Ushuaia pool party: 26 degrees, begin of the evening where the sun is slowly going down but still being present. Slight breeze. Big crowd of a few thousands are enjoying the positive vibe of this. Nothing but smiles and lovely people. Cocktails are in happy hour (lol)
The energy is certainly there, I like this! I do have a honest piece of feedback tho. Personally, The only real emotional thing about this is that it is mastered so loud that it can not really breath. I can understand (altho not agreeing) that 'sausage mastering' has a certain positive effect on harder EDM styles. Or rock or something. But the more emotional/softer styles are actually getting the opposite effect IMO of loud mastering.
The energy going up and down is that i'm missing now because the loudness feels like i'm looking through a piece of art with slight fog. I'm sure that only lowering the DB's of the song will already change the entire way people listen to it.
about the loud mastering´ Personal i totally agree with that. i have done a self mastering before which was not as loud and sharp edged as this one. this was actually the mp3 ive got back from our label. thanks again for your honest feedback though much appreciated!
Wicked!!! I like your song a lot! You seem to have a strong hand in fusion genres together with ease. I've never been a real funk lover actually. Yet your track Hallows Funk already took my liking's. This one triples that.
Maybe its because I love house, moombahton and a good groove. You've totally made it your own sound tho. This song is like a good glass of wine. Easy enough to drink, but interesting enough as in discovering new flavors along the way after multiple sips. :D
My only feedback would be to have the vocals at 1:06 slightly faded in. Just for 1 sec to get it rounded and not coming in out of nothing. But its just a minor detail. You've officially own the record of letting me fave my first funk(y) track ;)
Thanks Wobbin, Already adjusted the vox intro as U suggested (good idea). I do have the ability to meld genres together with ease. I do not not believe in static genres. Music is better than genre and easily transcends it from a theory point of view. Great analogy by describing wine, you are very correct in that. Too me funk is just a cool derivative of R & B and Disco which ultimately morphed into hip hop and House music, so there is so much variation that can be made by finding a good groove or riff and just playing with it or experimenting with the sound. Thanks for stopping bye.
hey if I may give some feedback to make this better:
- Intro is good. Outro is good but I would fade it out instead of having it cut off that abrupt.
- I would like to suggest to hammer a bit more on mixing the special effects like 1:21, which is too loud, where the drop is to soft which follows haha. Even soften in volume then the part around 1:10.
- Also would I export the song in a better quality. Does not sound that 320kbps to me. But thats a minor thingy.
I hope you see this as a positive helpfull comment. I like this and hope you will consider making it better with the feedback :D
Hiya, this is a nice preview! Its more pop or electronic to me, but who cares ^^
For me, the 0:15-0:18 part is a bit remarkable. On one side does it sound slightly weird, but on the other way is it also kinda original. Not sure what I actually think of it. Just wanted to share. The mastering is quite loud. But that seems a hype.
Nice! Its literally spacy also haha :)
I think this is pretty cool! Funny coincidence is that I actually discovered this week that Youtube hosts a few 24/7 real life feeds from space now for several months. And in astonishing quality! But I guess you already know ;)
Yes I know 2 channels which has a Livestream of Earth 24/7. It really feels inspired while watching it but at the same time we humans are destroying this beautiful planet :/
It brings me in a sort of hypnotic and calm state. Good to wake up with, like now :)
I'm not home in jazzy jazz much. As far as I can hear, I have no real feedback to share. The 4 basic things I often check, intro, outro, transitions, mixing are all very good for me together with the production and vibe on itself!
- Wobbin
Reading some of the other comments, Its funny how everyone has his/her own look on this haha.
For me it sounds like some sort of chase. The song goes 'faster' along the way where it sounds like more drama gets involved into the scene. or intensified. However you'd name it. The parts starting around 2:55 sound typically like a 'caught scene where the beat represents a heartbeat'. But that could also come because I recently made an epic intro for a aboriginal themed track where someone is wandering the woods and get caught by an aboriginal tribe where his heart is going crazy from.
