Hi blackearmusic, Just wanted to drop a line to say I enjoy listening to your style of laid back grooves. Keep 'em coming! Loved the tropical sunset vibe of the track!
Thank you for this, MasanoriMurabayashi.
Songs always take me on a journey.
I was riding a calm, contemplative wave with the tender sound of the piano keys,
then as the other instruments came rushing in,
I was pulled into a swirl of nostalgia.
Lovely reflective piece of music.
Hi athousandmaris,
What I was concentrated on this tune was tempo. This tune is based on around 74bpm with let 8 bars interval has a little break with sometime around 80ms. To make soloing piano always give me much more effort that I don't know great piano soloist do it on the real stage. Let's have image of the time feel of music goes on the real stage. Thanks for deep intuitive comment. Have a good day!
Just like Balance21, the line about not being able to let go of the past really got me. :) You put together those words and created a powerful image! I like how you set the "icy" mood with your choice of instruments. Is it an Asian string instrument I'm hearing? :)
Erica, yes! I enjoyed this track!!
Listening to this midweek
makes me feel like it's the weekend already. :)
Vocals are hot, production sounds great!
This track is radio / iTunes/ Spotify ready. :)
Great job!
I listened to this track
Alone in a quiet room
The emotional strums of the guitar
Seeped into the space I was occupying
Then your smooth vocals entered
Sadness flowed into the room
Bittersweet harmonies uttering “Maybe…”
And the tender sound of piano keys
Pulled memories up to the surface
Still alone in the room
Trying to keep afloat
In the deluge of emotions.
Thank you for creating this piece,
SpellJammer and Dan Smith!
What a kind, thoughtful review. Thank you for taking the time to listen. Im a huge fan of your work and voice so its a great compliment coming from you. All credit to the two main guys KnowKontrol and DanSmith. They are great musicians.
This track gives me a boost of energy! :)
Like wikkid said, it makes me listen intently
to grasp each aspect of the track
and makes me ask:
"What's in this piece that puts a smile on my face?"
Great job, Skwish Fish,
and welcome back to Looperman. :)
Hi Cej97! I loved the piano and bass you used in your "A Touch of the Blues" track. It made me check out more of your music. This one right here, "I'm Lost" is the track that really got me with its quiet and emotional keys and lyrics. I like how it ended in a hopeful note. Thanks for sharing this song!
It's great to hear more sibling collaboration here on Looperman.
Thanks for sharing this track, I haven't heard this Lifehouse-Bedingfield collab before. Love the lyrics and melody here just as I appreciate your originals. The vocals are touching and calming. Great job, both of you!
A great way to cap off a year of your musical collaborations with this contemplative track. I love the tenderness that permeates throughout the song. Thank you, Orlando and Ed, for creating and sharing this beautiful piece of music.
Austin, You've once again let your raw emotion bleed out of the computer speakers and envelope me in a blanket of sadness.. but still with a little bit of hope that wounds between friends will mend. The drum beats that enter mid track seem to reflect a 'melancholic heart beat'. Always a fan of your music and the way you tell your stories. Thanks for sharing this song!
Great track! The piano was a pleasant surprise. Loved the heavy beats mixed with the twinkling of the keys! Reminds me of one of the Gorillaz tracks that I like. :)
I'm listening to this track and staring at the Edwardian Haunted artwork in a dark room while everyone else is asleep. Haha. But instead of being spooked by her, I feel that she's giving me a sense of strength and power. :) Do I want any of her "mystical, spiritual knowledge and awareness"? - Yes, please! :-D
Although it is subtle compared to the other elements of the track, the most striking feature for me is the drum loop that sounds like someone knocking or some footsteps. Although, I wouldn't want to actually hear those sounds right now. Hehe. Kidding.
Midisparksartsales is awesome! I'll see if I can create a spooky track. I've been going through boxes of my grandmother's stuff and I've found interesting objects that could inspire tracks too!
Through your music and website, you invite us to be more imaginative and creative. Thanks, Dan! :)
Hi Robbie, Thank you for creating music that pleases the ears, informs the mind, and moves the soul. I love how your ideas for tracks are ignited by these social issues. I appreciate what you share in your track descriptions. This song takes me back to the days when I worked with indigenous communities in the mountain and seaside. I learned a lot from them. Thanks again for this music and sending you good vibes!
Itiyati i really appreciate you having taken the time to send the good vibes and making my day a better one :) I know you are making the world a better place as you say "one song at a time" best regards. Robbie
Patricia, you tell stories through your songs so beautifully that I hang on to every word and by the time the chorus enters, I feel that I'm soaring along with your voice. :) Thank you for sharing your gift!
Kudos to Brado as well for creating this moving piece of music. :)
Thank you so much! If there isn't a story, there isn't much to tell. Hehe I stopped by your place, but you don't have anything there. Unhide some of the stuff so we can take a listen. L-)
7venth12, your wellspring of musical ideas runneth over!
Nature sounds, operatic vocals, wisdom from Alan Watts, combined with electronic elements, together creating a solid piece of work!
"But it has a totality, it all goes together, and this totality is the Tao.” -Watts
Your work parallels that idea, wherein "it has a totality".. the musical elements you carefully chose.. "all goes together" and this totality is your own truth, your own way, your own musical Tao.
