

Joined : 17th Oct 2008 - 16 years ago
miots comments on tracks

miots has posted 24 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (24)
miots 2nd Dec 2009 06:19 - 15 years ago

on You & Me by DanielGtrman
hey there!

i have to say i really enjoyed this piece...i particularly think you did a great job with the lead guitar...both in execution and sound-wise...and yes! that's a very beautiful ambient harmony you found, and very well blended with those eventual strange notes on your lead guitar...
DanielGtrman replied Unknown
thanks for the review Miots-Man ! any track coming from me will always have "strange notes" in
miots 20th Nov 2009 23:14 - 15 years ago

on RADIO RADIO! by biffsteelmeetsjohnnyparty

dude thanks for singing on top of this tune! i totally love it...i can't believe you even sang on top of the jazzy part, amazing! great autotune vocals mate, and superb vocal harmonies...again, thanks, i really like the melody you came up with and your voice sounds really cool!
miots 13th Sep 2009 06:11 - 15 years ago

on The one for me by AidansTrance
another amazing song...i have two do you make trance sound with such variety? i mean, trance has some "typical" chord progressions, and you still make your songs sound very different one from another...and, how do you get that "hissy" sound from vocals? i've never been able to get nailed it!
AidansTrance replied Unknown
Thank you very much for the nice review.
Well I like to create my own sound. I like the warmth by using warm chords... ;)
I don't do much with vocals but you can make it sound clearer by increasing 2-4 Khz in your EQ and with a good reverb...

miots 13th Sep 2009 06:04 - 15 years ago

on Silent Waters by AidansTrance
amazing sound and composition totally dominate synths sound and mixing for this genre...if i may just point something out, in my personal opinion, your kick and bass tend to feel a bit muddy...have you tried removing subs while mastering with a high pass filter around 40-50 Hz? it should help a bit...the rest sounds amazing!
AidansTrance replied Unknown
Thank you for the nice words and the tip...
I'll try to cut the 40-50hz next time :)

miots 13th Sep 2009 05:59 - 15 years ago

on Ibiza Sunset by AidansTrance
congratulations buddy, you're really talented! i can hear a very cool use of side chain and it a deep bouncy accent to the synth, nice work
AidansTrance replied Unknown
Thank you very much, I think the mastering needs a little work...

miots 6th May 2009 07:29 - 15 years ago

on DJ Aeon pres. Halon - Sunrise (Let the light shine by Halonmusic
hey man, really good work on this one! you really know what you're doing...the composition itself is very good, i like it a lot...and the vocals fit very good as well, great mixing, i particulary like the delay on the vocals...if there's something i had to point out it would be that the whole beat could feel a little tighter and "bigger"...i would suggest adding a LOT of compression on the kick and the clap snare, and maybe cut a bit of the high frequencies on the kick, i hope it helps for your final mixing.

keep it up!
miots 30th Mar 2009 07:53 - 15 years ago

on GO FOR IT !! by DanielGtrman
dude, you've nailed that motorway sound in this've also managed to add a very mellow side to it with some great melodies on that lead guitar...seamless composition and arrangement...great tune, my man!
DanielGtrman replied Unknown
Thanks RÃÂmy for listening and giving a review. Good to see you back in looperman...appreciate your comments about the mellow sound of the lead guitar. Hope to hear some new stuff from you man..
miots 6th Jan 2009 05:24 - 16 years ago

on En Sarah In by Margueritecruel
hahaha, ca fait bien l'effet des plusieurs voix! oh, i got carried away...whoever remixed this has got some serious talent!ça serait bien d'ÃÂcouter ta version, great work!
Margueritecruel replied Unknown
My version also had the funny pop side but without going all the way down! Anyway i tried to play this song live with my band once and it was one of our worst performances...
miots 6th Jan 2009 05:05 - 16 years ago

on Chanson pour Rachid by Margueritecruel
i like this's got a nice 'back to the basics' rock feeling...nice lyrics too, lol! i like very much the sound of the rhythm guitar and bass, but i'd work on the lead guitar sound, and turn the voice a tiny bit down...Great work nonetheless! you can tell by listening to this it's a studio work, which seems to be something bands aren't interested on nowadays, so keep up the good work!
Margueritecruel replied Unknown
Thanks! By the way did you notice that i sing exactly the same verse twice? I never finished the lyrics!
miots 10th Nov 2008 17:09 - 16 years ago

on Buddrumming Little Metal Rocker by Buddrumming
very nice 80's sound mate! love the synth-like sounding lead guitar!
miots 10th Nov 2008 04:53 - 16 years ago

on Waiting for death by PedroCasillas
once again, i'm blown away by your music...thank you for sharing your compositions with all of us, and thank you for making me want to become as good as you...