Anyways, I like it man. Its very weird, but also brings in more depth then it reveals at first.
- Wobbin
HAHAHA grumpy cat is seriously the shit! I'm often posting a meme from it on coversations with friends or family LOL. Grumpy cat is for sure president from all evil in the world. There is no other way...
Chainsaw is sharpened with japanese wetstones. Mmmmmh fresh meat!
With my artist name it was a perfect fit hahaha!! I'll post a picture tomorrow of them. They say the devil is the great deciever so what better form than a cute little pussy cat (^._.^)/ I love the meme Cat of Northern Darkness and Abbath, we've found the one fortold of!
I picked up some extra fuel this year, that sucked last year when it ran out halfway through that fat guy and we had to finish by hand!
I learned about cigar box guitars about a year ago, HAD to have one!! I'm a handyman by trade so building one was the only acceptable option. They're literally a stick stuck through a box, and as intricate or as simple as you choose to make them. The sounds out of them though :O All my regular guitars and basses have Grumpy cat (the great lord and master) on them, except my 5 string has just paw prints. That's my only cbg with grumpy, the rest typically have really cool artwork so I leave them that way. I saw that pic needing music and immediately said I'll compose for this! Improv playing, like most of my guitar playing. Thanks Wobbin the evil chef, I'll have a very nice supply of trick or treaters for you this year so sharpen up that chainsaw 3:D>
About the volume, I don't want to sound like an ass but you could simply drop it into a DAW, create volume envelop, edit points at the quiet parts, export > upload. 1minute work. ;)
Nice production with a good energy flow in it. Its a beautifully produced piece as well, besides the music itself. It sounds like its been a time consuming project for the (I assume) brothers!
The only thing i'd like to mention if I may,
At 6:30, the breaks comes to abrupt for me. On LP we see a waveform, but normally we only listen. Either way, I would personally put a delay from the synths into the break for a few sec, or another FX getting a smoother transition. At 6:56 break into the drop, its semi the same. However here I think that its possibly more easily to solve by just getting the volume up slightly towards the drop. But staying about 1-1.5db under the actual drop loudness tho.
I'm understanding that these are professional people doing this for a living, so I hope that my feedback is not seen as a bad thing coming from a amateur ;)
Nice track, I enjoyed this more then i even expected! :D
Your skills are great here, could not hear that this is your 2nd dub track at all.
The only tiny inni minni thing I can share as possibly feedback is to slightly fade in the first vocals at 0:51. Just to round up the exact moment where the first vocal note hits the track. That will make it more balanced and less raw in volume between instrumental vs acapella. It comes in a tiny bit to loud now.
Hello Wobbin! thank you for your advice, i'm going to do that ;) you're right The section vocal arrive with brutality. I must use a fader at the begining like that The voice will merge better in the music.
One more time, thank you for this precious remark
Friendly, Bleep
Honestly, its sounds like 200bpm heavy roller-coaster on drugs: which makes me ears hurt, my mind crazy and my fingers switch the track off within the first 10 seconds.
I scrolled slightly through the rest to be able to leave a honest review. Which I find important and where I always try to be positive, but with a form of constructive criticism to help the person further.
I'm not sure if its the kick who goes so fast, or if its a percussion, drum or something similar but the rest of the track goes at a way lower pace. Which all together for me, makes it to busy and out of balance.
Begrijp je wat ik bedoel? Anders is op z'n Nederlands misschien wat makkelijker haha. Veel plezier de 20ste!
- Wobbin
I don't think "scrolling slightly through the rest" makes it a honest review or even close to anything constructive but ok i guess it's to busy. And i don't need to talk Nederlands with you, we'l be just fine :)
Good deep techno beats! I could totally see myself going nuts on this in one of them warehouse parties! :D
If I may be so free: minor feedback will be
- Slightly less panning/pingpong effect maybe. Its awesome, most don't even think at those details! but it might be a bit to much taking away the ability to fully enjoy this hypnotic banger!
