 16th Dec 2019 22:03 - 5 years ago

on Wholeheartedly Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
Nice voice loving the instrumental
Wanna play a sample someday.
Nodog 4th Nov 2017 08:41 - 7 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
JJ im just finding your stuff here at the loop and this is super regards Robbie
GenOfficial 13th Oct 2016 16:25 - 8 years ago

on I WANT YOU Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
Hey there. Beautiful vocals, would love to make friends :)

I'd like to work on this with you. if you'd like to see my work... Check this link here! any of my work that is private I can show you also if you DM me on soundcloud!

Contact details:

Thanks for your time JJWeekz!
INFLOW 28th Jun 2015 17:51 - 9 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
It's past 4/20, lol. But seriously, it's a pretty chill track. I like it
Eighteen 28th Jun 2015 15:29 - 9 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Nice, as short as this is, it is very powerfull,
really nice mix!

PDMuzak 25th Jan 2015 20:19 - 10 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
This kind of music is one of my favorites. Very Pink Floydish. Thanks for the music
soundhound 23rd Jan 2015 12:47 - 10 years ago

on I WANT YOU Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
Solid hook, real good feel on your voice, almost like talking simple...
That's all it is, right there...

Nice project..

Fredlered 14th Dec 2014 08:05 - 10 years ago

on I WANT YOU Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
You have a beautiful voice...
OrdinaryDude 2nd Oct 2014 00:20 - 10 years ago

on Wholeheartedly Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
LOVE THE VOCALS! your voice has the right sound I like listening to. Nice tone and feeling. Reminds me of Ocean Lab. great work.
Gioia 25th Apr 2014 02:35 - 10 years ago

on Wholeheartedly Acapella Sketch by JJWeekz
JJWeekz, ah, now I feel bad. You're attempt is far more impressive than mine! But I took my chance and did something with your great, great vocals! Good that I didn't listen to your track earlier cause it would have been discouraging for me...
FreeRadical 24th Apr 2014 09:09 - 10 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Psychadelic erotica sounds right up my street so i thought i'd give this one a whirl. Love the intro, reminds me a little of pink floyd.
Everything is splendidly mixed but why ony one and a half minutes? I was just getting into it then it faded out.
XS09 26th Mar 2014 15:25 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Hi!I totally forgot to check out your own songs.Sorry.I like this one alot.Nice ambience.Nice guitar and pad.Good work!
deciBel 20th Mar 2014 00:09 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
just wanted to answer >>
oh yes ow yes yes it's superb & best news I've heared all these recently 3 months that soon U'll be a mother & in facT soon U'll be 2 parents !
oh Jenny I've always wished to have a daughter & similar to her mopther with green eyes ...
shit time goes so fast & I've got old & older (Nazanin too , she is 2 years older than me !)but still having a dream for
having a daughter because of this being always far far , in my eyes , U & C bth have all the world for yourself...serendipitY for yourself ...and I' the first unseen friend who sends his hearty best wishes for your son who is coming soon & I beT he'll be a greaT musical tallent like both his parents . my friend please tell my hearty congratulation to 'C' for becoming a daddy too .
I reallY think U both are suitable to be good,logical and sane & succeeded parents ...
a smile , and congratulations & best wishes for mummy JJWeeks & her beloved one .___Behnam
Ziranmusic 19th Mar 2014 17:51 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
chill track ;D
crucethus 19th Mar 2014 04:27 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
I hear a Floydian interlude on this one with a hip hop like beat. very nice!
Orlando51 19th Mar 2014 00:42 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
I love listening to longer pieces, but I like short pieces like this one as well!:)

beerling1970 1st Mar 2014 19:56 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Hey you don't need help with much as this was so bloody amazing ....short but bloody amazing.

StaticNomad 1st Mar 2014 03:55 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Well, I've already given a fair bit of detail on transition suggestions so won't make anymore here.

Instead, I'll just second Valvedriver's simple but good advice.

This might work very nicely as an interlude, quite possibly an album intro.

I'd rather hear a longer, fuller version but maybe if you just bring in and drop out the same loops for about a minute more, it'll be a cool album intro for a couple of minutes.

I agree with Tumbleweed that there isn't anything wrong with your transitions. However, you did say you were lacking knowledge in how to make transitions so I thought I'd give a few basic suggestions, though it's hard to know if they'll be of any particular help here.

And I have no idea why Behnam doesn't hear the Pink Floyd similarity - it's obvious within about 3 seconds to me.