miots 10th Nov 2008 04:46 - 16 years ago

on Stille Nacht by PedroCasillas
dude, this is amazing...i love the arrangement, and sweet piano playing! great and smooth walking bass you got there...thanks for this one!
miots 10th Nov 2008 04:41 - 16 years ago

on One Day by Ciko
(as tony the tiger would say...)
it was a great idea to have a steady beat played over a triplet-feel piano...adds to the already emotional feeling of the song, and of course, that's a gorgeous violin sound, congrats on this one!
Ciko replied Unknown
Thankx miots,

I appreciate ur kind words!
Its a nice comment! And yeah it is great to play a steady beat over a triplet-feel piano! Tony the Tiger was a wise guy! ;)

Thanks for takin time to review!

and take care


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miots 2nd Nov 2008 03:42 - 16 years ago

on Louie Who??? (With Sixfinger's attached) by Sixfingermusic
i love the warm sound on your guitar, and of course, great guitar playing! it really does sound like a Santana tune! congratulations
miots 31st Oct 2008 03:27 - 16 years ago

on Indie by TheElectricKitten
an anti-pop screen is basically a layer of thin fabric you put in front of the mic so it doesn't capture the excessive amount of energy from impulses, like the p's and t's, preventing it from reaching its headroom, thus from clipping. If you're interested, check this link, i just found it, tells you how to make your own anti-pop screen, lol!
miots 30th Oct 2008 00:45 - 16 years ago

on 1 Not 4 3 Demo by EVRiM
this is a nice display of a really creative use of loops, very nice song!
(i never miss an episode from the office! though i have to watch them on the internet, 'cause here, they're aired with a huge delay...bummer)
miots 29th Oct 2008 06:22 - 16 years ago

on Charity by EVRiM
amazing...lots of emotions in such a "simple" major certainly added the right feeling to it with your voice, good work!
EVRiM replied Unknown
thanx. love ur avatar. did u see the new episode?
miots 29th Oct 2008 05:44 - 16 years ago

on Randall-Alternate Rock by Randall822
this song shows some serious editing and mixing've become a personal influence for my future works...thank you
(if i might just point out a small detail, i think you over compressed the guitar, or at some points it sounds like that...but for being your second song ever, hell, you're way better than me!)
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Miots,
Thanks for the review. I appreciate it very much and the comment/suggestion.
I'll have to agree 100% about the guitar being overly compressed.

I am still learning as I go, and a person can work only just so long on a you then upload it and hear others comments to see how your doing, and what can be done better.

That is why the review feature of leaving feedback is help out others like me who are just starting out with music software.

Thanks again,
miots 29th Oct 2008 05:39 - 16 years ago

on Randall-Country Show by Randall822
damn...this is a great the banjo and guitar playing...and bass, an drums, and hell, everything...superb mix, flawless playing...excellent work!
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Miots,
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the first tune I uploaded on here. I appreciate the comments very much.
I love country music as that is basically where my roots are.

I am working on another one now featuring a nuber of instruments, including some Cajun fiddle music thrown in.
Thanks again,
miots 29th Oct 2008 05:25 - 16 years ago

on Indie by TheElectricKitten
nice tune...i like the sound on the's an electro-acoustic guitar plugged directly to your sound card, dubbed and panned, right? it's got a nice sound, and you got've got a nice steady strumming...not very usual among guitar players, hehe...i agree with the tempo changes, they're a bit too edgy, but it's a good concept overall...oh, and about the mic, it sounds like a condenser mic...those are pretty sensitive, so try not to sing too close to it, or turn your head away from the mic when saying p's and t's to avoid popping...or you can get an anti-pop screen, lol. Good Song
TheElectricKitten replied Unknown
never heard of an anti-pop screen and it sounds extremely useful...any more info and it would be greatly appreciated
miots 29th Oct 2008 02:13 - 16 years ago

on 3D Alternate Version by Sakura
this track has a very well achieved heavy's not easy for me to get a nice warm and full sound and yet keep a clear image when working with heavily distorted guitars and bass like these ones...great riff too, congratutalions
miots 29th Oct 2008 02:00 - 16 years ago

on Maybe Extended by Sakura
i like this...i like it's got a solid, melodic base with those crunchy guitar chords and steady drums; it think it's an interesting start, minor flaws i found : the mix is very good for the first 2 minutes or so (except maybe a bit too dry drum set), but then it got a bit muddy, and it's a bit too repetitive...but as i said before, i really like the foundation, i'm sure you'll come up with some interesting turning points for this song, nice work
miots 28th Oct 2008 03:56 - 16 years ago

on a dumb war by alkie
oh, i was talking about the song...
miots 28th Oct 2008 02:23 - 16 years ago

on a dumb war by alkie
very nice work here dude...the song kind of sounds to me a bit like Dream Theater's Sacrificed Sons, specially because of the speech on top of the music, and it's got a bit of a prog feel to it. Very nice editing work fellow! i never noticed a single chop or wrong sounding transition! congratulations
alkie replied Unknown
thanks very much miots now were you talking about the video or the song by itself.
Comments (24)