Hey wobbin. Thanx for stopping by and dropping a comment. I'm glad that u really enjoyed it.
And yes I will look into that panning and ping pong effect. Thanx for the feedback.
Have a great day.
The idea is there. But to be honest: its not more then a voice and an instrument. The instrumental is slightly clipping. Your(?) voice is actually quite beautiful. i am amazed by that! :)
My biggest advice would be to make a full instrumental which suites your voice but that could be the very reason for the collab. I am not sure. Its a bit empty and nude now.
on Its Alive by Jmano300
Robot chicken, is that like the pet of evil Robocop?
on Spoopy Trap Preview by Rileymicheal
- Wobbin
on Sync Diversity and Orbion - The sun Emotional mix by novaspace
The energy is certainly there, I like this! I do have a honest piece of feedback tho. Personally, The only real emotional thing about this is that it is mastered so loud that it can not really breath. I can understand (altho not agreeing) that 'sausage mastering' has a certain positive effect on harder EDM styles. Or rock or something. But the more emotional/softer styles are actually getting the opposite effect IMO of loud mastering.
The energy going up and down is that i'm missing now because the loudness feels like i'm looking through a piece of art with slight fog. I'm sure that only lowering the DB's of the song will already change the entire way people listen to it.
Just my 2 cents, chapeau on the production!! :)
- Wobbin
on Shadowless by crucethus
Maybe its because I love house, moombahton and a good groove. You've totally made it your own sound tho. This song is like a good glass of wine. Easy enough to drink, but interesting enough as in discovering new flavors along the way after multiple sips. :D
My only feedback would be to have the vocals at 1:06 slightly faded in. Just for 1 sec to get it rounded and not coming in out of nothing. But its just a minor detail. You've officially own the record of letting me fave my first funk(y) track ;)
- Wobbin
on Maroon 5 - Payphone Kaulin remix unreleased by Kaulin
I can not find any feedback to give you :)
- Wobbin
on Alien by JohnnyBoy2805
hey if I may give some feedback to make this better:
- Intro is good. Outro is good but I would fade it out instead of having it cut off that abrupt.
- I would like to suggest to hammer a bit more on mixing the special effects like 1:21, which is too loud, where the drop is to soft which follows haha. Even soften in volume then the part around 1:10.
- Also would I export the song in a better quality. Does not sound that 320kbps to me. But thats a minor thingy.
I hope you see this as a positive helpfull comment. I like this and hope you will consider making it better with the feedback :D
- Wobbin
on It Could Be by chreestofurr
For me, the 0:15-0:18 part is a bit remarkable. On one side does it sound slightly weird, but on the other way is it also kinda original. Not sure what I actually think of it. Just wanted to share. The mastering is quite loud. But that seems a hype.
Nice song!
- Wobbin
on Nova-Chillstep by AviatOfficial
I think this is pretty cool! Funny coincidence is that I actually discovered this week that Youtube hosts a few 24/7 real life feeds from space now for several months. And in astonishing quality! But I guess you already know ;)
Keep it up bro
- Wobbin
Thanks for listening and glad you liked it!
Yes I know 2 channels which has a Livestream of Earth 24/7. It really feels inspired while watching it but at the same time we humans are destroying this beautiful planet :/
on haunting regrets by mindhiest
Its a nice piece of ambient. I only wished it was mastered a bit louder :)
- Wobbin
on The Trains To Catch by PapaNelson
It brings me in a sort of hypnotic and calm state. Good to wake up with, like now :)
I'm not home in jazzy jazz much. As far as I can hear, I have no real feedback to share. The 4 basic things I often check, intro, outro, transitions, mixing are all very good for me together with the production and vibe on itself!
- Wobbin
on Track Progress NEED A FEATURE Singer or Rapper by Gipish
- Wobbin
on Whole Tone Haunt by DanGoldstein
For me it sounds like some sort of chase. The song goes 'faster' along the way where it sounds like more drama gets involved into the scene. or intensified. However you'd name it. The parts starting around 2:55 sound typically like a 'caught scene where the beat represents a heartbeat'. But that could also come because I recently made an epic intro for a aboriginal themed track where someone is wandering the woods and get caught by an aboriginal tribe where his heart is going crazy from.
