Check back in a little while or maybe tomorrow (depending on whether Looperman allows me to upload or not). I am deleting this one and putting another one up. Same track though
If you want it I will email it to you. I was thinking I probably won't change it up much. It still sounds the same but I changed the intro. I would like to hear what you come up with too.
Definitely a sweet vibing melody to this. This is exactly why i want to learn to play the piano professionally. Maybe even on a legendary status. Sweet instrument, probably the best one in my opinion. Nice playing. peace
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG
Tune D
on Guess This Old RnB Track by MrKeyOfG
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG
As all your work, beautiful!
on Guess This Old RnB Track by MrKeyOfG
[Picks tongue up off floor and runs out of room] O_o
on RnB Beat by MrKeyOfG
on Guess This Old RnB Track by MrKeyOfG
Love & Light,
on RnB Beat by MrKeyOfG
on RnB Beat by MrKeyOfG
on RnB Beat by MrKeyOfG
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG
Hope you like it!
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG
on Piano for Antranita by MrKeyOfG