

touloose, France
Joined : 3rd Sep 2015 - 9 years ago
Last Online : 19th Dec 2024 - 2 months ago
BLEEP comments on tracks

BLEEP has posted 422 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 422
BLEEP 1st Oct 2020 10:07 - 4 years ago

on R H - Delusional by ripzore9191
wow powerfull track! sure the nick accappella will be great with this instrumental!!

cool track!
BLEEP 26th May 2020 05:38 - 4 years ago

on Angels Cant Cry by crucethus
experimental and progressive, this track is progressive as i like, great experience around acid sounds!


crucethus replied 27th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Thank You so much Bleep. This acid album has been a huge learning curb for me in production quality.
BLEEP 26th May 2020 05:12 - 4 years ago

on Time Pink Floyd Cover by Juliooliveira
wow brilliant cover! excellent performance
Juliooliveira replied 28th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Thank you so much!

BLEEP 24th May 2020 23:40 - 4 years ago

on True Crimes And Homicides by ClickbaitCabaret
Each time i listen to a track from you, i think to FRONT242, you 're really in this kind of universe post apocalyptique and dark! Like your work, vocals are awesome!

ClickbaitCabaret replied 25th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks for listening in. I appreciate it.
BLEEP 24th May 2020 23:37 - 4 years ago

on Darkness by Nodog
Hey Rob, what a great piece you made! how funny is your comment lol i think russian people needed more than 4 vodka before darkness hé hé hé!

like the tempo, nice kick, and when entering the sound as a bell, i though good choice, it brings something shiny to the track! minimalist and post urban, i really like this song!

Thanks for sharing my friend :)

Nodog replied 25th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Hi Bleep ive learned my lesson many years ago not to drink vodka and orange its a lethal combination now i dont drink at all and keep a clear head its better that way for me. Its always good to hear from you my friend best regards Rob.
BLEEP 24th May 2020 23:31 - 4 years ago

on Prisoner Muzic by FERSSIWI by FullCapicityMuzic
Bonsoir Patricia,

Désolé mais je vais laisser mon commentaire en français, c'est plus facile pour moi, je peux mieux exprimer mon ressenti!

Quel morceau!!! wow wow wow j'adore! sacré belle voix que tu as, et musicalement l'instrumentation te dessert parfaitement! j'adore les couleurs que ta voix et les choeurs apportent à cette chanson, superbe mélodie, ca donne le smile et c'est plein de fraicheur

j'ai adoré l'écoute, je prendrai plaisir à re entendre ce morceau, félicitations!
FullCapicityMuzic replied 25th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Thank you Bleep. :-)
I was able to translate your response and I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :-)
BLEEP 24th May 2020 13:54 - 4 years ago

on C mon every Beatbox Cover by Indieground
super reprise, franchement, ca sonne super bien! je connaissais pas le groupe dont tu as fait le cover, mais j'irai ecouter ca avec curiosité!

meme les vocals ont ete reprises ou ca vient de l'original?

Indieground replied 24th May 2020 - 4 years ago
Hey ! J'ai bidouillé ça avec un pote anglais qui fait donc refait toutes les voix de son coté et me les a envoyé.
BAD c'est très 80's dans le son... Je te conseille d'écouter aussi des lives. C'est comme ça que j'ai appris à les aimer en ce qui me concerne. Merci pour le commentaire
BLEEP 28th Jan 2020 20:50 - 5 years ago

on I Run Ft ISHA by MichaelMayo

first, between 0:11 and 0:20, did you use sub bass? i really like the effect.

about the track, of course it's a really good composition, vocals and instruments used are perfect for a modern render! i 'm not sure that pop is the right genre but no doubt, this track is a real pearl! great work!

MichaelMayo replied 28th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Hey thanks soooo much. This song was actually made with a lot of native plug ins. The sub bass was hamlet cut off with some fast distortion
BLEEP 28th Jan 2020 20:23 - 5 years ago

on Lazy Days by Jkingz
c'est inspiré et enlevé, d'une très belle inspiration. personnellement, j'adore quand la simplicité est riche, cela crée un paradoxe qui rend l'ensemble irrésistible!