Anyways, I like it man. Its very weird, but also brings in more depth then it reveals at first.
- Wobbin
on Ghost of a guitar by Burtsbluesboxes
Chainsaw is sharpened with japanese wetstones. Mmmmmh fresh meat!
I picked up some extra fuel this year, that sucked last year when it ran out halfway through that fat guy and we had to finish by hand!
on Ghost of a guitar by Burtsbluesboxes
Respect for the made guitars! Awesome pics. And that artwork on them hahaha hero
on Spacewalker by lAVel
About the volume, I don't want to sound like an ass but you could simply drop it into a DAW, create volume envelop, edit points at the quiet parts, export > upload. 1minute work. ;)
on Above the Clouds by novaspace
Nice production with a good energy flow in it. Its a beautifully produced piece as well, besides the music itself. It sounds like its been a time consuming project for the (I assume) brothers!
The only thing i'd like to mention if I may,
At 6:30, the breaks comes to abrupt for me. On LP we see a waveform, but normally we only listen. Either way, I would personally put a delay from the synths into the break for a few sec, or another FX getting a smoother transition. At 6:56 break into the drop, its semi the same. However here I think that its possibly more easily to solve by just getting the volume up slightly towards the drop. But staying about 1-1.5db under the actual drop loudness tho.
I'm understanding that these are professional people doing this for a living, so I hope that my feedback is not seen as a bad thing coming from a amateur ;)
on IceAge Raver - Halloween edition by SonnyChapelle
Tiny side-chain issue's but a nice one to enjoy a evening on ;)
- Wobbin
on Treeferlove - LATE NIGHTS by milesatdenver
The outro is a bit abrupt tho
- Wobbin
on Frequency by swindla007
- Wobbin
on Writing In The Reverse by 7landsmusic
I love your track! Very nice energy :)
I wish you all the luck further with your life. But remember the wise words Swindla said. He's correct.
- Wobbin
on Waiting 4 Neosian Herb by BLEEP
Nice track, I enjoyed this more then i even expected! :D
Your skills are great here, could not hear that this is your 2nd dub track at all.
The only tiny inni minni thing I can share as possibly feedback is to slightly fade in the first vocals at 0:51. Just to round up the exact moment where the first vocal note hits the track. That will make it more balanced and less raw in volume between instrumental vs acapella. It comes in a tiny bit to loud now.
Very emotional track! Fav :)
- Wobbin
One more time, thank you for this precious remark
Friendly, Bleep
on Forget the Past by lAVel
Who you gonna call??!!
on Technoboy by SonnyChapelle
Honestly, its sounds like 200bpm heavy roller-coaster on drugs: which makes me ears hurt, my mind crazy and my fingers switch the track off within the first 10 seconds.
I scrolled slightly through the rest to be able to leave a honest review. Which I find important and where I always try to be positive, but with a form of constructive criticism to help the person further.
I'm not sure if its the kick who goes so fast, or if its a percussion, drum or something similar but the rest of the track goes at a way lower pace. Which all together for me, makes it to busy and out of balance.
Begrijp je wat ik bedoel? Anders is op z'n Nederlands misschien wat makkelijker haha. Veel plezier de 20ste!
- Wobbin
on The Way Side FT katrinabarr04 by surya94
If I may be so free: minor feedback will be
- Slightly less panning/pingpong effect maybe. Its awesome, most don't even think at those details! but it might be a bit to much taking away the ability to fully enjoy this hypnotic banger!
Nice work man
- Wobbin
And yes I will look into that panning and ping pong effect. Thanx for the feedback.
Have a great day.
on Hickey by AxelStPatience
My biggest advice would be to make a full instrumental which suites your voice but that could be the very reason for the collab. I am not sure. Its a bit empty and nude now.
Keep it up man, I feel you!
- Wobbin