Your beat sounds really solid after it starts up. Maybe try to add some layers of synth, add bass, pads, really anything other than drums. After you do that break down the drums and build it back up. You already did one of the hardest parts so just experiment.
The mood of the song matches your description. It has a real dark feel and the vocals add to that. Vocals is something i would like to add to my music. Great song and feel.
I could hear where someone could rap over this. As far as the future of hip hop i couldnt say but this track does sound good. Get some vocals from someone.
i also never heard the original. this one is good. i thought the snare was a little to sharp/loud/distracting. maybe try a clap. its not really a big deal but might be cool to play around with. keep it up!
Thanks alot! - i guess my calling is industrial :) - This took me all night to make i cudnt get the drums right - but i finally got it all to sit right :) - another hour later the story was born! :) - thanks for the review
i dont know what you use for drums but i think of metal as huge, fast, brutal drums so maybe try to get that going. check out my track metal drum exp. for ideas maybe. great first track for metal.
i think this is a very good start. if you keep at it and experimenting you will for sure find a sound that you like and be able to make some great stuff. thanks also for the review.
this is a great song. it keeps changing up it still stays true to the rest off the song. the part around 1:20 is great and the horn later on is another change up but fits perfectly. awesome song.
another nice track. it has a really peaceful sound at parts and then seamlessly flows into jubilant parts with a lot of energy. you definitely have talent.
i liked your song. i thought the beginnng was the strongest part because it just has a cool vibe with the synth moving around and then building on the percussion. nice job and check out some of my stuff.
The beginning of this song is so chill. It sounds great especially for a first song and i know how first songs go. The one thing i would say is maybe bring the vocals in earlier. You will get alot better with more experience so keep making stuff and enjoy.
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THX for the review!
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Thx for the review
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Cheers S.
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