This is great track.Well produced and composed.Some really impressive chops ! Crafted beautifully,all the parts complement the whole.Very pleasing to the earholes and the soul !!! Rock on...
Don't believe I have ever heard from you before, so thanks for listening and reviewing my rock tune here.
I appreciate all your comments and will give a review back.
I used a 'Pinch Harmonics' technic to get that squealing sound in some of the short leads.
I found it on YouTube. Gives quite the cool sound. There is a link below here in another review IF you don't know how to get that sound yourself, and want to try it.
I see that you use quite a variety of software. That is great as the more 'tools' the better.
The way this tracks moves about gives it a sorta spaced out feel.More suited to incidental film soundtrack,than dance music.Nice work,tho.On a technical note,watch the volume level coz my leds were peaking into the red a fair bit and digital distortion is a moodkiller.Overall,well done mate.
Thats cool i got crappy speakers and only listen to it softly i couldnt tell, also cant tell if the changes i've made have had much of an effect.
Thanks for the honest review.
This is a really nice piece of music.Excellent sounds and textures.I think you got what you were looking for.If you will induldge the producer in me, a couple of alternative approaches come to mind.Whilst listening to the track ,I felt the sense of a build up that didn't really come.I thought it was going to explode into a strong beat and rhythm after about the 2.00-2.30 min mark.Possibly condensing the track may add to its impact.Enjoyed the mad,dancing strings at the end.All in all,a highly enjoyable track,that could be even more awesome.Thanks and sorry about the longwinded review...peace and goodwill mate.
Long winded reviews are great, so thanks for spending time doing that. Glad you enjoyed the piece and appreciate the feedback. You've given me the inspiration to take another shot, perhaps take the main jist of the track and spin in into more hip hop mellow instrumental, shortened, etc... perhaps a project for the new year. Take care. - DF
Welcome back,Six.Beautiful music.Sweetly and eloquently played.Fine production.Subtle textures and the vibe immerses one into melancholy reflection.Enjoyed it v.much,well done.Peace and goodwill...
Overall a fairly smooth composition,particularly the 'chorus' guitar part/s.I think,in terms of metal,it lacks some bottom end.I would boost the kick drum,fatten it up a bit and make it more prominent.This would most certainly emphasize the tracks drive and balance the thin sounding drum track.Pretty enjoyable though,well done mate.
Thanks for the review. I'll keep that in mind. Yeah, I'm not exactly a metal-head, but I've listened to it here and there and thought it might make a good fit.
Very epic sound.Powerful guitar harmonies and lucid tone.Soundtrack material.Well balanced and nicely produced.Great listen.Well done,mate.peace and goodwill...
Hi Vicen, I love happy music,sounds that uplift the heart...for the heart is the true mind.It functions on spirit energy.This track has a joyful and carefree feel,like something you would hear at a party type festival.Highly enjoyable,love the guitar playing too.Great job,well done.peace and goodwill mate
Hi planetjazzbass,this is a very unique and 'out there' composition.The urgency of the beat,tempered by the ambient and stark contrasting sounds make this track very engrossing.Finely woven sonic textures and a well balanced mix/recording.Superb stuff. peace and goodwill the way,whereabouts in Melbourne are u located,I'm out at Skye (near Frankston)cheers
Thanks Mrus..hehe..a fellow Melbournian,I'm pretty close to you..Aspendale! might see me walking down the street.I'm the guy giving the hat on backwards dude a clip over the ear...thanks again for your eloquent review. cheers planet :)
Really smooth sounds and melancholy feel to this track.Kinda takes you on a reflective trip,maybe chillin on an interstate train somewhere on an overcast day,rain cascading down the window...get my drift ? well done,peace and goodwill
Get down and funk the hell up ! Excellent track,well played and produced.The amount of talent on looperman is staggering.Well done mate.Peace and goodwill...
This is a fantastic sounding track,really enjoyable.The production is of a very high standard.Great rhythm section.The guitars especially sound fat and full.Did you play those parts ? I'd be curious to know what was used.I use REAPER and Edirol monitors aswell,great products.I uploaded a track in a similar vein today titled DoomSayer,check it out if you get the chance.Well done mate...peace and goodwill
I really like the basis of this track,especially the chorus.It is tinged with a sadness vibe but is still catchy.Makes me wanna pick up my axe and jam to it...come to think of it,I will.Good job mate. ps. If anything good comes from the jam, I'll let u know.
Hi Falter, I like the essence of this track a lot, strong groove and great synth lead sound.I would like to hear this with a cleaner drum track and a pumping low kick/bass.Thats just my opinion.I place a fair amount of focus on sound quality & production...too much sometimes !!! lol.Anyway, well done.peace & goodwill,Geo.
Hey man , great rockin track.It has a great groove and motors along very nicely.The guitar sounds killer also.Well done,keep up the great work.peace & goodwill mate.
Hi rhafiko, nice groovin tune.Put together quite nicely and sounds well produced.Could maybe use a hook or riff in there...but the rhythm is really cookin'. Keep up the great work,peace and goodwill mate.
I love music that can you can instantly vibe with or groove to,and this was indeed the case with this happy tune.The sounds are sweet and well produced, this is a standout track.Enjoyed it immensely,great work guys.peace & goodwill
Hi Six, great track and some fine guitar playing. Superb chops...Santana would probably sue you if he heard this ;).Curious as to the type of axe you were using and amp (if any).Well done mate,peace and goodwill.Geo
G'day mate, good track , nice sounds and groove...drums sound great.Is that you playing guitar or a sample? As an experienced guitarist I found the guitar part somewhat repetitive, needs a change to get away from that main riff.It also didn't really build up to any sort of ending.Certainly a vocal melody line could be the difference between ok and great.All in all, nice work and good sound quality.Peace and goodwill
I play the telecaster part on my keys with my Ministry of Rock program. I feel your right about the melody line, a friend of mine is writing one for it and then i`ll add vocals to it.Thanks again for taking the time to listen. Cheers
Hey Paul, nice quirky tune mate. Vocals and guitar are cool and fit well with the feel of the song.I think the songs length is rules here , just opinions.well done mate.peace & goodwill
on Heavy Rocks by Randall822
Don't believe I have ever heard from you before, so thanks for listening and reviewing my rock tune here.
I appreciate all your comments and will give a review back.
I used a 'Pinch Harmonics' technic to get that squealing sound in some of the short leads.
I found it on YouTube. Gives quite the cool sound. There is a link below here in another review IF you don't know how to get that sound yourself, and want to try it.
I see that you use quite a variety of software. That is great as the more 'tools' the better.
Thanks again,
on 093 - Humble Narcissist by FACADE
Thanks for the honest review.
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Got a bit of a Zakk Wylde vibe about it.Enjoyed it,cheers.
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