très bon morceau! j'adore les variations! le petit hit hat est bien trippant, mine de rien c'est le coté hypnotique de cette superbe composition! Mélodiquement parlant, c'est superbe! j'adore!
et bien en voilà un morceau qui est classe! superbement bien réalisé, musicalement parfait, j'ai pris un maximum de plaisir en l'écoutant! de l'avoir téléchargé me permettra de pouvoir le ré écouter à ma guise quand je veux ou je veux! c'est le dur sort qui est réservé aux bons morceaux :)
Hey Rob,
don't understand what happened!!! i wrote a long comment and nothing has been posted...
So i'm going to write it again but this time in french i'm sorry :(
Comme je l'ai écrit dans mon premier commentaire, tout d'abord je suis franchement ravi de voir que tu as posté ce morceau cela signifie que ton séjour en hopital s'est bien passé et j'en suis sincèrement soulagé pour toi!
Concernant ton morceau, alors là je suis sur les fesses!!!!! dès les premières mesures, je me suis dit: "wow Rob a placé la barre très haute là!!!!"... Rythmiquement parlant c'est exquis surtout avec cette basse ronde et chaude comme j'aime! la petite mélodie au synthé est superbe: elle apporte le coté "lounge" à ce morceau, et aucun des petits sons n'est de trop bien au contraire ils ont tous un petit quelquechose à apporter et donc enrichissent l'ensemble avec subtilité et délicatesse! En france, un morceau de cette qualité là, on a une expression; on dit "c'est du velours" et là je te le dis cette petite perle c'est du velours!
si tu le mets en download sache que je le prends directement!
Je te dirai pour finir mais tu comprendras que c'est en plaisantant bien sur: je suis jaloux!
Bleep good to hear from you im glad you like this trick i have opened it to download if you want it you are very welcome my friend. The operation was not a success and so in September i go for open heart bypass surgery i hope that works this time and in the meantime i shall do music. Soon i go to hear the music of Hans Zimmer 13 august 2019 at St Margarethan Burgenland here in Austria. i love "TIME" which was on the movie Inception. Thankyou for for your kind comment which as always is appreciated Best regards Robbie.
so i was writing about your musical signature. It's really cool to produce teacks which are unclassified, that gives an experimental aspect, it's full of influences! Really like the beat you find too!
Always a pleasure for me to listen to your work rob!
Hey Bleep my friend its good to hear from you i took 3 different vocals into this track which are not correct English but i liked the sound of them and they mixed well so i was happy in the end, im going to the hospital for a heart bypass operation so im trying to do as much music before then and this helps keep my mind off that, making music is a great distraction im glad for that.
Mélodiquement parlant j'aime beaucoup c'est à mi chemin entre solaire et mélancolique. Le duo guitare piano fonctionne, ils sont bien complémentaires et la rythmique vient bien coiffer l'ensemble. A cela s'ajoute les petits fx de part et d'autres qui agrémentent à merveille! TRES plaisant à l'écoute!
hi there,
second time i listen to your track (first i wasn"t on my account so i could let a message)
i really like the ambiance, this alternance for the piano between short chords and longs chords is really great. The bass fulfills its role well by bringing heavy and disturbing side. Catching atmosphere in this one!
Each time someone let me a feedback on my last track, i go to listen to his track. One more time, 'im glad to discover your work, it's really good! Is new funk a genre you created or did it already exist before! relly good track!!
really good feeling with a lot of inspiration! reminds me years of kraftwerk, devo, ... strangely, it's remain very modern!
In any case, it is very captivating and personally, I find like many others the super intuitive and intelligent concept
i really appreciate how you melt the genre. I will add deep house in this mixt. The spine of this piece is frankly solid, it traces the furrow and it allows the lead (sax) to take fantasies that fit together in harmony.
Really good track
the clarity of the sound is exceptionally pure, very good mixing. Melodically speaking, it's very airy and smooth. All the instruments contribute to each other and enrich the overall feeling. It's simply a perfectly executed composition. Very nice to listen to, I loved it!
Très bon son, très propre sur le mixage et mélodiquement parlant très réussi. Le genre de morceau qui s'écoute, se ré écoute etc... sans lassitude!
