

Back with some new heat!!
Austin, United States
Joined : 8th Feb 2009 - 15 years ago
DJKranK comments on tracks

DJKranK has posted 11 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (11)
DJKranK 8th Jul 2010 20:42 - 14 years ago

on get the fck up by djvany
I would love to download this and play it in the ATX clubs
DJKranK 29th Sep 2009 23:36 - 15 years ago

on Through My Eyes (Sample) by CR1Tic
It's good but i don't really see it as a trance track. I doubt you need vocals though. It is more of a happy dance mix than trance. ummm.... yea it has a trancyish kinda feel but its not "trance". Good mix though
DJKranK 21st Apr 2009 15:21 - 15 years ago

on LGC- GOA (Lifecycle) by DonnieVyros
Dude this is way cool, I love this type of trance. Except for the fact that it makes my eyes trip out for no reason. im at school and i had to stop it cause my eyes couldn't focus on the board. But its all good cause thats a good thing, Haha. Great work guys...
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Haha, that's cool mate. Though the eye thing? Oh wait, I see, you were multitasking, lol. Yeah, I get the same thing with trying to focus on more than one thing at a time. The downside of aging with ADHD (is that in some ways it wears off and in others it gets worse, shrugs). Glad ya dug it. Later on!
DJKranK 17th Apr 2009 02:34 - 15 years ago

on Techno Republic - Dry Circuit by Techno_Republic
Thats a pretty tight track man. I was liking it quite a but, its just it gets a little repetative so its easy to zone out... Otherwise great
Techno_Republic replied Unknown
I notice the same thing about that and I'm trying to work on it. I think I helped fix that with my next few tracks I have uploaded. I know exactly what you mean, and I appreciate the review. Thanks
DJKranK 15th Apr 2009 00:14 - 15 years ago

on Northern Lights (Daybreak Edit) by Falter
So i didnt know how to exactly contact you but i used the same piano loop you used here in one of my tracks and in kinda the same way. But still different. Its called Moon River, If its alright with you that i used that loop. This one sounds though...
DJKranK 13th Apr 2009 16:18 - 15 years ago

on Northern Lights by Falter
If you could get me that vocal and the piano i could do a hardstyle remix if you don't mind. Synth up the piano and speed it up with the voice creating an identity. It would be preety sick. Hit me up if you could...

DJKranK 29th Mar 2009 05:10 - 15 years ago

on Trippleclimax by Embryon
Alles ist sehr sehr gut. Ich leibe dein Musik! Ihr Ein großartiger Musiker. Ich würde schreiben, einen Überblick über all Ihre Musik aber das würde zu viel Zeit. SEHR SEHR GUT!!!!! Ich bin sehr eifersüchtig
DJKranK 27th Mar 2009 18:50 - 15 years ago

on Hold on to your love by boichasedboi
Yea it was pretty good but i think you need some type of break down in it to where it gets mixed up and its more of an adventure in the music than the lyrics. turn it into an adventure and the lyrics will come naturaly to people.
DJKranK 15th Mar 2009 01:47 - 15 years ago

on Clouds by Devodale
Nice voice... Classy song man. Classy song. Very nice...
DJKranK 5th Mar 2009 15:13 - 15 years ago

on Bright Lights! (thezerit,estae, and tizzle collab) by QTizzle954
This isn't all my stuff but im slowly getting into it. Pretty good man... Good luck with the rest
QTizzle954 replied Unknown
Thanx appreciate d review hopefully we cld cross u ova t our side LOL
DJKranK 14th Feb 2009 22:20 - 15 years ago

on Brainwashed (Mag-Nito) by MagNito
Very nice, i liked the begining the most but you could have done the middle a little more differently in my mind. Otherwise it was rather intense lol
MagNito replied Unknown
if i cloud the middle up that leaves only a little room for lyrical mass murder feel me? haha
thanx man!
Comments (11)