

United States
Joined : 14th Jun 2008 - 16 years ago
Jakk13 comments on tracks

Jakk13 has posted 29 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 29
Jakk13 8th Jun 2009 16:59 - 15 years ago

on My Surrender by Ciko
I like this alot. You are really good at creating an atmosphere. I still need to hit you up. I have been dealing with a great deal of personal problems which has kept me from being able to collborate with you and others on looperman. I believe there is a 100% chance you will like my music LOL.
Jakk13 26th Mar 2009 14:05 - 15 years ago

on It's Done! (Assigned & Neglected) by Ciko
You got the 5 out of 5 with this one! My computer and email has not been working. I hope I can contact you in the near future. I have alot of things to say about loops and music.
Jakk13 18th Feb 2009 14:24 - 16 years ago

on Casualty (A Entirely Normal Day) by Ciko
What a great title! I liked this one alot also. I thought it was a nice mix of horror and street with the sirens. I give this one a 4 out of 5. (The reason I did not give it a 5 out of 5 is because that is a very hard rating to get!)
Ciko replied Unknown
Jakk I want to know what it takes to reach the 5;)!?!

Hope u enjoy this alot!

and take care

Jakk13 29th Jan 2009 13:38 - 16 years ago

on I'm Sorry! by Ciko
I agree with what everyone else said! Other producers have big clown shoes to fill! I give this one a 4 out of 5!
Ciko replied Unknown

Jakk ur the man! You'll always makin me laugh with ur reviews! And hey the one point is missed by me but I believe that this is the missing voice, isnt it?;)

Thnakx for every kind word!

and take care

Jakk13 20th Jan 2009 15:33 - 16 years ago

on Reach Out (For My Healin') by Ciko
Very powerful track! You made another one for our veins! Your tracks stand out from one another which is always a good thing! My overall rating for this track is a 4 out of 5.
Ciko replied Unknown
Oh Jack,

that u like this Track is something that Ive never expected;)! Thankx for every kind word in the past! Hope everything is allright!

and take care


Ive uploaded a new Track! Hope u will like it also!
Jakk13 7th Jan 2009 14:56 - 16 years ago

on From The Cradle To The Grave by Ciko
You are able to convey emotions well with your music. I hope everything goes well for you and your family!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx Jakk,

yeah my grandpa is now allready at home!
But hey hes 79 years old, fights against germany in the 2nd world war and has a big family! Hes gotta had have a great life!
No one can say if hes allready been there in one or two months but I take my time to say now good-bye!

BKMSR is going to place some Lyrics over it!
Worth to wait 4 sure!

and take care

Jakk13 2nd Jan 2009 23:44 - 16 years ago

on 0 by scratchrabbitt
I liked it alot.
Jakk13 2nd Jan 2009 14:17 - 16 years ago

on Final Shot by Ciko
Hey, this is an awesome track. I wrote lyrics about taking the "Final Shot". I will email them to you.
Jakk13 27th Dec 2008 23:09 - 16 years ago

on We reap what we sow by Ciko
Listening to this takes me to another place. I strongly believe this is one of your best tracks yet! Agree?
Ciko replied Unknown
Readin ur Review let me turned red!;)
Yeah Jakk thankx for every kind word! And I agree that this one is of my better ones! But hey Ive uploaded a new Track called "Final Shot"!
Im cant wait to hear what u were thinkin of this one!

And hey whats up with ur Loop - CD Project!
When did u start it? Would like to hear some stuff of u!

and take care buddy

Jakk13 23rd Dec 2008 13:58 - 16 years ago

on Disarray Me by Ciko
I belive beings on other planets would even like your tracks! Don't you agree?
Jakk13 10th Dec 2008 14:07 - 16 years ago

on Now Or Never by Ciko
This song has a every epic feel to it! I like the drums alot! I can't wait to hear someone sing on this! When someone sings on your tracks it brings them to life even more!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx buddy,

I appreciate ur kind words.
Hope that Janey is goin to finish her Version of this Track! If shes sending me this I will let u know! So whats up with ur stuff? I saw in the forum that have start some topics! Please let me know when u have some questions! I would try to help u!

and take care my friend

Jakk13 7th Dec 2008 00:55 - 16 years ago

on Strange Luv by Ciko
I like this track alot now after listening to it a few times. I think it very much gets your attention. I like that second variation part of the beat alot.
Ciko replied Unknown
This sounds totally like me!
I need also sometimes a few times for feelin my own tracks! lol

Hurry up Ive upload a new Track!
So now u have still two trackz to reply!
I'm so vicious:)!

and take care

Jakk13 5th Dec 2008 15:09 - 16 years ago

on Silent Scream by Ciko
This is another high quality track like the other one's in the past I enjoyed! Silent Scream is a great title and track! I still need to review the other two lol. I give this track a 4 out of five!
Ciko replied Unknown
Hey Jakk whats up?