As usual.. I can't wipe this grin off my face. And my eyes suddenly go dancing, looking left - right - left - right. Then the head starts bobbing.. who knows what's gonna happen next? You're a crazy rabbit pied piper! I like that it's less dark than your other DNB tracks, for a change. :)
Larry!!! Totally in love with this track. Love everything about it. The piano, the snaps, the beat.. but your vocals.. Your vocals are so smooth, so rich.. no.. it's GOLD. :-D Really amazing!
Hi Giulia! Congrats on your first song! :) For me, the lyrics are very powerful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and emotions. This tune will resonate with people going through the same challenges. I love the rawness of your guitar playing and your wonderful tender voice. Looking forward to your next songs! :)
aw thank you so much! that is the message that i hoped to give people! i am working on new songs and i can't wait to share them with the world. sorry for the bad english.
Love this, Jeffierenee! You've got such a smooth and sexy voice. I especially love the sections of the track where you're speaking. jasonnns' awesome instrumental track plus your amazing vocal create such a solid tune. :)
This track gives me a boost of energy, Fl4zh! :) It makes me grin and dance! Hehe. I love the piano here. It reminds me of my favourite 90s divas’ dance tracks. Congrats on a great track! High five! :)
on The Wild Life by blackearmusic
on discouragement by MasanoriMurabayashi
Songs always take me on a journey.
I was riding a calm, contemplative wave with the tender sound of the piano keys,
then as the other instruments came rushing in,
I was pulled into a swirl of nostalgia.
Lovely reflective piece of music.
What I was concentrated on this tune was tempo. This tune is based on around 74bpm with let 8 bars interval has a little break with sometime around 80ms. To make soloing piano always give me much more effort that I don't know great piano soloist do it on the real stage. Let's have image of the time feel of music goes on the real stage. Thanks for deep intuitive comment. Have a good day!
on Lost World by kingmadi
on In The Still Of The Night by SpellJammer
Love the harmonies!
Can't wipe this smile off my face!
This a cappella track is so good! :)
on Just Dance by EFCrenshaw
Listening to this midweek
makes me feel like it's the weekend already. :)
Vocals are hot, production sounds great!
This track is radio / iTunes/ Spotify ready. :)
Great job!
on A Song About Nothing - KnowKontrol Cover Version 1 by SpellJammer
Alone in a quiet room
The emotional strums of the guitar
Seeped into the space I was occupying
Then your smooth vocals entered
Sadness flowed into the room
Bittersweet harmonies uttering “Maybe…”
And the tender sound of piano keys
Pulled memories up to the surface
Still alone in the room
Trying to keep afloat
In the deluge of emotions.
Thank you for creating this piece,
SpellJammer and Dan Smith!
on Its nice the day by RemDee
on Magic Fingaz by skwishfish
Like wikkid said, it makes me listen intently
to grasp each aspect of the track
and makes me ask:
"What's in this piece that puts a smile on my face?"
Great job, Skwish Fish,
and welcome back to Looperman. :)
on Im Lost by cej97
on Between the Raindrops by austinmusic
Thanks for sharing this track, I haven't heard this Lifehouse-Bedingfield collab before. Love the lyrics and melody here just as I appreciate your originals. The vocals are touching and calming. Great job, both of you!
on With Sarah And Wine by Orlando51
With much appreciation____Orlando
on What Went Down by austinmusic
on Ecoast by Darknives
on Whole Tone Haunt by DanGoldstein
I'm listening to this track and staring at the Edwardian Haunted artwork in a dark room while everyone else is asleep. Haha. But instead of being spooked by her, I feel that she's giving me a sense of strength and power. :) Do I want any of her "mystical, spiritual knowledge and awareness"? - Yes, please! :-D
Although it is subtle compared to the other elements of the track, the most striking feature for me is the drum loop that sounds like someone knocking or some footsteps. Although, I wouldn't want to actually hear those sounds right now. Hehe. Kidding.
Midisparksartsales is awesome! I'll see if I can create a spooky track. I've been going through boxes of my grandmother's stuff and I've found interesting objects that could inspire tracks too!
Through your music and website, you invite us to be more imaginative and creative. Thanks, Dan! :)
Yea - she is an interesting subject that Edwardian lady. I can see her in the light you cast.
I've been having fun learning Drummax. Actually have a few more little hits from Drummax to spice this track up.
I am really flattered and gratified by your comments about the site. Next best thing would be to actually start selling some art!
I hope you do give a shot to a spooky track. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.
on Wounded Knee by Nodog
on Am I Crazy Muzic by BradoSanz by FullCapicityMuzic
Kudos to Brado as well for creating this moving piece of music. :)
on Not To Force Anything by 7venth12
Nature sounds, operatic vocals, wisdom from Alan Watts, combined with electronic elements, together creating a solid piece of work!
"But it has a totality, it all goes together, and this totality is the Tao.” -Watts
Your work parallels that idea, wherein "it has a totality".. the musical elements you carefully chose.. "all goes together" and this totality is your own truth, your own way, your own musical Tao.
on Nemesis by srob1234
on Madmen by swindla007
on joy and pain demo by larrybarrow31
on PUNK song no vocals by Deathbot
on Giulia Margaria - Get Up by giuliamargaria
on Show Me by Jeffierenee
on Lo Simple by Kargalar
Thanks for sharing great alternative rock music! :)
on The End by Fl4zh