

Regina, Canada
Joined : 27th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
beats0listener comments on tracks

beats0listener has posted 19 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (19)
beats0listener 26th May 2016 06:28 - 8 years ago

on GryllaQ - The Greatest Feeling by GryllaQ
I don't listen to much music with lyrics, so my comment here is not based on much listening experience. Generally speaking, I would agree with everyone else here who says that it is pleasant to listen to.

The only thing I noticed that is suboptimal: Near the beginning (at ~0:35?), the vocalist sings slowly for a little bit, and the music does not change with the vocalist. Then the vocalist becomes really repetitive starting at ~0:48, and again the music does not change. This gave me the initial impression that the music is out of sync with the vocals. (Interestingly, the music does not strictly follow the vocalist in the second "block" of vocals either, but for some reason I did not even notice that the first time I listened to the song.)
beats0listener 26th May 2016 05:25 - 8 years ago

on Two Players by GryllaQ
I can tell that you have made significant progress compared to your previous EDM track, since the intro sounds "natural" enough that it is not blatantly obvious that the sounds were made using a computer.

However, I still like your earlier EDM track better, probably at least partially because it is pure EDM. My negative comments on this track:

-Its too repetitive (which I believe is perfectly acceptable for dubstep...)

-There could be more variety in the instruments used and/or the beat itself

-I personally prefer more upbeat music
beats0listener 24th Jan 2016 03:38 - 9 years ago

on Closer by conoize23
Thanks for uploading this track. I like how there is variation throughout the entire track. However, sometimes the variation/"special effects" are really subtle/quiet. Subtle/quiet to the point that I missed a lot of them the first time I listened to the track, and almost commented that the track was too repetitive in some places.
conoize23 replied 25th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
ok thank you for your comments! Next time that has to be improved :D
beats0listener 24th Jan 2016 02:43 - 9 years ago

on Experimental rap instrumental by turtleman5505
To make the first 15 seconds less annoying? It would probably help if one or both of the instruments was doing something a little more complex in terms of the beats or notes. Or perhaps if there was a third instrument right at the start. In my opinion, those two instruments just don't go together all that well (when its just the two of them). Maybe its because they are so far apart pitch-wise.

(Boy, am I ever picky! Remove an instrument here, add an instrument there! ;) )
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 05:06 - 9 years ago

on Keep Ups by Purge
A good quality mix of drums and some other stuff to keep it interesting all the way through to the end.
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 05:04 - 9 years ago

on Yesterdays mix by Purge
Nice track. It definitely gets a person moving. But I'm wondering: Who let the duck into the studio when you started recording this? ;)
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 04:59 - 9 years ago

on Pyramids by Purge
Nice, strong beat, maybe a little darker than I'd usually listen to. Overall, its a quality piece of music.
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 04:55 - 9 years ago

on shifting sideways by Purge
Nice track. I like this one better than your "Living With Secrets" track. Maybe its because this track is a little slower and the instruments seem to be more in sync* with each other.

* Or maybe I mean more "in time" with each other?
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 04:25 - 9 years ago

on Rodeo by RAFZTAR
One of the few songs (maybe the only song so far?) I've heard on this site that actually made me laugh out loud. Good work!
RAFZTAR replied 16th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
thanks. glad to hear that. Hope you can share with friends or better play it at your next party
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 04:12 - 9 years ago

on Blossom by GryllaQ
Wow! Very well done. I am looking forward to the "many more" part. I suspect that I like EDM music. I especially like "light" (quieter/less "busy") EDM music that incorporates piano and/or other traditional/classical instruments. This track is probably the best example of this that I have seen so far on
GryllaQ replied 29th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Wow thanks heaps mate. let me know what you think of my new track mate
beats0listener 16th Jan 2016 03:12 - 9 years ago

on Experimental rap instrumental by turtleman5505
You wanted some feedback? Here is one man's opinion:

-up to 0:15 - annoying

-~0:16 to 1:54 - sounds not too bad, but in my opinion, there are one or two too many instruments playing during this part of the song.

-1:55 to 2:15 - pure gold! (Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but I really like it.)

-2:24 to end of track - still sounds good, but in my opinion this section is also suffering from a few too many instruments
turtleman5505 replied 16th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Thanks for feedback, what do you think I could do to make the first 15 seconds less annoying lol
A nice, solid beat with varying background sounds. I like it! Thanks for uploading this track.
turtleman5505 replied 16th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Thank you!
beats0listener 10th Jan 2016 04:51 - 9 years ago

on hard croe by CSAF
I like it. Its a little loud for my taste, especially near the start but otherwise I like it. I appreciate that it is not musically busy like most of the Techno tracks are. (musically busy = multiple loud sounds at once)

So of course I'm disappointed that I can't download it. But at the same time I understand why you don't want it downloaded for free... it kind of surprises me how many people do allow their tracks to be downloaded.
CSAF replied 13th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it although I don't personally feel it is necessary. I put this little arrangement together to text out my routing options for the E-MU Audity 2000.
beats0listener 10th Jan 2016 04:41 - 9 years ago

on Shift by Musikarchitekt
Another well-done basic track. I like the strong beat.

However, I'm wondering why it has the "Has Lyrics" tag. I did not hear any words spoken or sung at any time during the track.
beats0listener 10th Jan 2016 04:34 - 9 years ago

on Autobahn by Musikarchitekt
I like it. (I am one of the people who downloaded it.)

Less is more in the case of this track. In a lot of the other tracks posted in the Techno genre, you can see by the waveform that there are a lot of really loud sounds competing with each other. That is definitely not the case in this track, and in my opinion that is a good thing.

I also appreciate the upbeat and energetic nature of this track.
beats0listener 6th Dec 2015 04:48 - 9 years ago

on It is In Me by NickBlunt
It seems to me like this has turned out well for a first post. I like the fact that it has a strong beat to it.

However, there are a couple things I noticed that could perhaps be improved:

1. I'm not sure that this track belongs in the "Rap" category.

2. There is quiet "fuzz" in some parts of the track. I usually prefer music that is not fuzzy. :)
beats0listener 6th Dec 2015 03:20 - 9 years ago

on Green Shuffle Aka SCCM by Orlando51
A nice relaxing but yet perhaps energetic track. Thanks for posting this!
Orlando51 replied 8th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
Sorry for the late reply, but I really appreciate your comment!:)

All the best____Orlando
beats0listener 23rd Nov 2015 04:18 - 9 years ago

on Bum Bama Bom Bom ft Danke by RealProblemShuckers
Overall, I'd say its pretty good. My only negative comment is that the longer sections are a bit too long of just the same thing over and over. (This gets a little annoying if listening for pleasure and not doing something else at the same time.) I imagine that one or two instances of some kind of effect part way through these longer sections would fix the issue.
beats0listener 23rd Nov 2015 03:47 - 9 years ago

on Alpinkie by AJE1000
A nice lively and upbeat track. Thanks for sharing it!
Comments (19)