Très bonne composition! l'instru, pas nécessairement compliquée, accompagne super bien les vocals, c'est très actuel comme son, très frais, ca sent l'été :)
it's not so bad for a first track but for me, you need to bring more relief and finesse because actually it's a little rough.
nothing negative in my comment just an impression after listening
Thank you for your comment BLEEP,
Black,Yellow,Purple,Eromina Gozoa,Capucine,The Hanging Beach, I could go on and on. You're a great composer/arranger/musician.Your sound is surgically clean and very entertaining.I also love your philosophy; There is music in my life because there is life in my music.
it's great to be listening and commenting to tracks again, Bleep, after months away. i'm glad this one registers with the feet - really glad. that was the goal. Great to hear from you. thanks. Dan
L'instrumentation fait très années 80, personnellement j'adore, et il y a une multitude d'intonation dans ta composition sur le plan mélodique qui me font penser à une foule d'excellents morceaux!
Tu as parfaitement servi la partie vocale, l'ensemble donne un résultat excellent digne d'un standard pour radios! ce que j'aime beaucoup c'est la dualité émotive que porcure l'écoute de ce morceau: il y a une forme d'allégresse mêlée à une sorte de tristesse; franchement, je dis mille bravos!
Merci beaucoup ... et de dire que je n'étais pas totalement convaincu de la validité de cette chanson, car le résultat final n'est pas exactement ce que j'avais en tête. Mais je suis content que vous ayez reçu le message émotionnel de mon arrangement: au moins, je suis content du résultat, c'est ce que je voulais!
Je vous remercie beaucoup!
urban and industrial are the two words which came on my mind, it's really modern. In parts of your track, there's something of prodiggy in an other register but in the same spirit. It's a personal point of view of course :)
So if you hadn’t specified that it was a cinematic-type piece, personally, I wouldn’t have deduced it from myself and that’s what makes your sound so strong: its versatility!
Musically, it's very deep, perfectly executed on a rhythmic plane. I found many influences like drum'n'bass, house, tribal... The melody, which turns in loop, is captivating and hypnotic as i like! very beautiful composition
Hello Bleep,
thank you very much for your wonderful feedback and the faves my mate. I really appreciate your thoughts and comment. I am glad you liked it.
Thanks again, my friend.
on From Away by HeathAlexander
on monsterage- second try by monsterage
on SIMPLE BLUES by laurentwirz
Franchement, bravo
on Jazz Hound by Nodog
don't understand what happened!!! i wrote a long comment and nothing has been posted...
So i'm going to write it again but this time in french i'm sorry :(
Comme je l'ai écrit dans mon premier commentaire, tout d'abord je suis franchement ravi de voir que tu as posté ce morceau cela signifie que ton séjour en hopital s'est bien passé et j'en suis sincèrement soulagé pour toi!
Concernant ton morceau, alors là je suis sur les fesses!!!!! dès les premières mesures, je me suis dit: "wow Rob a placé la barre très haute là!!!!"... Rythmiquement parlant c'est exquis surtout avec cette basse ronde et chaude comme j'aime! la petite mélodie au synthé est superbe: elle apporte le coté "lounge" à ce morceau, et aucun des petits sons n'est de trop bien au contraire ils ont tous un petit quelquechose à apporter et donc enrichissent l'ensemble avec subtilité et délicatesse! En france, un morceau de cette qualité là, on a une expression; on dit "c'est du velours" et là je te le dis cette petite perle c'est du velours!
si tu le mets en download sache que je le prends directement!
Je te dirai pour finir mais tu comprendras que c'est en plaisantant bien sur: je suis jaloux!
Merci pour cette pépite ;)
on Ma Pill is the Dancefloor by Nodog
so i was writing about your musical signature. It's really cool to produce teacks which are unclassified, that gives an experimental aspect, it's full of influences! Really like the beat you find too!
Always a pleasure for me to listen to your work rob!
on Ma Pill is the Dancefloor by Nodog
on Digital Feeling by Indieground
Mélodiquement parlant j'aime beaucoup c'est à mi chemin entre solaire et mélancolique. Le duo guitare piano fonctionne, ils sont bien complémentaires et la rythmique vient bien coiffer l'ensemble. A cela s'ajoute les petits fx de part et d'autres qui agrémentent à merveille! TRES plaisant à l'écoute!
