Thank you. I'm not so sure about the middle part however I'm still trying to piece a final version of this together for a finished product to put on Soundcloud. Thank you for your feedback, definitely keeps me going.
Thanks Shae! Would love to hear what you come up with. When you have some vocals you can either send it to my email : or you can send by pm through my profile on here. Thanks for the interest and have a nice day!
on The Momento by ProLyfik
on TWO6IX9INE FINAL by EddieTheHuman
on Chill guitar track by Nextgentracks
on Chill guitar track by Nextgentracks
on Seclusion by M8TN
good luck, take care, hope to hear from u again..
on Exterminators - WIP by AJE1000
on Modnex - I wish by Modnex
on GreatfuL by GalanticMusic
on Addiction by AviatOfficial
on my memoir by GalanticMusic