

Northern Colorado, United States
Joined : 10th Aug 2008 - 16 years ago
ScottBurright comments on tracks

ScottBurright has posted 12 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (12)
ScottBurright 6th Mar 2009 19:03 - 16 years ago

on lsd by ishmael_in_the_fog
"Ah ain't got no demons gonna get woke."

This is hilarious. Seems like there could be more interplay between these dialogue bites and the music. But one thing you have that a lot of tracks don't in this genre is repetition with enough variation to keep some interest. I agree that the ending is too abrupt, almost seems accidental. All it would take to fix that (and still keep the abrupt effect) is some kind of swell or backwards verb or something leading up to the last beat.

I'm not hearing any sound problems.
ishmael_in_the_fog replied Unknown
thanks, yeah the ending was an accident, my converter only does five minutes of audio, theres 34 sec left on the original. i didn't catch it till late. but yeah i really want to add more to this with some more clips, thanks for the informative review
ScottBurright 5th Mar 2009 20:22 - 16 years ago

on Unknown to Mankind by audioprojek
Groovy. The keyboard lines seem to alternately invoke horror movies and calliopes, which go together somehow. The timbre on some of the percussion is really rich. Well, that goes for all the tracks, nice textures. The bassline reminds me of Herb Alpert's "Rise," but with that spooky high note that puts it on a different plane. And of course the title quote is made pretty spooky by the harmonic context. Unheimlich.
ScottBurright 5th Mar 2009 20:04 - 16 years ago

on When I Go u Go by Jesse_Silent_Productions
Mahloo13 is right about the levels. You're clipping a lot when the bass comes in. I would say just bring the master level down.

Also, those handclaps are too out front in the mix, and I'm not quite feeling that snare fill. It might just be a style that I'm not familiar with. I have never been all that into the TR808 and similar, so if it's what you were shooting for, then you are probably right.

I also like the idea of introducing some variation, maybe developing the thing harmonically.

Still, a nifty piece.
Jesse_Silent_Productions replied Unknown
all right yea i couldnt really figure a go0d snare fill but yea thx for the advice
ScottBurright 5th Mar 2009 00:30 - 16 years ago

on coversong4fun by JensTonic
Taking the swing out of it makes it feel like a whole different song. It takes courage to reinterpret a song this way instead of doing a completely straight cover. I was reading about your travails recording this thing. I don't know if anyone mentioned getting a compressor for vocal recording, but it's a good idea. Vocals can be TOO dynamic. They give everyone fits. Anyway, very cool cover.
JensTonic replied Unknown
this was our first cover and when i recorded it - it was clipping all over the map... and i didn't even realize it. I'm just learning who to use software compressors... but it's a learning process.....still loads of fun though....
ScottBurright 3rd Mar 2009 17:16 - 16 years ago

on Hoping it's You by JensTonic
Great little track arranged just as it is. The male vocal does need to come up with respect to the guitar track, and don't be afraid to pull some verb off of it. If you're using a bunch of EQ on it, try recording it flat instead, or only dialing out some of the room "honk" if there is any. Trust your voice and your gear. :)

It doesn't *need* more instruments, but it might be fun to have a cello come in on the 2nd verse to provide some bottom end. If you want to use regular bass guitar, then a bass part should come pretty easy to someone who can Travis pick like you're doing here.

Great little song, great little track.
JensTonic replied Unknown
thanks for the i'll take some reverb off..i am waiting for some midi cables to add a little something to it. i don't know if i want to repeat the the bass line with a bass though. cello would be nice but there doesn't seem to be any cello players on looperman.
ScottBurright 1st Mar 2009 23:39 - 16 years ago

on 1313 by Debesh
Odd as this track may seem, it does have its precedents in certain cinematic chase music. I'm thinking of cop shows or Dirty Harry kinda movies of the 1970s, which sometimes had this low-register fast-eighths piano basis, with a lot of chromatic emphasis. Probably had brass parts going on top of it. Maybe some wild bop sax or something. I wish I could think of a specific example. I'll look around.

