

n/a, United States
Joined : 2nd Aug 2008 - 16 years ago
jnelsonm13 comments on tracks

jnelsonm13 has posted 1 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (1)
jnelsonm13 18th Aug 2008 16:33 - 16 years ago

on Synth Overload by ToxicVoltage
wow i dident know such great talent could come from someone so young! ( i was born in 1993 to) anyway, what system you useing there to creat all this, well no dhu a mac, a 24 inch imac new one ? soundtrack? i play with some things sometimes i might upload them.. there no to bad, what you think? lol
ToxicVoltage replied Unknown
Ha thanks alot. I didnt know that much talent could come from me either, lol until i tried lol.The system that im using to create this is an acer aspire laptop i got it like a year ago. I also have my basic soundcard and stuff like that. But the reason why it sounds really good and professional is not only the software i use (fl studio 8 xxl) but also i make sure that the bit rate is acceptable. if you want your tracks to sound professional, make sure you dont have alot of clutter on your cpu, because the more stuff that is taking up space on your computer, the lower the rate and sound quality of your tracks will be. I recommend getting an external hardrive for other things that will clutter your work space. AS youc an tell im a cpu nerd lol. but if you need any help with your cpu. or recommended software and hardware, let me know

Comments (1)