Bravo à toi
Cheers !!
on Lo-fi Noir Chicago Detective Theme by thechockehold
second time i listen to your track (first i wasn"t on my account so i could let a message)
i really like the ambiance, this alternance for the piano between short chords and longs chords is really great. The bass fulfills its role well by bringing heavy and disturbing side. Catching atmosphere in this one!
on Bridges by neuromancer56
Each time someone let me a feedback on my last track, i go to listen to his track. One more time, 'im glad to discover your work, it's really good! Is new funk a genre you created or did it already exist before! relly good track!!
on Part 3 - The Hand of God by toastedavalanche
really good feeling with a lot of inspiration! reminds me years of kraftwerk, devo, ... strangely, it's remain very modern!
In any case, it is very captivating and personally, I find like many others the super intuitive and intelligent concept
on In the mood to groove by djmikehoward001
i really appreciate how you melt the genre. I will add deep house in this mixt. The spine of this piece is frankly solid, it traces the furrow and it allows the lead (sax) to take fantasies that fit together in harmony.
Really good track
on Tripudium Ad Solem by Orlando51
the clarity of the sound is exceptionally pure, very good mixing. Melodically speaking, it's very airy and smooth. All the instruments contribute to each other and enrich the overall feeling. It's simply a perfectly executed composition. Very nice to listen to, I loved it!
It's so nice to read such a positive comment...thank you so much for that !
With much appreciation_____Orlando
on the ckhld - Urban Wolves demo by thechockehold
For this one, really like the experimental aspect, really!!!!
nice work and a big fav for me!
on Henry Pascal feat Stepa K - Nothing Left by HenryPascal
Très bon son, très propre sur le mixage et mélodiquement parlant très réussi. Le genre de morceau qui s'écoute, se ré écoute etc... sans lassitude!
Très bonne composition! l'instru, pas nécessairement compliquée, accompagne super bien les vocals, c'est très actuel comme son, très frais, ca sent l'été :)
on Feelings by Lonelyawxy
en effet, la partie instrumentale est superbe, ca m'a fait pensé a un morceau du groupe français AIR
on sajmON - Virus by gamerp2
nothing negative in my comment just an impression after listening
keep on going!
on Hebrew Slave Jazz Fusion by Jynxz
In a few words: this piece is fabulously delicious! there's genius in this composition, thanks for sharing this track!
big fav for me
Black,Yellow,Purple,Eromina Gozoa,Capucine,The Hanging Beach, I could go on and on. You're a great composer/arranger/musician.Your sound is surgically clean and very entertaining.I also love your philosophy; There is music in my life because there is life in my music.
Je vous remercie
on I Need to Feel by DanGoldstein
Glad to see you come back on the looper place ;)
really cool dance track! will easily be played in clubs! vocals well-work with the instrumentation!
You make me tap my feet during the hearing and a track which create reactions or emotions has reached its goal ;)
on LunnchBoxx - Invaded by LunnchBoxx
nice work
on Henry Pascal feat BabyGee - Answers by HenryPascal
L'instrumentation fait très années 80, personnellement j'adore, et il y a une multitude d'intonation dans ta composition sur le plan mélodique qui me font penser à une foule d'excellents morceaux!
Tu as parfaitement servi la partie vocale, l'ensemble donne un résultat excellent digne d'un standard pour radios! ce que j'aime beaucoup c'est la dualité émotive que porcure l'écoute de ce morceau: il y a une forme d'allégresse mêlée à une sorte de tristesse; franchement, je dis mille bravos!
Je vous remercie beaucoup!
on Folded Time by royalnation
urban and industrial are the two words which came on my mind, it's really modern. In parts of your track, there's something of prodiggy in an other register but in the same spirit. It's a personal point of view of course :)
Thanks for this great piece!
on Lt Sara Bande by HeathAlexander
on Lt Sara Bande by HeathAlexander
really original feeling! nice work! conrats
on Way Of The Dead by DijamMusic
So if you hadn’t specified that it was a cinematic-type piece, personally, I wouldn’t have deduced it from myself and that’s what makes your sound so strong: its versatility!
Musically, it's very deep, perfectly executed on a rhythmic plane. I found many influences like drum'n'bass, house, tribal... The melody, which turns in loop, is captivating and hypnotic as i like! very beautiful composition
thank you very much for your wonderful feedback and the faves my mate. I really appreciate your thoughts and comment. I am glad you liked it.
Thanks again, my friend.
on Life Goes On by bmw2000uk
there's something of "rinocerose", a french electro band, in this remix! very good work :)
Mych appreciated