And the guitar is very Gilmour-esque.

Both of those are good things but there's much more than just Floyd going on here so not just a ripoff of their wonderful and truly groundbreaking style. That band is its own genre!
Tumbleweed 1st Mar 2014 02:10 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Hey don`t need any advice on your compositional thinking at all...and the transitions going on here are smooth & right on...I could have listened a lot longer...judging by the results I`d say just keep doing what you do...I know about the patience thing very well...I have trouble finishing what I`m doing a lot as my head picks up a new idea....well done on this one...Ed
ValveDriver 1st Mar 2014 00:53 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Granted, this is short. But, you can use that to your advantage. This would be a good interlude on an album. This would work well to transition between two tracks that wouldn't otherwise flow well. Or, you can take the same loops, rearrange them slightly and use the two different versions as "Bookends" to an album. I've done that before, when I had a track that was too cool to get rid of, but too short to stand alone.
As far as the arrangement goes, I really, REALLY like what you've done with it. It does have that Pink Floyd element to it. Normally, I don't make that comparison, because in my little world, Pink Floyd are on an untouchable pedestal. But, the proof is in the puddin'. Can't argue with what obviously is.
Good work.

Take care, and I wish for you, that the new arrival is happy and healthy.
Danke 28th Feb 2014 23:55 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
What a mistake from me dear Lady!

I missed this beauty stupid blind one...moody track with the touch of the heartfelt woman...

Hope you too are fine...

Billydragon1 28th Feb 2014 10:44 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Dear Jenny,

Hope you're well and life is treating you kindly.
You will be a mother soon and new inspirations will surely flourish.

I hope you keep up your writing and continue to grace us with snippets of your voice at your convenience.
BTW - This was a good track and in particular the guitar I enjoyed. I am sure there is a full version somewhere among your compositions.

Be kind, stay strong, look to the sun and your shadows shall fall behind. Blessings.

- Forest Gump. :)
deciBel 16th Feb 2014 20:13 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Hi my tallented friends both . guys I wonder to see I had marked this track as fav buT I haven't left any feedback (reallY congrats for my wackY mind !) !so soory for latencY.
well What I heared was designed well & this is third time that your loops usage , Jenny,makes me wonder & find mre respects for your tallents .particualry finding no relevancy to Pinkfloyd (wonder to read that comment) .& I think there was many potentials in this considered & studied psyco atmospher , I'm not sure if does it sound sensual or noT buT beynd anything it had a cinematic flavour ,which made me reallY Like this . & I don't know what are U looking for with that collab request below track , buT If U allow I have some idea for expanding this composition buT I need your premission (I've downloaded it,but won't work on it before knowing your replY). also I can
send U my idea 2 days after your replY..anyway greatest respects & all the best & many thnX for sharing this smarT Idea .(ps : excuse me my friend buT is there any relevancy between U & JJWeeksBand site that I've found ?just think I knew that gentleman with friendlY & kind face & honest & intelligence eyes which was in the center of majoritY of photos,althoughT U know how wackY & even fool I am about knowing the faces in photos -oh gosh ! I'm still ashamed hahaha!).best wishes.___Behnam
JJWeekz replied 28th Feb 2014 - 11 years ago

My friend, with a child on the way and new interests/hobbies/directions, I am not on here or in the music scene much.

But download and add to anything I post on here- no need to ask for permission.

I don't have the same email anymore as I was getting swamped by junk and requests and don't have time to comb through it all now. I am not ready to publicly share my new email, and would feel more comfortable being able to listen to whatever you come up with on my own time if you can upload it online.

Hope you and yours are well, we are here! It's a boy on the way!
larrywiggles1 16th Feb 2014 15:19 - 11 years ago

on Psychedelic Erotica by JJWeekz
Apart from being a bit short this sounded good and was a great effort. It is always difficult putting loops together and getting transitions right is a fine art and sometimes there is a tendency to try and pack to much in, which can detract from the music. you have got the balance about right on this, well done and keep going.
Best wishes,
JJWeekz replied 28th Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
Thank you for this encouragement! It is quite the challenge stringing together loops only- especially since I have no instrumental talent and no knowledge of keys or notes except how it sounds to my ears. I am starting to grow a love for it though which helps as I learn slowly...very slowly. Maybe I will lengthen this if inspiration hits again soon! (danke always makes such great loops!!!)
Comments 1 - 25 of 37