Wonderful Just Wonderful I must say as one who loves the blues with Stevie Ray being my all time favorite Guitarist.This was A wonderful experience I would love to hear more like it.
That was just great i love the off beat brilliance of it all. That took it to new hieghts. It suirpassed my expectations. What ever you've been doing to gain your imagination and creativity keep doing it.
Good Job as the oyher review says you have hit the NIN right on the head you say its missing something. Ikeep waitning on some vocals. I eep hearing at least some sreams some kinda exilrating rage comeing from somewhere. I here it in the tune. The tune yhe phrase the progressions the whole of the songs is GREAT. it just needs that ANGST in their and it would be perfecto mungo.other than that it already is I added you to my favs.
This is the best track I ahve listened to in a while. Its great Everything about it is great just great.Its all where it supposed to be fits just nice. do it some more.
on Show Your Axe by Emann
Just Awesome
all the best,
on Heavy Blues 1 by Lestermex
on Just Blues feat Silvestre by Lestermex
on Tech by CheshireCat
on Where No One Can Touch Us by KylerClevenger
on follow the sunset by rei4real