Du grand art!
Jkingz replied 29th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
merci bip! c'est très bien de votre part de commenter de si jolis mots. je trouve l'inspiration dans toutes sortes d'endroits. tantôt j'écris des chansons pour guitare, tantôt batterie et basse!
BLEEP 28th Jan 2020 20:18 - 5 years ago

on Heavy Metal Mollie by WARRIORDANIKA
wow excellent track! i found accents of led zep in this one! it's full of energy and really good!
nice nice nice track!

WARRIORDANIKA replied 28th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Thank you so much BLEEP! Your words are awesome, Zep is my all time FAV!
BLEEP 27th Jan 2020 06:01 - 5 years ago

on Metropolis -Experimental by DeadStarMusic
i don't know anything about this genre but i really like the atmosphere and i agree: the beat is great!

BLEEP 23rd Jan 2020 06:44 - 5 years ago

on Rock-Metal instrumental by ripzore9191
wow, excellent track! nice solo of guitar! same comment as danke about how the track finish, but it's your artistic choice and the track stay brilliant!

ripzore9191 replied 23rd Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Thanks that is really cool to hear. yes since that is the second person to say so i might need to think about that in the future.
Glad you liked it.
BLEEP 23rd Jan 2020 06:41 - 5 years ago

on Emilyn - im okay by Miscliqued
really good track, liked the atmosphere!
BLEEP 23rd Jan 2020 06:39 - 5 years ago

on THE CHOKE - The World ends Today DEMO by thechockehold
between jazz and charleston, i really liked this track, it's brilliant! i think that if you had brass, it will be the prefection, but it's just a private feeling :) this track, in this way, is already awesome!

good work!

thechockehold replied 24th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Thank you Sir, mr Bleep. Honor to get that from you.
BLEEP 18th Jan 2020 23:36 - 5 years ago

on Trumpet Techno by Avrbag
bonjour! je pense que la trompette fait trop "synthétique" même si ce n'est pas évident à partir de pluggins d'avoir un rendu proche d'un vrai instrument mais là, je pense que ca peut s'améliorer sans soucis! et puis, le parti pris de ne faire que des notes les unes derrière les autres sans enchainement, ca manque de punch, si tu vois ce que je veux dire? la trompette était supposer créer l'évènement, avoir le lead et finalement elle ne se détache pas vraiment.
Tout le morceau est top pour moi, il y a juste cette trompette qu'il faudrait remanier, ré adapter pour que ce titre prenne du volume, j'aime beaucoup!

Avrbag replied 25th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
ehhh merci ?
BLEEP 18th Jan 2020 23:30 - 5 years ago

on Column by BlancFroid
the beginning remebered me cure, my favorite band. When entering the voice, the track take a different visage! as said Danke, it's really dark, there's something mystical in the atmosphere you built in this track, really good work!

BlancFroid replied 19th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Appreciate the listen and the feedback, Bleep. Cheers!
BLEEP 18th Jan 2020 23:16 - 5 years ago

on Synaptic Waves by Nodog
Hey Rob,

What a great piece! the way you explore the electro sound is so unique!!!! like the experimental aspect of this track, between hypnotism and meditation! all thoses differents sounds which come to have a ride with this linear beat: it's powerfull! EXCELLENT TRACK for me ;)

Your friend,
Nodog replied 19th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
Hey Bleep my friend as the snow starts to fall here and the winter sets in im looking forward to the spring. I was thinking of the human brain when i did this track and how amazing the synaptic connections are if damaged they have the ability to reroute and reconnect by a different path. I did a month at physical rehab and my heart is so much stronger im feeling great its very good to hear from you. Best regards Robbie.
BLEEP 10th Oct 2019 23:00 - 5 years ago

on The Hitcher - new version by Orlando51
Hello Leon,

Of course, all the tracks you composed with Ed are brilliant! you seem to have find your muscial "alter ego".

