I`m into constructive criticisim too. I will have to agree with Krook on the vocals... however, you guys rock. Very nice arrangements and nicely laid down. Much love from the US. Keep it up..peace.
yeah the last thing that i would compare it too is a simple sounding track, but hey thats what this site is 4, 2 b critiqued and sometimes ridiqueled by our fiends and foes,,, and the neutral as well! sometimes its the producers fault 4 expecting the audiance 2 know where they are coming from.....Honestly, thats a recipe 4 disaster.Never expect your ego 2 b stroked by your audiance, and above all,,, dont judg your audiances intelligence. I'v already made a couple of enemies because of my careless words. I actually have come 2 realize that most of my comments are suppressed feelings directed 2ward another members comments.So to respond 2 ur review.....Repedative yes but "simple".....No fucking way man. I spent so much time creating this abstracrt sequence of sliced, diced, cut and pasted, duplicated...pitch shifted arrangement of sounds, and for the soul purpose for a looperman junkie 2 let me know that even through all the tricks up my sleeve....I was found out... which was exactly what i was hoping 4. Yes 2 contradict what i just said....every track that "1" releases 2 the masses.... it should always have intentttttttttt and purpose behind it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Maybe u just unoffically challenged me 2 recreate my track, I was just waiting 4 a response, Thank u 4 ur honesty...
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