Like the track, but i think you missed out on a few opportunities to really biuld the sound there. Not sue what sort of programs you use, but you could certainly add more piano and maybe some strings to break up the monotony of the sound, and through in a variation on the loop to crate a bridge. Not necessary, but it would, IMO, take this to the next level. Hope this helps.
Player This Joint Is Raw Dope. Str8 Like That. The Way Them Keys Twang And That Base Hitting, This Is A Sure Nuff Winner. I Will Be Sending You The Link When I Finish Putting This Player Shit To It. KEEP MAKING HITS.
they on this site u just got to found something and twaek them here and there but this site has alot useful stuff and ppl are pretty much down to earth
on Epic Shit by aDawon1285
on Got 2 Get Her by aDawon1285
on Exposed by aDawon1285
on TRUTH by aDawon1285
on Exposed by aDawon1285
on In the game by aDawon1285
on TRUTH by aDawon1285
on Got 2 Get Her by aDawon1285
on Epic Shit by aDawon1285
on TRUTH by aDawon1285
on TRUTH by aDawon1285
on Settle down by aDawon1285
on Got 2 Get Her by aDawon1285
on Exposed by aDawon1285
Nicely done..
on Exposed by aDawon1285
on Exposed by aDawon1285
Tune D
on IN SIGHT by aDawon1285
on IN SIGHT by aDawon1285
Tune D
on dONT PLAY AROUND by aDawon1285
on dONT PLAY AROUND by aDawon1285
on Rock mode by aDawon1285
on Got 2 Get Her by aDawon1285
on Got 2 Get Her by aDawon1285
woulda luv for the bass to have Iil more thump tho
nice beat
on Roll Em Out by aDawon1285
on Roll Em Out by aDawon1285