awesome track man really heavy one nice pro sound on this love the vocals keep it up man nothing too criticize and it FLOWS! thumbs up wonder that i heard nothing from you before
niice man love the intro nice pro sound on this let my head movin^^ nice flowin tune love everything that flows look at my name^^ and this flows really well nice done man keep it up!
yes very smooth one! love it nice style man you make great music my friend like too hear more from you! keep it up seeya man!
Some chilled one from me too:
Thanks a lot Ioka. Appreciate the encouragement. And I'll check out your tunes, even though it appears the link you've given has disappeared. Unless you usually end sentences with : , which I doubt.
nice creative intro love the harmonic waving thums up for only this ooh that is really flowing nice car drivin tune! man awesome style on this favd for sure! done very well extreme beautiful!
hey goretechz checked out your other tunes man you are on an extreme nice pro sound love it like this tune amazing structure great pro drumset nice massive lead everythin works well together simply thumbs up everything is awesome and fckin weird love it favd!
nice vocal intro man and yeah the small synth is way too simple maybe the snare too try too find maybe some more unique sounds donno miss heavy compression and normal loudness
nice piano intro man very sweet^^ but then what a awesome drop! never heard a extreme heavy bangin drop like this simply awesome nice done man! thumbs up favd for sure nice idea too make a big contrast between intro and drop and nice synth lead work
nice pro sound on this respect man! love it that really flows thumbs up love how you mount the tension and bring everything up an up awesome vocal maybe everything have some unusual dynamic variations donn about it maybe too heavy compression anyway awesome track!
hi..i have listen to tour track..and it is nice one...little bit glitchy and atmospheric..great job...but where is the vocal??;)..maybe to heavy for me but anyway its pro;)
awesome tune man the intro let my head shaking! donno about the combination of the intro and the rest i think it fits not well only my opinion nice ideas on this keep it up nice style!
evil lurks isnt that prodigy?^^ nice intro man unusual style on this nice oldschoolish drumset love the pro sound you have maybe sometimes we can collab could be very nice!
'What Evil Lurks' was the Prodigy's first ever single yea, no samples from that trance track tho, liked their mid to late 90s work better. I was a firestarter.
Like your work Ioka, Will go check your Green Violet choon bruv.
nice creative intro extremly crazy reminds at aphex twin nice progressive cutting edge style! awesome how you build everything up and up! maybe the drop wait a bit too long donno oh there is no drop^^ thought there must be a heavy kickin drumset anyway nice experimental tune!
nice phasing filtered intro nice dark vocals but miss the drop from the drumset into another sound way too simple need more massive compression and bass
nice intro man love the upcoming filtering but the distortion is way too heavy nothing against extrem heaviness but this isnt enjoyable listen for a long time
thanx bud ill keep all this in mind 4 when i do individual mixes of the track. all the parts 4 new world disorders are a mixup when joined together as a whole. i did these as quick dj style mixes.. ill stop in and give your track a listen very soon. i have another post on looperman as LD120 stop by if you get the time.........!1X1!
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Some chilled one from me too:
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on Up To My Neck In Ideas by BluntsAndBeats
on BMDub by DFury
on Panic by goretechz
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on Darkness by Alen9R
Thanks man for review much appreciate!
on Copy Cat by sn76
on EvilLurks by EzIcarus
Like your work Ioka, Will go check your Green Violet choon bruv.
on Ode to Arapaho by Spivkurl
on Wilderbeast by Badman959
on The Outset by Tiltedbeats
check out my new chilled dnb Green Violet:
and Moviesoundtrack^^ Black Mamba:
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