hey man nice creative crazy intro really brain destroying^^ awesome dude donno about the massive reverb on the drumset may make a second drop and then without any reverb this is mostly really awesome! thumbs up man!
wow man love it very creative thumbs up nice intro with cat sounding vocal^^ nice style nice flowing awesome dude! no man it doesnt sucks nice drumset!
really nice tune love the reverby drumset and the slow break in the middle nice work maybe sometimes a bit muddy great how you mount the tension like my new dnb tune check it out:
Thanks Ioke! It used to have over a dozen more faves, but that's what happens when people delete their accounts. C'est la vie.
This is my only real attempt at a kind of Reggae flavored Dub track, but I think I'll try my hand at it again. A lot of fun to do. Thanks for the review, and for the fave!
Thanks man...Yeah that pella is hella dope. Alividlife said the same thing about the kick too. needs more uuumphhh. I appreciate the feedback and for stoppin by. gonna check that tune out...Blume:)
wow insane style love it yes and massive wobble bass drives me crazy thumbs up for this pro sound! maybe way too short donno why many dubstep tracks are so short^^
love the noisy sounds combined with the harmonic atmo at the beginning awesome noise drumset love to use machine and noise sounds for the drumset, too nice work really mental
nice breaking beat at beginning yeah the bass is a problem a bit to oldschool for this track the waving subbass is nice may the leading bass must be more hardcore means more aggressive donno which way ya want to go but nice flowing!
nice dark filtering beginning nice drop metal drumset looove it very good this variation on the drums and subbass but why only 60 sec needs more space!
nice one shot deep beat love it nice atmo in background strange feeling with this tune the subbass have a strange vocal sound a bit scary hard to find a folder for this track chilled? or dark!
thumbs up because it fits nowhere!
wow fresh drop into new beginning? nice moving bass funky vocals nice style maybe a bit too many of different elements donno which way this tune goes nice accelerating strings maybe the drumset needs a bit more work means compression love too see it more phat
on B Liv3Wir3 - Bottle Music by Liv3wir3
I heard that lol
i reviewed it before
on Pure Strings by DjSiren
on One Minute by danster
on Meltdown 09 by Destrozar
on Domination by tommyb
on Railroad Lunatic by Alen9R
No reverb on the drums, just a good overdrive!
I'll check your track
on Joker by OzzyDubba
Ozzy Dubba
on Kitty-Porn by Warptone
on The Real Me by keyj
Ciao, k
on all in the jungle by senciman
on Primal Arrest by DFury
on Butterfly Opens - Titanium Handles Lock Fast by n0mad23
just a awesome idea!
complex but chillin tune nice combination!
no wonder that this track has so many favs!
This is my only real attempt at a kind of Reggae flavored Dub track, but I think I'll try my hand at it again. A lot of fun to do. Thanks for the review, and for the fave!
on History Of Pain by goretechz
thumbs up nice style perfect structure!
on Detroit Demeanor (Alividlife and Blume Mix) by BlumeChoon
really pro structure and sound!
keep it up need to hear more from ya!
on B Liv3Wir3 and Lost Soul Make Shift by Liv3wir3
on DFI - After Death - Extended Version by SGN
on Distant Brawl by Robotv56
Black Mamba sure is fast, I like it, I'll pop in a review.
on IO Romance (ft DjAerith 1000 hands) by nolochemical
on Endurance by JWilson
on Minor Setback by Spivkurl
on unfinishedverdikt by phatcontroller
on Gonzo by jfw
on Bog Deep by DevonHarlow
thumbs up because it fits nowhere!
on Your Such A Simple Creature by brassmonkeyltd
on Prism Fusion by SonicKDT