mad impressed by this track. everything works together perfect. str8 fire bro would love a copy of this but understand if you wanna keep it for something but I got some peoples that would kill this track so holla at me
what up hustler...yo I was looking for this beat on my email and couldn't find it hope you didn't send it to the wrong email address
send it to
mad good looks on sending it to me, as soon as I get your email address I'll send you some of my friends stuff so you can check it out and see if you like it
that joint was str8 gangsta son...that track needs a great MC to spit on it...str8 Fire man, done listen to like 8 times straight just freestyln to a friend who would kill this beat if you interested....get at me to hear some of his stuff
Cool fam, thanks for taking the time out to say so. Appreciate that. Check out my finished...ish tracks Blacklisted and Floating castle when you get a chance star. I'll be keeping a lookout for your new stuff. Nice one.
Wow,I forgot about this freestyle,jea it was off the top of the head but Tks plenty for the compliment,Not one bar was written on ppr. I just went in on the beat quick,but Im trying to learn how to control the sound, Garage Band sucks but I love music too much to just complain about what I don't have versus doing my best to get stuff out. it's madness in my head so I make plenty freestyles to release a little.(p.s to the people writing stuff on ppr and then saying their freestyles,unedited is free written,written is when lyrics are edited and a Real Freestyle is off the top of the head,regardless if you make mistakes or not so stop claiming freestyles,especially people who think they can battle me,I do this so easy,and you try soo hard,lol) We should be helping one another like my dude telling me what to do with the mic,others will just hate and not even give constructive feedback,just hateful comments which is pathetic cause most can't even spit,in order to set this movement off right we have to work together not hate on those who do a hell of a Job.Again tks my G,you already know how the hate goes so I don't have to explain it to you,keep doing what you doing and give me all the constructive feedback you have,my skin is tough and I can take it.
love the song but I can't relax cause the piano is way to sick and its got me making a grimy hip hop track out of it...will post it when it's done...if you can come up with some more piano loops like that hit me up deff....true skills.
great work the sample and the feel to the track...think you could have used a more powerful beat for it, harder hitting drums and snares, great job
deff. a party song, great vibe, great use of samples, all in all a great beat...I don't know if u gonna do anything with that but I gotta cat that would kill that if u interested..get at me son
man dog this beat is sick, it's heavy, grimy, in ya face type sh%t, love it....think you should change the name doesn't feel like a club banger to me, made me feel like i was in a back ally some where about to do some dirt...keep it up
yo this beat is straight grim!!!loved it but i gotta be honest the flows need a little work...need to bring it more when u spit...the singing was a little weird, i can see what u trying to do with it and it could work but maybe try some different effects on it...try lacing ya vocal with some back ground vocals to make it have more impact especially on the singing I really liked the song...just need to get ya production down a little bit more...don't worry we all started some where...keep grinding on it and this track could be fire...still i loved the beat, would love to spit something over that
good job on this track son...I think u need to turn down some of the samples, there coming in a little distorted...other than that keep up the good work
feeling this track son...would lov to hear a good mc kill this one
everything sounds good...I see one cat suggested some strings if that don't work maybe try some trumpets in and out here and there
anyway I know a cat who would kill this if u interested..I can send u some of his stuff, see what u think
love it...this beat made me feel like I was walking down a lonely road...sounds really good...u could really dig down deep on this one, can't wait to hear what yall do with it
I liked it a lot son...think your production needs a little work..
maybe invest in a better mic, this track has a lot of potential
work on ya flow some more...maybe turn the mic down and bring it
on ya verse a little bit more...I really liked the song, great concept on the superman...keep at it
this track is fire son...I think ya production needs just a little fine tuning on the should probably have everybody singing the hook to give it some depth and more impact..other than that yall on point wit...favn this one for sure
dam son this beat is fire...i like this one better than S.K.
you put this one together nice...can't wait to hear what u do with it...get at me D....peace, slo
I can tell u put a lot of heart and soul into this beat...this beat is fire son....a great mc could do something good with this one...loved the melody of it all...this track could bring out the best in someone...mad impressed and much respect on it
nice track son, good lyrics to...I think u need to bring it a little more when u spit or turn the mic up I can barely hear u over the beat....good shawty track liked it...peep Good Morning on my list, its also a shorty song. think u might dig it.
on At the Eleventh Hour by yeshintae
and i can send it to ya fam ahahahahah
Much Respect from LA
on Struggle Of Mine by MaxJC
stay up
on My Story by YoungWisdom
on Meeting of the Bosses by HustlerbyNature
send it to
mad good looks on sending it to me, as soon as I get your email address I'll send you some of my friends stuff so you can check it out and see if you like it
peace fam,
on Meeting of the Bosses by HustlerbyNature
peace god,
on Puzzle by phantomhim
on THERE 4U!... by MrTriMurda
on Let ur Heart Out by DextDee
stay mixing bro,
thnx for the comment too. i shall be waiting
on Anthem by AudioL
stay mixing bro,
on Party Royalty by Budablaze
peace god,
on Club Beat by Client9
stay mixing son,
on The Business Feat. Majesty- Streets Are Talking by TheMajesty
stay mixing son
on Chainsaw and a Hockey Mask by FrozenFoodAisle
stay mixing bro,
on Pain by ajmunson
stay mixing,
on Faces in the rain (ShowGun Mix) by ShowGunProductions
on Da King 2008 by Beecee
send u a copy when its done
peace god,
on On my Grind by MidwestMeach
everything sounds good...I see one cat suggested some strings if that don't work maybe try some trumpets in and out here and there
anyway I know a cat who would kill this if u interested..I can send u some of his stuff, see what u think
get at me
stay mixing bro
on Lonley Road by BackseatP
stay mixing dog,
on Super Man by DeeFlyy
maybe invest in a better mic, this track has a lot of potential
work on ya flow some more...maybe turn the mic down and bring it
on ya verse a little bit more...I really liked the song, great concept on the superman...keep at it
stay mixing,
on RoCK wIT uS by internationalstats
stay mixing,
on freakshow by SnuffRuffian
you put this one together nice...can't wait to hear what u do with it...get at me D....peace, slo
on Dafu Productions - Just You by Dafu
stay mixing....slo
on Let me say NO by Strullu
stay mixing....slo
on Miss you by ScDub
stay mixing....slo
on The Right Way by PDRakaJosephColumbo
stay mixing.....slo