In this present track, unfortunately, i don't have the first version so i can't make any comparaison about what it was before and what it is now :)

On what i listened, drums and bass form the setting to serve two instruments that share the lead and in which each one excels!
sometimes we have a flight on the guitar, very airy, sometimes piano chords come to take over and assert an equally remarkable presence! magnificent duet! very beautiful expression of a musical sensitivity in which one feels a great form of poetry!

I hope my translator make the job, I’m sorry if there’s any misunderstanding!!

therefore, I will summarize these few minutes of auditory pleasure with these few words: superb composition full of sensitivity and delicacy

CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!!!!!!!!!!
Orlando51 replied 23rd Oct 2019 - 5 years ago
Hi my friend,

The original is s till on my song list in case you would like to listen:

Otherwise thanks alot for your comprehensive feedback and kind words....means alot !

With much appreciation_____leon
BLEEP 10th Sep 2019 19:56 - 5 years ago

on Change my ways by ClickbaitCabaret
we have a common point: we dig Trip Hop :) Think you already know K&D?

About your track: i really like your music universe, it's dark in the good sens of the word! Nice work, vocals are incredible and the instrument part is awesome too! Big fav for me!

ClickbaitCabaret replied 10th Sep 2019 - 5 years ago
Yes. I am familiar with K & D. Great work. Thank you for stopping by & listening BLEEP. I really appreciate your input.
BLEEP 10th Sep 2019 19:47 - 5 years ago

on Real Dub REMIX by Indieground
Bonjour l'ami!

Je suis un inconditionnel du genre Dub, j'en écoute beaucoup, m'y suis essayé aussi, suis fan absolu de High Tone.
Ta compo, c'est du lourd, tous les ingrédients pour faire un Dub solide sont là, l'atmosphère, les petits Fx Dub, la rythmique, que du bon quoi!
j'ai pris un max de plaisir à l'écoute! Merci!

Indieground replied 11th Sep 2019 - 5 years ago
J'oublis toujours que tu causes français... my bad !
J'ai bien le dub aussi surtout le 70's ou c'était encore pas mal de bricolage et un gros son analogique.
Merci pour ta curiosité camarade
BLEEP 15th Aug 2019 11:13 - 5 years ago

on Love Somebody So by ArtistOG
j'aime beaucoup la voix filtrée, le rendu est top. Au niveau instru, je rejoins Ludo sur le coté un peu répétitif. Ceci étant dit, c'est un choix qui s'avère pertinent car on se concentre d'avantage sur la voix pendant que l'instru hypnotise. Bon petit son, il tourne bien!

BLEEP 11th Aug 2019 11:56 - 5 years ago

on It Feels So Right feat PatriciaEdwards by JackLake
Modern, fresh and energic! there's some house feeling in this one. Sometimes, it remebers me some tracks from the label "nervous records". Really cool work, congrats!

JackLake replied 11th Aug 2019 - 5 years ago
Cheers Bleep!

I love that kind of disco-house from the 90s. Armand Van Helden was on nervous records i think, he's a real legend.
BLEEP 31st Jul 2019 06:19 - 5 years ago

on Jazz Hound by Nodog
thanks for the DL Rob :) it's really cool :)
Nodog replied 4th Aug 2019 - 5 years ago
Anytime Bleep my friend Rob
BLEEP 27th Jul 2019 09:01 - 5 years ago

on Believe in yourself by crucethus
hello Cru,
there's some daft punk spirit in this one, really like how you melt the genre, it's really interesting!

every instrument wellwork together, thanks for sharing this awesome track!

have a nice day,
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 5 years ago
Merci Bleep.
Sorry been busy being an audience member on the Quebec Jeu Le Tricheur, lotsa fun. Thanks for the kind words.
BLEEP 27th Jul 2019 08:57 - 5 years ago

on In Bim by wolfStudio by wolfStudio
nice melody, i like how the lead (piano) drive the others instruments! really good percussions session too, it brings a tribal aspect in the sound atmosphere! nice work :)
wolfStudio replied 28th Jul 2019 - 5 years ago
Thanks that’s what I was going for, I need to revisit this once I get vocals.
Comments 1 - 25 of 422