this is my cup ov tea,your beatz r baning,they sound properly produced,u shud consider putting sum out on vinyl,i rekon u wud smash tha dubstep r-d
Well that definitely goes down as being one of my favourite reviews! Thanks alot mate! If i knew how to put them out of vinyl i would do it in a second lol. But thanks so much! I really appreciate the feedback.
that tune is heavy,2 me it doesnt need much,maybe a high melody an cuple mo sound effects.wud u mind if a had a blast at a remix an put it on looperman 4 u 2 listen.holla bak r-d
i downloaded this tune last nite,im feeling dis shit.put it on my system an it was bumping,wat do u use 4 ya drum kits,the snares dirty as fuk.i added sum ov my beatz let me no wat u rema-d
i usually layer my kicks to get the right sound for the track, smae with the snare. for the snare i get a low range bouncy sounding one, a mid range kinda smack sound, and some pure white noise, layer em up and get the volumes right then reverb a little. everyone seems to reverb there snares to fuck but it kinda gets lost in the mix then. i like my snares to pop your head off. thanks for the review anyway
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,i think i no why lol.sik sik sik
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