I am totally impressed by how innovative the musical composition is on this!! I am not as impressed with my vocals on it or the way it was placed. I think you should get rid of them as it takes away from the music! It doesn't quite fit the mood I feel. Loving the sounds on this wow!
I am sorry that you don't feel like your vocals fit in there just right, I have a tendency to be that way to make things that don't seem just quite right co-exist.
If you insist I will post redo the track without the vocals but I actually do like it, maybe it is a sign of how we tend to be our own biggest critics.
on Study in Truth - feat JJWekz by AngeloIlPoeta
I am sorry that you don't feel like your vocals fit in there just right, I have a tendency to be that way to make things that don't seem just quite right co-exist.
If you insist I will post redo the track without the vocals but I actually do like it, maybe it is a sign of how we tend to be our own biggest critics.