Klassz lett, igen kreatív és hangulatos, kellemes hallgatni! Hogy úgy fogalmazzak, jól állnak neked ezek a "prüntyögős" hangok, abba ne hagyd. :)
Üdv, traz
Annyira örülök, hogy írtál, a mai napig emlékszem arra, hogy bő három éve te írtál egyedűl nekem (egy jószándékú kommentet) amikor is felraktam a második zenémet, aminek az volt a címe, hogy: Robot Report. Már akkor is elég "fura" dolgokat műveltem, de te nem döngöltél bele a padlóba, sőt inkább bíztattál... akkor is, és most is! :)
Nice mix! Not so my style but sounds good to me, just too loud - with a medium quality headphone (AKG) heard a lot of overgain scraching.
Regards, traz
Very clean mix, nice smooth guitarplay, i love it!
For a first track, it's excellent i think.
A little pickin': i feel the buld-up a bit too long - perhaps it would have been better if the first 1:30 mins is only around 1:00 - this makes it feel the track a little more repetitive than necessary, but i don't think it's a big problem, it's the feature of the genre too. :)
Personally i love much more the first 50 secs (i feel it very sophisticated) - if i was in your position then i would've kept the peaceful chill style until the end, but your solution with the much more dominating drums is totally okay too. :)
Not so sad, it's more cute i think. And a very nice tune! However, there is some serious overgain when the choir joins, giving some heavy crackling. You have to pay a bit more attention of the balance - luckily it's an easy thing to correct, simply you don't have to be so loud...
I took a break too by around 2 years... I love animes too... Not a big dubstep fan, but i love to mix some dubstep elements to my tunes...
So i like it, cool work. :)
on Lon-Lon Shroomy by monkwee
- But only a part of it?
on The Princess of The Swamp by ZoxoSonor
A szokásos minőség, grat... Aranyos. :)
Üdv, traz
on Baker Street by ZoxoSonor
Klassz lett, igen kreatív és hangulatos, kellemes hallgatni! Hogy úgy fogalmazzak, jól állnak neked ezek a "prüntyögős" hangok, abba ne hagyd. :)
Üdv, traz
Annyira örülök, hogy írtál, a mai napig emlékszem arra, hogy bő három éve te írtál egyedűl nekem (egy jószándékú kommentet) amikor is felraktam a második zenémet, aminek az volt a címe, hogy: Robot Report. Már akkor is elég "fura" dolgokat műveltem, de te nem döngöltél bele a padlóba, sőt inkább bíztattál... akkor is, és most is! :)
Nagyon-nagyon köszönöm!
Üdvözlettel, ZoSo
on The Birdlands Edge by Orlando51
If you tell me it's an official witcher 3 track, i believe it. Superb quality in every aspect!
Regards, traz
With appreciation_____Leon
on Woke Dont Mean Awake by Dj4Real
Regards, traz
on The Long Hard Road by Dj4Real
Btw, thanks for the excellent loops!
Regards, traz
on Lazy Summer Day by scepticist
I like it, perfectly fits for background to my work. :)
Regards, traz
on Black Jack by theHumps
Fine track with great guitar skills like always. :)
Dunno why but somehow my mind wants to hear it like an ZZ Top tune. O:O
Regards, traz
on Light Soul Xx PianoViolin Instrumental by AshinaBeats
Really chillie, i found only one problem - that it's over too soon. :) Great work!
Regards, traz
on Dreamland by beatzz61
The mix sounds very lively, good work!
Regards, traz
on Sad Times by orchardstudios
Wonder if is it really acoustic? Have a good cinematic feeling on it.
Regards, traz
Thanks for listening and your feedback.
on summer chill by enviem
Regards, traz
on get it by TomElliston
Regards, traz
on Free to Use Hook Chorus Acapella by AleccOfficial
on Hang on For Your Dear Life by crucethus
Regards, traz
on Revive The Funk -Old by HamedEmine
Very clean mix, nice smooth guitarplay, i love it!
For a first track, it's excellent i think.
A little pickin': i feel the buld-up a bit too long - perhaps it would have been better if the first 1:30 mins is only around 1:00 - this makes it feel the track a little more repetitive than necessary, but i don't think it's a big problem, it's the feature of the genre too. :)
Nice work!
Regards, traz
Thank you so much for your positive comment!
I did some edits to the track you listened to, and hopefully the build-up isn't boring or long anymore!
I uploaded the final version to Youtube just few minutes ago, here is the new link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmngdYVeehU
I'll upload it here later so everyone can enjoy/use it!
on Last December by Trillify
Personally i love much more the first 50 secs (i feel it very sophisticated) - if i was in your position then i would've kept the peaceful chill style until the end, but your solution with the much more dominating drums is totally okay too. :)
Regards, traz
on Deimospolis by ZoxoSonor
Absolute creative. :)
I feel some Kraftwerk (and a bit Depeche Mode) feeling in it. Very clean and smooth mix, professional work! I love it!
Regards, traz
Nagyon örülök, hogy tetszett. Külön köszönöm a szívecskét, megtiszteltetés számomra.
Üdvözlettel: Zoxo Sonor
on Silent Embers by Tiltedbeats
A simple suggestion: a slight pan, especially on the bells will do some wonder i think. :)
Regards, traz
thanks mate
on boop bap boop bap by reyezprod
I love chiptunes, reminds me the good old times when everything were a lot more simple...
Regards, traz
on The Waves Between Ship And Shore by Evisma
Some of the best guitar tones of the site in work!
Regards, traz
on The fallen kingdom by LOOPERGIRL13
Not so sad, it's more cute i think. And a very nice tune! However, there is some serious overgain when the choir joins, giving some heavy crackling. You have to pay a bit more attention of the balance - luckily it's an easy thing to correct, simply you don't have to be so loud...
Regards, traz
on Minmatar Champion by StineControl
on G0szT by skwishfish
The intro section is very similar to a local commercial in my country. :)
Regards, traz
on Water Breather by skwishfish
I took a break too by around 2 years... I love animes too... Not a big dubstep fan, but i love to mix some dubstep elements to my tunes...
So i like it, cool work. :)
Regards, traz