It certainly does lend itself to dinosaur imagery.

After about 2:30 the levels go up, and it starts clipping. Seems like I'm always noticing this on Looperman, until I start sounding like a broken record. Anyway, the VU is something to keep an eye on.

Love the track and may stick some brass on it and sync it with an obsolete cop show or giant robot chase or dinosaur hunt and see what you make of it then.
Debesh replied Unknown
I would be interested in seeing what you do with it, for sure. I think I get the gist of what sort of chase tune you are referring to, but if you can think of an example that would be better. That was common in my earlier works with FruityLoops because I did not really understand the basics of using a mixer and proper leveling and compression, so the songs at times would simply build up on top of itself to sort of attack the listener. I would use it intentionally quite a bit, but when it came up without me wanting it there I had no clue how to fix it. Luckily I have learned quite a bit since the days of this work and similar ones. I was also wondering how perhaps some sort of club mix of this song would go. If you have an interest in making that, or know someone who might, I would be quite keen to hear that.
ScottBurright 25th Feb 2009 17:52 - 16 years ago

on Are You Real by audioprojek
Very solid backing tracks and awesome scratching. Wish I knew how to do this. Very cool sounds and chord accompaniment.

The only bad thing is that like most tracks I hear on LM, this one's mixed too hot, so I'm hearing a lot of distortion. Digital clipping sounds like a blown speaker. If you pull the Master level back so that the meter never reads above 0 db, this will go away.

Otherwise perfect. If you re-render it at a lower level, I'm putting it in my rotation. :)
audioprojek replied Unknown
Scott, thanks for taking the time to give me your opinion. Really appreciate it.
I hear you on the distortion and clipping. I'll do what I can to clean it up, but I'm working with some old tech - 2001 Presario laptop. No studio like environment - just the Northern forests of Canada.
ScottBurright 24th Feb 2009 16:00 - 16 years ago

on follow the sunset by rei4real
You're getting the most of that guitar. Great sustain, silky distortion, and just the right delay to blend in with the rhythm track. I know a lot of that tone comes not from your settings but from your fingers. I'm hearing a Gilmour and a Santana influence. Very good musicianship.

The only negative thing I heard was that the drum transients seemed to pin the meters at times.

Awesome track. :)
ScottBurright 21st Feb 2009 20:45 - 16 years ago

on sweet melody by 520
This would be nice for scoring a video as is, or you could develop it by adding some layers. Maybe a piano or harp arpeggio could come in, and later maybe some gigantic horn swells or something. Large spacey feel here, reminds me of the prairie where I live.
ScottBurright 21st Feb 2009 20:09 - 16 years ago

on FIRE-DRILL by Filaofsoul
Of course there's the cool horns, but what caught my ear was the wild clean guitar arpeggio. The B3 solo was great.
ScottBurright 21st Feb 2009 19:59 - 16 years ago

on She Said by Filaofsoul
I like the keys just the way they are. This is what a lot of dancey pop music sounded like when I was in high school. I'd say add a busier (16ths) and higher key part on top, somewhere along the line, and you'd have a great pastiche of the kind of records they played at my prom. :)
Filaofsoul replied Unknown
Hey man thanks for both the reviews and commments!! Got real busy at school so just getting back!! You are right needs to get busier but this was all left of the orginal!! So I am back to strickly looping!! Got a couple in the can so look out and thanks again!!! Fila
ScottBurright 20th Feb 2009 20:47 - 16 years ago

on 2 Guitar Folky Shuffle by DanielGtrman
Sounds much like John Renbourn and Stefan Grossman. Very nice. Good sound on the piezo pickup, although blending it with another transducer or mic would soften it without losing the definition. Really good work.
DanielGtrman replied Unknown
Thanks for listening and reviewing this track. That's good advice about blending with another transducer to soften but keep definition. Will do. cheers....
Comments (12)