Yo yo yo...this is my kind of flava for my ears... really like the trumpets and the voices behind the beat... really nice work. The bass is right on spot, drums could be mixed better but in general really nice beat I did it a lot.
Keep up the great work.
Would be nice if we could download this track tho...
Hi bro, really enjoyed listening to the track... it's really catchy and nice to listen to.. gives a nice vibe, especially positive.
This is a nice one, thanks for sharing it.
Not really boom bap...but i really like the track you cooked up here bro.
I dig this big time... keep em coming....
Like the melody and drums...such a chill vibe... thanks for relaxing us.
Yo, nice track man! True lyrics and great track to listen to. For my opinion, you guys added a bit too much reverb on your vocal.. But it sounds great overall!! And I have to say that your stile reminds me of EDO-G type of raps! Check out some of my tracks if youll have spare time, and we can maybe do some collab sometime... Respect man ! Great track.
Hey there bbedford48. Thank you for posting this beauty on the site! Really like the piano play. Everything goes really well together, at least for my ears... Smooth jazzy track that make me feel warm and relaxed! And the clarity of the instruments is phenomenal in my opinion. Great track man, I really like it! This one is a fav. and downloaded for my collection of looperman tracks. Keep up the great work!
This is the bomb right here my man!!! Great collection you got here on LM Reffer! Great job with every one of the beats you made... Keep up doing the real ish! You can check some of my beats as well...
Stay funky,
Ok here it is.
I was never a fan of electro music! But this is a job well done my man! Like the little efx you added here. Otherwise this track is somehow uplifting to me...Even doe at first it sounded like some hard ish!
Thank you for sharing this track on LM.
Hi there, thx for checking out and glad i could sway you into liking ideas ;) its most certainly has that hard edge as i focused the kicks more forward than i normally would and gave the eq work a bit more beef as they say to be more of the main focus in the ear while everything is bouncing around it :) once again many thx for checking out my work :)
Thx from Kenny,..
wats poppin wise11 thanks for the feedback... ive had that track and other beats forever and jus been nervous to post shit... ive been on looperman for a while now tho jus didn't think it was good... didn't expect positive let alone any feedback really.. yea the mixing is not great at all.. but as I told joecramer (above) im working with a 20 year old laptop and a dollar store mic. the instrumental is played separate on my mp3 player then I take forever to mix vox innit... that's all that ive heard about the track tho is the mixing but for what im working with I think its decent... id like to do collabs tho.. like record my vox separate and send it to someone here and have them mix it in professionally and send it back.. I write stuff everyday... anyways thanks again.. you two jus made my fuckin month!! lol
on SOUL FREE by ceejazzmuzik
Keep up the great work.
Would be nice if we could download this track tho...
Happy birthday bro!
Peace Wise11.
on Blxst x Common Type Beat by localmotive253
This is a nice one, thanks for sharing it.
on Back 2 Business by KevWest
I dig this big time... keep em coming....
Like the melody and drums...such a chill vibe... thanks for relaxing us.
on Blow Out Of Sight Ft Buddahmann by StrikingDaggers
And keep up the good work...i see you had fun with this one.
on Over Your Dead Body by Flip713
on The Victor featuring Ruste Juxx by W0UNDEDBUFFAL0BEATS
Keep up with good stuff bro.
on Myy Lyyfe by KnightHeir
on one 4 the road by bbedford48
Many thanks for your positive comment. Really made my day. That organ kind of worked well as a soft contrast to the bright piano.
on Der Meisterdieb by RentAReefer
Stay funky,
on The Rollercoaster by kennydjctxmckenzie
I was never a fan of electro music! But this is a job well done my man! Like the little efx you added here. Otherwise this track is somehow uplifting to me...Even doe at first it sounded like some hard ish!
Thank you for sharing this track on LM.
Thx from Kenny,..
on HWFI dope delicious REMIX by nepaul
on Pain Over Love ft Ybigg by Tiltedbeats
on SelfEnd by HMNN
Check out my beat ( ART FORM ) I used ur sample there.. So let me know what you think. Peace
on My Soul Aint Yours by KrayzieB
on Freestyle Vol XII by RentAReefer