Sound pretty good on my rubicon 6a's, I don't have a sub so I can't tell you about the sub bass. I kinda a/b'd it with a Ewun track, both online and yours seems to have real good presence! Thank you for allowing the dwnld! Now I have another secret banger!!
I really like this track! You definitely captured the hardcore sound. Of the few suggestions I could offer, Turn the master volume down, I had my monitors at a low level and I still had to turn it down. I noticed distortion at around the 30 sec mark and at around 1:40. Great crisp tones though! Sounds good and clean apart from the volume issue. This has kinda made me want to make a hard trance track now.
Thanks djen, i was trying to make it as hardstyle as possible. Well i added a master fader and turned the whole thing down a lot so it shouldn't be an issue any more. thankz!!
Thank you just started makin music again been off the path for a min I figured the bass could use some modification thanks for the comeback...Rockingchair
this must have been a fun track! interesting sounds! as stated below it would have been great if you had a beat expose itself, and it was a little longer, but great nonetheless!! Good production!
Good work for 1st time! Here's my review, not being harsh, but I'd like to see what you can do with this track, you have a great start!: Flute like instrument needs to be turned down a little, vocoder sample needs eq and a little boost in vol. Bass line is off-beat!, 1st guitar just a little off, love the swing break!! Other then that just needs a little mixing. You have a great start! Can't wait to hear you finish it!
I threw it into ableton with the spectrum analyzer and got nothing. I imagine that when you say turn it into "an image" you mean something other then a graphic EQ. Anyways a lot of neat sounds in here!!
An actual image. I took a bitmap and turned it into audio, the image will be skewed since it never gets a solo. I am not exactly sure how you would turn audio into image but I used coagula light for the image into audio.
You know i was looking at the bpm bar today wondering how high it would go. How long is the song if it lasts 40sec at 1000 bpm? 10min? You know what might be cool? Play it backwards at 1000bpm slowing it down quickly as it gets to the beginning to the normal bpm and have that as an intro, the whole song in reverse really quick. if that makes any sense. Great fun, now I've gotta go try that with a few of my tracks!!
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