yet another good one, but then the panning is still bleeding on the left ear. and there is some noise of a machine in the recording. i think u should check ur sound card.
as for the beat bro, it is very good. get umm... ASIO4all and sett the bit-rates to about 512 or the best for ur pc, it really helps clear ur sound. i like them.
on looperman beat by v5i5n5c5e5n5t5
on and away we go by v5i5n5c5e5n5t5
as for the beat bro, it is very good. get umm... ASIO4all and sett the bit-rates to about 512 or the best for ur pc, it really helps clear ur sound. i like them.
on and away we go by v5i5n5c5e5n5t5