Hope everything went well with u in the past!
Thankx for spendin ur time!

And hey two havent been reviewed by u so common dude u got the skillz for that! :)

and take care

Jakk13 1st Dec 2008 12:33 - 16 years ago

on Drag The Lake by Falter
Hey, this is a great track. The keyboard or whatever that is sounds like it is from an 8 bit nintendo game. I can't wait for someone to put vocals on it.
Jakk13 17th Nov 2008 13:20 - 16 years ago

on Pain by Ciko
In my opinion this may be your best yet! The beat really stands out which it should on a track like this. Overall this is the most powerful/emotional track you have ever done I believe.
Ciko replied Unknown
Hey Jakk thanks for reviewin!
Yeah I can now agree with u! After Bkmsrs review I began to listen to this one again and again! I have forgotten that this one is so dark! Now I luv this a one a lot ang give it away to a very good german female singer! Shes very talented and maybe I will upload this after finishing the recording sessions!

and ur my buddy thats for sure!


P.s Whats up with ur Tracks???
When can I hit u back with my reviews?
Jakk13 14th Nov 2008 13:02 - 16 years ago

on GETTIN BaD by J_shank
Hey, I like it alot. I did not like every bit of it but there are a number of parts that are very high quality. I like the fact that you recorded it on a minidisc. I am looking into buying a minidisc recorder now.
Jakk13 9th Nov 2008 22:08 - 16 years ago

on There's A Hero In Everyone by Ciko
The thing that comes to my mind is professional when I hear this! This is another magical clown track! I also like the title!
Ciko replied Unknown
Oh Jakk are u goin to review all my Tracks? ;)
Thats so kind of u! Cant wait to hear ur stuff!
Yeah the title is fantastic!
The Idea was born after seein a man whos rescued a poor little child out of a closed car with! It was a very very hot summer day!
If u like to hear this Track with some Lyrics check the version of faceless_bolo out!


He does is great for me!
But Im not speaking ur language good enough to understand every sayin word! But thats fine for me!

and take care buddy!

Jakk13 9th Nov 2008 22:05 - 16 years ago

on Heaven Cry by Ciko
I think this is some of your best work! Most at looperman should know they can count on the clownman for high quality material!
Ciko replied Unknown
ooh Im turned red! ;)
I appreciate ur kind words Jakk!
Its really one of my first beats ever! Im gettin Magix from my cousin and there was this nice piano sample! Some strings added adn voila one of my finest tracks Ive ever made!
Jakk13 9th Nov 2008 15:56 - 16 years ago

on One Day by Ciko
This is a very emotional track! This is a great use of a sample! I hope someone with talent can do vocals for this one!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx Jakk,

Yeah I hope that too! But its a little bit to compressed in some parts!
Jakk13 8th Nov 2008 22:51 - 16 years ago

on Lost by Ciko
I took a few days off and you are back with a new track! The main rhythm going through it sounds like something from a vintage NES videogame. Alot of people are really into that type of thing! I look forward to hearing what Lellowlove does with it!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx buddy!
Great to have u back! Ur always welcome!
No its no videogame! Its no sample! Its just me when Im beginnin to focusing on what Im doin!;)

And yeah I do also look forward what Janey does!
But it will be platinum-status thats for sure!

and take care

Jakk13 3rd Nov 2008 12:48 - 16 years ago

on Bottom Line by Ciko
The idea is good but the insturments you have layered seem to be playing over each at the wrong times. I can relate and I am sure it has happened to us all. I would either keep working on this track or scrap it.
Ciko replied Unknown
I agree totally!
Its one of the tracks that robs my last nerve!

Thankx for spendin so much time for reviewing my tracks! I appreciate this!

and god bless ya!
Jakk13 2nd Nov 2008 12:29 - 16 years ago

on Why U Do That by Ciko
Another great melodic track!
Ciko replied Unknown
What I could say?

Thankx man!

Jakk13 2nd Nov 2008 12:16 - 16 years ago

on Sweet Anthem by Ciko
The emotional piano and everything else goes perfect with the drums!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx Jakk,

whats up? All good?
I appreciate ur kind words!

and take care

Jakk13 25th Oct 2008 15:01 - 16 years ago

on There you are... by Ciko
Very special track.
Jakk13 25th Oct 2008 14:48 - 16 years ago

on Drama - Just Clownz Production by Ciko
Ciko: I can't wait to hear someone rap or sing over one of your tracks! Hopefully in the future you can use some of my loops! Keep up the hard work in your lab!
Ciko replied Unknown
Hey JAkk whats good?

Thanks for ur kind words. I appreciate this!
Your wish can come true!
Look on
The amazing Loopergirl has given me honor to place her great voice over my Track Till the End of time! On her Profile also are very good stuff! Worth to hear for sure! Theres another Track of her "Easy"! Its my Beat The Rain Comes After!

Look forward to get ur stuff!
I'm curious about it!


Comments 1 - 25 of 29