Had to check you out and I'm impressed. You can spit like a champ man! Working with you would be an honor because I know we could come up with something off the hook! Let me know when you ready. ghettosupahero@gmail.com
thanks, glad u like it. if u know how to make a video id be glad to send the mp3 lol. i tried but i just need to stick to the music. thanks for the review.
hey, i've listened to some tracks of you, you have talent, a nice feeling for hooks, nice flow...like it. you said u want to jump on my track "press play again", no problem, if u r interested just contact me and i'll send you the beat! peace dizzy
Dang Danny one of my Favez, u real Creative my man. a 10 from me I sure a lot of people can relate to this one cuz I can, "same sh*t 3rd day" yea haz a Phat course in got me singin a long with it, loooool.
glad you liked it, i was just trying to have some fun with it and it turned out pretty enjoyable. it makes me smile when im feeling like "la la la la la la la la"
yo fam this is sick
love your flow sick flow and the hook is so crazy n catchy
slick always come wit heat on the beats
i like the lyrics cuz it dint seem like u were tryin to hard to throw together too many multis jus droppin lines that actually made sense
check out some a my trax if u git a chance
collab anytime
imma be on the mixtape too
This track iz crazy Mr Bolo, this ish blew my mind my mane real tight show fam can't wait to hear tha edited ver for tha mixtape in tha works it'z gonna be one to rememder that for sure, big upz to you n tha other kollaberating artistz on this piece of fiiiire that we all are working on.....Major respect my man..
on dope life by DannyBOLO
keep on creating i hope u still at it
on whoaa by DannyBOLO
on whoaa by DannyBOLO
on the shat by DannyBOLO
on the shat by DannyBOLO
on the shat by DannyBOLO
on the shat by DannyBOLO
those LYRICS were DOPE!!
beat was ILL, those piano stabs
were SICK
your flow is UNSTOPPABLE
your punchlines just
KNOCK me down
Much Respect from LA
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
damn it is a wicked world.
liking the beat
danny B.O.L.O.
on whoaa by DannyBOLO
on same sht 3rd day by DannyBOLO
on same sht 3rd day by DannyBOLO
on same sht 3rd day by DannyBOLO
Real good show my man.
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
I will def. put in fav,!
great job!
on Be Me beat by Just Clownz Productions by DannyBOLO
on wake up freestyle by DannyBOLO
on wake up freestyle by DannyBOLO
thanks for sharing!
thanks again, constructive crit is also welcome btw
on wake up freestyle by DannyBOLO
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
been a minute, still fire.
dope track.
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
love your flow sick flow and the hook is so crazy n catchy
slick always come wit heat on the beats
i like the lyrics cuz it dint seem like u were tryin to hard to throw together too many multis jus droppin lines that actually made sense
check out some a my trax if u git a chance
collab anytime
imma be on the mixtape too
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
favin' as i type this
"smoke up all the hash"
love the lyrics
on wicked world by DannyBOLO
on wicked world by DannyBOLO