

NJ, United States
Joined : 28th Jan 2009 - 16 years ago
Concord777 comments on tracks

Concord777 has posted 8 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (8)
Concord777 1st Apr 2010 02:04 - 14 years ago

on Universal Anthem by Charlie_Walker
Fantastic track. Wonderful flow. Superb transitions. Great job.
It's a winner hands down. Love it.
Concord777 2nd Nov 2009 01:47 - 15 years ago

on Feel the bass (star struck edit) by Xtaticauk
You hit the right tune. It's definitely uplifter. Congrats, it's really great track.
Xtaticauk replied Unknown
dude thank you for the comments :)
Concord777 31st Aug 2009 00:53 - 15 years ago

on Air leak by DJVO
Absolutely agree with all those comments. It was time well spent. It came out as a truly great track. Superb arrangement. Very smooth transitions. Details make the difference. Keep it up. You've got great talent.
Concord777 4th Jun 2009 01:55 - 15 years ago

on Trakko_man - Summer Games by trakkoman
Very uplifting, great track but is it my imagination or there is
a little glitch at 2:07-2:08. Otherwise, fantastic vocals perfectly matching the instrumentals. Congrats.
trakkoman replied Unknown
thanks! Well the glitch I´ve made, so it is supposed to be there :P
Concord777 31st May 2009 01:44 - 15 years ago

on The Phoenix - Feat Eshar by Dj_ATA
I admit I had to listen to your track few times to get grasp of it but it seems to me that vocals don't come across in your arrangement as they do in Frank's. I'd think Frank's intro hits the right spot. I'd think adding more emphasis on vocals between instrumental parts would make this track very interesting.
Cheers, Mark
Dj_ATA replied Unknown
you are welcome at anytime mate =),yes it's seems to everyone heard these tracks,i thought when I heard this project was completed due to the replay it again and again until wonting my ear on it , my rules in my [computer =P] is correct my mistakes in new tracks,i'm trying to do some thing with this track but it's very difficult to remix it and it's boring too, i'm really appreciate you review thanks a lot Mark.

all respect man =)
Concord777 23rd May 2009 13:50 - 15 years ago

on Heddeheim Projekt - Floating by miriam76
Great introduction. Add a few more notes in the middle to the basic theme, extend a bit and you've created a stnnning track. Good luck mate.
Concord777 15th Apr 2009 04:00 - 15 years ago

on I Believe by Charlie_Walker
I was listening to your previous tracks. Man, you've got tremendous talent. I like your style. You're truly a transmaster. The best track I've heard in a long time.
Concord777 15th Mar 2009 01:11 - 16 years ago

on Euphoric Theme by Charlie_Walker
Great track. I wouldn't change a bit. I loved every second of it.
Comments (8)