I would add some breaks rammed through a low-end filter and a reverb during the build up. - Mike
Try adding some orchestral-esque percussion in the beginning if you want to drum home a more dark aggressive feel during our more atmospheric segments. - Paul
Nice structuring with this track. I think a little more tweaking here and there wont hurt it a little. Just make sure nothing is clipping so no sounds become broken so to speak.
I love the Enigma feel to this track. Definitely a thumbs up from me. Nice job!
on Lets Fly by dangerpro
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
on Dangerpro-legends by dangerpro
on Monster by dangerpro
Try adding some orchestral-esque percussion in the beginning if you want to drum home a more dark aggressive feel during our more atmospheric segments. - Paul
on Never the same by dangerpro
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
on Journey by dangerpro
I love the Enigma feel to this track. Definitely a thumbs up from me. Nice job!
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
Have you thought about adding vocals?
Looperman has some great vocalists that offer free vocals for all genre's
I think this would be ideal for adding a few vocals
but thats just my opinion,and in no way am i saying the track is inferior with out them.!
Nice work and welcome from me!
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
on Lets Fly by dangerpro
on Lets Fly by dangerpro
on Lets Fly by dangerpro
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro
im loving the vibes it brings to me and recommend more to listen
much respect
mr and mrs z
on Raw-Hive by dangerpro